I Hate How It Ends

Nessie's assertion that individuals have changeable hearts is accurate. Elsi doesn't mind that Nessie is in a relationship with a new man as long as they are both human, and she only pays attention when Nessie occasionally sheds tears due to human behavior.

Nessie discusses the issue she is currently dealing with—her recent romantic partner has begun to deceive her.

"Should a stupid man be killed in your world?"

Even Elsi had never considered killing someone, therefore Elsi was taken aback when Nessie suggested that. Elsi recalled the tale of how mankind had deceived her parents.

"Are you sure you won't kill people?"

"No," Nessie replied.

"So, what said you?"

"Geez Elsi you're so innocent, there's no way I can kill a human, but in any case, I'm simply irritated so I just talk," the speaker says.

Elsi took it quite seriously because she was not accustomed to making jokes with humans in that way.

Nessie gave a headshake. Nessie came nearer to Elsi before forgetting about herself, who was grieving the loss of her beloved.

"Do you have any experience killing people? or a person like you?"

'Like me'

Nessie was unsure of what to say and worried that Elsi might find it offensive.

"I mean..."

"Yes, like me. Being a wolf, "Nessie was informed by Elsi.

Elsi sighed, and Nessie simply nodded. Elsi's breath made the space feel cozy. Nessie was aware of it.

"In your planet, that was far from being a human, and we always support our race when something is in distress," the speaker said."

"Even if lives are on the line,"  Nessie enquired.

Nessie chuckled in astonishment at how solar ideas they were in their same-sex love while Elsi nodded.

"Cool, wow."

It was typical for Elsi.

Nessie shouted, "If I were you, I'd kill people who had harmed me."

Elsi recently laughed aloud, perhaps for Nessie. In Elsi's world, it is very simple to render someone unconscious without thinking about the repercussions.

Nessie looked across at Elsi "Your face is incredibly smooth and attractive if you pay special attention. Why have I only noticed this now? You wouldn't have such a flawless face if you were a person, right?"

"I don't know," Elsi grinned.

"I want to be as powerful as you,"

"You may consume raw meat."  Nessie shook her head in response to Elsi's question.

Being Elsi is simple. Elsi must modify her eating habits, which she considers to be messy, and her resting schedule. She must also understand the character of mankind, including whether they enjoy taking advantage of others or whether they are genuinely serious.

It's difficult to predict, but Elsi constantly attempts to accept the circumstance; it won't be simple for her to go back to living in the forest without her family, of who she now isn't aware. The enjoyable days spent in the wilderness abruptly disappeared.

Elsi did not want to die in vian, she was the one who hoped to live in peace, and side by side with humans according to what their parents hoped for, which has now disappeared.


After finishing his book, Edgar went in search of Elsi because he hadn't seen her in a while. Dicky suggested that Elsi consume the raw meat in the bathroom while she was carrying it because Dicky was being kind to her that day. Elsi agrees to Dicky's request, and she is currently relishing dining in the bathroom.

She waits in the restroom with a mirror because Nessie is a buddy who is aware of it. If a visitor makes a mistake while inside, Nessie will code. Nessie took such action to aid Elsi.

"Els, it's been a while," exclaimed Nessie.

Elsi yelled, "Yeah, hold on, I'm enjoying."

Nessie's cell phone rang out—it was Edgar's mother.

Nessie murmured, "Why is that youngster getting in touch with me?"

"Yes, what's going on?"

Nessie answered the call.

"Have you seen Elsi?"

"With me in the bathroom. How come?"

He replied, "Okay, I'll wait outside the restroom."

Elsi is almost irritated when Nessie informs her that Edgar is waiting for her outside since she is trying to complete her lunch. Elsi unlocked the bathroom door.

"Is it done?" Nessie enquired.

Elsi nodded. Edgar was already grinning outside the restroom when Elsi and Nessie exited. Vian then turned rapidly, grinning, towards Elsi. Elsi was unaware of what was causing Vian such joy. Vian nearly went by them.

However, Vian's path on the left was unmistakably close to Elsi's, and while they were looking in the same general direction, Vian lightly stroked Elsi's stomach.

Then Vian walked away like a regular person passing by. Vian appeared natural without holding Elsi, so even Nessie didn't notice when he touched Elsi's stomach.

When Elsi arrived in front of Edgar, she suddenly felt sick to her stomach and coughed up blood. Elsi almost fell, and Nessie and Edgar were so startled and scared that they believed Elsi was critically ill. Edgar gave Elsi quick assistance.

Elsi turned around and searched for Vian because she thought she had grabbed her from behind by tugging her finger just a little.

Nessie cried frantically and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Nessie believed Elsi had consumed contaminated or improperly cooked meat. However, Elsi found that to be untrue. When Elsi was on the verge of falling, Edgar would accompany her to the school's medical center.

Elsi sobbed in agony, "I just want to go home," she pleaded.

Edgar responded, "You need to be inspected first."

Elsi continued to decline, then Vian returned and made a take-Elsi deal.

He said, "I'll take Elsi to the hospital."

"Why are you doing that?"  It appears that Edgar is refusing to accept it.

Elsi nodded when Nessie glanced at her. Nessie became aware that there was tension between them as a result.

Nessie pleaded with Vian to save Elsi.

"You, what the hell!"  Edgar was indignant.

"Take him away immediately," Nessie yelled.

Vian grinned at Edgar before transferring Elsi. Nessie tries to soothe Edgar for as long as she can, despite raging in rebellion against him.

***To be continued....