50. Missing darkness (4)

"Is there something wrong with my sister?"

Luven's tone was like volcanoes that might explode with just one wrong answer. With his mood gradually becoming sharp and intense, the wind blew stronger than before.

Marcus witnessed how the marquess' face darkened at his pause. He contemplated whether to inform him of Lady Mona's situation or not. In the end, he decided to let him know.

"She was trapped by a demon and had fallen into slumber...", Marcus readied himself when the expression of the man became grimmer and more dangerous.

But Luven did not attempt any malicious actions towards the attendant. He just asked him to escort him to his sister immediately. But the gusts of wind became even more threatening, making the surrounding trees sway aggressively.

It was as though turbulent winds were gathering ready to create a storm in that particular territory.

So, before a hurricane was created, Marcus hurriedly brought the marquess into her sister's room while filling him in on the details.

Upon entering Mona's room, Luven rapidly walked towards the bed and settled beside her, taking her hand and feeling its warmth.

Relief flashed on his face. He brought his hand to her face and caressed the strands of hair that escaped from being tucked behind her ears.

Luven felt somewhat complicated yet contented. To be acting like his usual self towards her sister even when he knew she was already someone different, and to feel the same way he did whenever they were reunited was truly confusing him.

How could his mother tell him Luna was no more when his body and emotions still felt her? It's like something is making him believe and pushing him to act the same. Like something keeps telling him that Luna is still inside.

"I don't remember allowing you to enter."

The deep voice of a man snapped him from his thoughts. Even without looking behind, Luven already knew who it belonged to.

With a voice laced with anger, he answered, "Is this how you take care of her?" His hands tightened on Mona.

"You think you have the right to scold me on that?" A voice filled with the same fervor answered him.

Before he could answer, he felt himself being thrown away from his sister. The hands that he was grabbing were taken from him, and he saw himself slumped on the floor a few feet away from the bed.

He glared at the Grand Duke now occupying his former position. Seething with rage, he responded, "And who should I blame then? You were the one who took responsibility for her, and now look at what she had become!"

The Grand Duke did not answer or retort back, he just averted his eyes and focused them on Mona again.

Luven was astounded. Seeing the Grand Duke lost for words is the first for him. He noticed how his appearance had become somewhat dull and weary. And the silent stare laced with hopeful yet anxious emotions struck Luven.

He realized how the mighty Grand Duke might have been losing sleep at his sister's condition. He clenched his teeth and stood up.


Luven jolted at the sound. Shifting his head towards its direction, he saw a woman in a maid uniform carrying a basin and some towel. Her face looks snob but she appears to be catching his attention.

"Lady Mona's condition wasn't dangerous...yet." She said after bowing to him, "Her body is still in good shape. His grace is doing everything to wake her up..."

'What a loyal servant...', Luven snickered at his own thoughts. Of course, the maid would take the Grand Duke's side, he was the master after all.

Ignoring what the servant said, he went to the other side of the bed and sat next to Mona as well. He also took her hand and held it.

"Let go."

He heard the threatening voice of the Grand Duke, but he didn't obey.

Instead, "You let go. She is my sister."

"That again? When will you accept your beloved sister was already dead?" The scornful voice of the Grand Duke triggered his emotions once again.

Unconsciously pulling her hands closer, he yelled, "She's still my sister! And you're just a nobody!"

He may sound childish but he doesn't care.

"Do you think you will still be related to her?" The Grand Duke replied, "She was already registered as a different person. She doesn't belong to your family now."

Luven froze at the news.

"So, you and your father should stop pestering her."

His eyes flared at the Grand Duke's next words. His muscles tensed and his eyes focused on him.

"What...do you mean?" Luven asked, his hands trembling lightly as he gripped her sister's hands.

The Grand Duke's eyes became sharp and scary as if remembering a very unpleasant memory.

"He kidnapped Mona before."

"Did he do something to her?"

"Mona said he didn't." The Grand Duke answered, but he then looked at him with probing and curious eyes. "You sound as if he's always ready to hurt her. Was your sister abused?"

Luven winced at the Grand Duke's words. He saw comprehension in his eyes, even when he didn't speak. His mere reaction gave away the answer. He lowered his head, feeling ashamed of his own parents.

He was aware of his mother's maltreatment of his sister, and he did everything he could to stop it. But when he was sent to a foreign land to study even if it was against his own will, he failed to keep protecting her.

He became unaware of what kept happening within the marquessate, and even if he kept sending letters, Luna never wrote back. He believed it was only because his sister getting more distant from him, and his resolve to finish his education immediately so he could hurry home clouded any strange thoughts brewing in his mind.

When he came back, he was astounded to hear that not only his mother tortured Luna, but his father as well. Even hearing that his own father whom he looked up to when he was younger, was the one who sent her into the guillotine.

His anger flared after remembering his parents' faces. One showed no remorse and the other showed no concern.

After the title was passed onto him where his father was only a regent even after marrying his mother, he kicked out his own father. His parents got divorced and he sent his mother away from the main castle. She was originally sent to the southern part of Semaria, but his mother came back and exiled herself to their villa located just outside the capital.

"You really have no right to sermon me about this."

The Grand Duke added when he kept silent.

Luven looked at the sleeping face of the woman in front of him. In his mind, the Grand Duke was right. How dare he blame him, when he himself failed greatly in protecting his sister?

His failure resulted in what has become of her. Died yet continue living. Vanished yet kept existing.

'I won't fail this time. I swear.' He promised himself.

He brought her hands to his lips and whispered that he would protect her no matter what happened.

The hands he was holding suddenly flinched. Even the Grand Duke showed a surprised expression and leaned even closer to Mona. The maid came closer to the bed as well.

But several minutes passed already and Mona's eyes weren't opening yet. They all sighed dejectedly and looked disappointed.

The Grand Duke bowed and kissed Mona's hand while muttering something under his breath. Luven witnessed the nervousness and dejection the Grand Duke felt while waiting and hoping for her sister to open her eyes.

Having heard from Marcus that Mona had been sleeping for more than three weeks already, he imagined the mighty Grand Duke of Adri waiting every day on his very seat and constantly wishing for her recovery.

He felt bad for blaming him, yet a bit skeptical about the Grand Duke's feelings. He's unable to comprehend how such a very cold man was able to become like that.


His head whirled in the direction of the frail sound and found Mona's eyelids half opened. But before Luven could act, the Grand Duke already provided her with water.

With his own mouth.