51. Don't leave a mess behind

Mona felt something soft touch her lips, then it was filled with water. Her vision was hazy and the sounds she received were like the sound of a paper being crumpled. It was unintelligible and distant.

Her eyes which were able to see the shadow of someone hovering over her blinked twice, yet the images were still blurry.

Gulping the water down her dry throat, she tried to lift her heavy hands and grabbed into something warm and hard.

A hand. Wrapping hers with another. A hand that Mona was so familiar with.

"Y-Your grace..." She gathered strength to speak and a hoarse voice came from her.

Gradually, her auditory senses slowly came back to normal. She heard the voice of the man, "Yes. I'm here."

'Finally....', Feeling relieved at the presence beside her, she shut her clouded vision and opened them again.

The surroundings became clearer, and the shadow leaning over her turned into an image, then became a man wearing a serious yet relieved and worried expression.

"...I'm back." She mumbled, trying to show him a confident smile.

The Grand Duke wiped her wet lips and answered, "Took you long enough."

Her eyes followed the thumb finger of the man who just caressed her lips and thought that it was probably the softest thing she felt before. She smiled again and thanked him after. But her smile wasn't reciprocated.

The Grand Duke's face remained grim, and the aura around him was tense. Her hand that was held by him was let go and carefully placed on her side.

Mona watched the Grand Duke's emotions turn darker. He was relieved she came back, but he also seemed mad that she almost didn't make it. She bit her lips and felt guilty.

She dared to speak and explain everything right there but her attempt was stopped when she felt something squeeze her other hand.

She shifted her head towards the opposite side and found a teary-eyed person holding her hand tightly.

Surprised was written on her face and she was speechless. She felt awkward yet she couldn't pull her hand away afraid that his tears would completely pour out.

"...Marquess..." She uttered, and the man being called grimaced at her.

"You can just call me by my name. Please." He answered.

Mona stared at the man in front of her acting like an abandoned puppy, and was reminded of her own sibling. Now that she thinks of it, Luna and she has still one thing similarity in their lives, despite being completely opposite of each other.

That one thing is having a genuine and loving sibling.

This man never acted like she was different. Even in her memories, she saw him acting the same way he did to Luna. It's like seeing her as his sister still and accepting her changes.

"How come you are here... Luven?"

The marquess was stunned for a second and showed a genuine smile afterward. The emotions he had were clearly visible in his eyes. It was filled with delight and contentment.

But when the sound of a tongue clicking erupted in the room, the marquess' expression became sour and ugly, as if recalling a very displeasing memory.

The sound came from the Grand Duke. His face showed displeasure, but Mona had no idea what made him displeased.

Luven caught her attention again, holding an open canteen, "Would you like to drink some more?" He asked gently.

When she nodded, a familiar female voice intercepted the marquess. Which made Mona finally realize the presence of her friend.

"Let me help her, marquess...", Sandra walked closer but she was ignored by Luven instead.

He carefully lifted her back and stuffed pillows behind, then he brought up his canteen to her lips, "I haven't drunk on it yet. Quick, wash your lips."

Luven's words confused her, but she drank from his bottle anyway.

"Prepare a light meal." The Grand Duke said towards Sandra and rose to his feet. Sandra obeyed immediately and left the room. When the Grand Duke started to step away, unconsciously, her hand shot up and grabbed his sleeves.

She wanted to complain about the Grand Duke's attempt to leave and tell him that it's been months since she last saw him. But her lips were shut closed instead, knowing that it was her to blame for choosing to stay longer in her own dreams. Selfishly fulfilling her desires while making him wait and worry.

Pursing her lips and letting him go, she asked instead, "Are....you going somewhere?"

Looking back at her, he answered, "No. I'll stay." He said firmly, but when her face registered a puzzled expression, he continued. "I just stood to throw some garbage."

She felt relieved at his answer. But also got bewildered when he whirled around the bed and grabbed the startled 'garbage' he was referring to.

"Hey! What do you-"

Before Luven could resist, he was already frozen. A thick block of clear ice enveloped him, and like a huge iceberg being tossed by the great waves, his frozen statue was kicked outside. Followed by a flying canteen tossed at his face before the door was locked.

Mona's eyes widened. She gaped at the rudeness the Grand Duke showed, but after grasping what had just occurred, she asked worriedly, "Will he be okay?"

The Grand Duke looked at her sharply, which made her flinched.

"Are you worried?" He asked in a grave tone.

Mona felt the chills, so she shook her head obediently. When he began to stride towards her, she averted his eyes but still felt his gaze burning her.

Gulping down the invisible lump on her parched throat, she answered meekly, "N-No... not really. I'm just...thinking that the marquess might spread rumors that will sully your reputation."

"Like what?"

"Uh...like being treated poorly and rudely by the Grand Duke?"

Reaching her side, the Grand Duke scoffed and responded, "Hah. If that's your concern, then you should have seen the southern duke transformed into a snowman and get played by his own son."

"You did what?!" Her back instantly straightened and she looked up to him.

"If you're that worried about their safety and my reputation, you should have woken up sooner." He said accusingly.

Mona fell silent and avoided his gaze again. She lowered her head and played with her fingers instead.

After a while, she asked him without lifting her head, "How long... did I sleep?"

She heard a sigh, then an answer after, "Almost a month."

"Only a month?" She asked, then added in a dazed state, "It took seven months inside...."

The gap of time between the dream and reality was too large. Approximately, a week in the dreamscape will take a day in the real world.

'So that's how it is...', She concluded. Her thoughts were cut when her attention was caught by the Grand Duke's stern voice.

"Seven months." She bit her lips and bravely met his eyes looking down on her, "What did you dream that it took you seven months to come back?"

His tone was never laced with curiosity, but only a hint of accusation and hurt. His eyes filled with swirling emotions, but above all anger, anxiousness, and worry he had on them, pain was dominant.

He was hurting.

Mona felt a surging emotion rise within her. It was unexplainable... complicated and heavy.

What was it? Why was he hurting?

"Did you dream of your own world? Did you spend time with the people you had in there?" His questions were spoken with sadness, "Did you wish to stay? Did you.... intend to stay inside instead?!"

His voice rose, restrained with anger and subduing the uncalled sadness for a selfish person like her.

She heard the tremor in his voice and felt worse even more. She felt worse for being selfish, for being weak-hearted. She wanted to embrace her new world and the bonds she made, but those damned dreamcatchers made her realize she had no resolve and still clinging to her past.

How come the protagonists in the books she had read about reincarnation or transmigration all get to adapt so quickly?

"I felt like I changed when you came back." His voice became lower and calmed, "I became talkative, a worrywart, and damn.... expressive. But I didn't hate it. You made me like this. So, take responsibility."

He locked his eyes on her stunned face.

"Don't just leave after messing me."