27. An annoying application form

After her trip to the training grounds, Mona decided to prepare her clothes for training. She was thinking of starting tomorrow. Sandra helped her with the suits and all she ended up doing was polishing her black sword.

While her thoughts were wandering on the Grand Duke's matters, a knock on her door broke her from it.

Mona stood up and opened the door. She already caught on to the habits of her maid just barging into the room without knocking, so she could tell the person behind wasn't her.

An unfamiliar face greeted her eyes. A man in a black and fine suit was standing before her. He was wearing glasses and his reddish hair was combed properly. His face looked mysterious and indifferent.


"My name is Marcus Nerville. The Grand Duke's attendant." He bowed after introducing himself, and added, "The Grand Duke has ordered me to take care of your papers, so I came here to pick you up. You need to fill up an application form for civil registration, my lady."

Mona strangely felt at ease at the attendant's presence. The feeling of not being stared at unpleasantly or being ostracized silently she sensed towards him, was probably because of his bright blue and honest eyes.

She answered, "And... I'm Mona." She closed the door behind her and asked, "Where shall I get the papers?"

"I have them, lady Mona. So then, please follow me."

The man led the way silently. They passed rooms and walked countless hallways, servants they bumped into bowed their heads and rushed away immediately. Mona noticed this, so she couldn't help but wonder. With their master, they would bow their heads out of respect and superiority, but bowing with fear and discomfort was given to his attendant instead.

Trailing behind him, she could feel a strong aura emitting from the man but failed to comprehend what kind was it from. She could guess the attendant was also an elemental magic wielder but was unable to tell what type exactly. This is maybe one of the reasons why they were distant. Since an elemental magic user is rare, the aura they emit is quite domineering and dominant.

After walking for just several minutes, they finally arrived before a huge double door. The man opened the door and let her enter first. She mumbled her thanks for his gentlemanly behavior, then felt flustered if it was even necessary. But seeing the small smile on the attendant's face, she was relieved her gratitude was appreciated.

"The Grand Duke has matters to attend to, so I was tasked to help you comply with the necessary procedures."

"I see. Thank you, Mr. Nerville."

"It is my job to take in the lord's command." Reaching a few papers on the huge table set in the middle of the room with tall bookshelves placed behind, the attendant added, "So you don't have to thank me, although I appreciate it."

He then put the papers on the table in front.

Mona took the documents and scanned their contents. There are queries about her identity and origin, so she was troubled about how to answer some of the questions. Since she wasn't originally from that world, there wasn't a place she could put on the address section.

"You can write this place, lady Mona. You can address the northern territory of Adri as your hometown. And as for your family name, it'll be better if you use your own.... from your own world."

Mona nodded and answered, "I will do that, then. Can I borrow a pen, by the way?"

"Oh, sure."

The attendant took his fountain pen and lent it to her. After staring at the paper blankly for a minute, she began to fill up the queries.

The room fell into a comfortable silence. She felt the attendant gaze but surprisingly did not feel any discomfort. He was probably just watching, to ensure she won't make a mistake on the document.

Mona would casually stop and think sometimes, due to some of the questions she had trouble answering. Like for instance, her age. Whose age should be put? If she goes by her original age, then what about her hair and eye color? Although her hair was the same color, her eye color was originally light brown.

Upon seeing her halt in writing, Mr. Nerville inquired what was wrong.

"Is there something you had trouble answering, my lady?"

Mona whipped her head towards him and smiled awkwardly. "I can't seem to decide whose age I should write down."

The attendant instantly realized the meaning behind her response. He fixed his glasses and smiled shortly.

"You should put your own. Your personal appearance right now was what people remember, so it's best if you change some things differently."

She glanced back at the paper. Her appearance belongs to Luna, it is something she could not change and doesn't want to change. But her identity is not the same.

"You're right." She answered. At least her identity belongs to her. She continued jotting down answers afterward.

A maid entered and placed some snacks and tea on the table, but she only ignored it and focused on the documents.

After more than half an hour, she finally finished answering them. She scanned the papers, quite disbelieving it took her almost an hour to answer. It was precisely because the questions had somehow become an essay on the last part.

Asking like 'what things she would want to accomplish being a registered citizen of the empire', with a minimum required number of words even. Feels like her application form was customized to annoy her big time. Since answering in an essay was her great adversary during exams back in her school days.

"I'm finally done!"

Yelling merrily, she handed the papers to Mr. Nerville, and after only finishing it did she have the chance to explore the room with her eyes. Large paintings are hung on the left side of the room, and behind the center table are the bookshelves. On the right were large and tall clear glass windows, with a door in the center connected outside.

She was guessing the outside was overlooking the garden, since from her angle she could spot the large tree with golden yellow flowers from a distance, situated directly across the room. The tree stands on its spot and the distance between them is wide, yet the image of it is completely clear and eye-catching.

The Grand Duke's office was a perfect place to spot the tree. So, Mona could perceive the former Grand Duke's intentions in placing his office there. It was to remind him how big his wife's affection for him on every day.

Mona giggled at her own silly thoughts. And continued to walk around the room. She was trying to read the languages engraved on the spines of the book and had totally forgotten her company.

She recognized some familiar history books but her attention was caught by a hardbound book covered in white and blue. She lifted her hand to take it but was stopped by a voice.

"That is the Adri family history book, my lady. I'm afraid you can't read it."

"Oh, I'm sorry. The cover is cool, so I got interested." She answered and took her hand away.

"The application form has been completed. Now we only have to wait for the approval letter from the Civil Registry, after I send this to them."

She just nodded.

When Mr. Nerville walked to the door and opened it once again, she instantly understood that she needed to leave the room already. Reluctantly, she stepped out followed by the attendant. They traveled the hallways again quietly. But they were stopped on tracks by a dashing servant, panting and wheezing from running.

"Sir, the knighthood received reports that monsters started to invade the lake area, Captain Ferrer is asking for approval to dispatch the knights." The servant hurriedly spoke with a clear and firm voice.

Upon hearing the words, Mr. Nerville rushed towards the training grounds followed by the servant. While Mona ran back quickly to her room. What welcomed her inside was her maid, Sandra, throwing her newly made training suits and boots on the bed.

"You can't fight wearing a dress."

She had no time to answer, and just immediately slipped herself from her clothes. Sandra aided her and brought out her sword. Although she wondered how her maid knew what she intended to do, she only mumbled a thanks and left right away.

She looked back and saw her standing at the door with an emotionless face. Normally, a maid would try to stop her lady from going into dangerous places or situations, but hers was even sending her by her look.

The Grand Duke did not forbid her to help and subdue monsters. In fact, she wasn't prohibited to do anything reckless or unnecessary. He only said to stay and do what she wants.

And for Mona, a week of playing with Nyx and sleeping in her room already maxed out her boredom. Though she was very lethargic and lazy back in her world, she couldn't stop herself but rushed and fought once again. It is as if her body had become accustomed to a battle, even though she had only experienced it once before.

She passed the training grounds and saw the knights and Mr. Nerville busy giving orders in place of the Grand Duke's absence. No one seemed to notice her presence, so she immediately reached the stable house.

Ed was nowhere to be found, but some horse grooms were outside watching the horses in the meadow. She jumped the fence and headed towards the last stall on the third row of the stable. Nyx inside was busy chewing his food, but when her shadow cast over, the horse whickered and flung its tail.

The day was almost on its noon. The magicians of the grand duchy are busy creating a portal, while the knights are preparing for another monstrous battle without their master. The servants are silently praying for their successful and safe return.

And yet no one seems to notice an exuberant neighing of a horse, galloping merrily towards its destination.