59. She's a beloved princess

They continued to travel along the southern plains to reach the fort. Their group would take a rest for an hour or two each day, camping in daylight to ingest foods and drinks to regain their strength and let their mounts rest.

When nightfall, they would make their horses run faster in case they enter a forest path and encounter stray beasts. Although those situations can be easily overcome through fighting, the Grand Duke prefers the travel to be more peaceful.

The group can't do anything but obey him and travel in a hurry, especially when their master's appearance shouts a bad temperament all day. They were too afraid to suggest or complain at all and made sure to not upset the Grand Duke anymore.

"What the hell is wrong with him?" Said the man with dark bluish hair and grey eyes, "It's already cold in the fall, and he's making it even colder. Tsk."

"Did something happen though? I feel like his temper went bad after we left the inn." Pierre commented and took a bite at the loaf of bread he was eating.

"What do you mean? Your master's temper has always been so bad." Luven responded and sipped water in his canteen.

"Not every time. But mostly." Lucaz interfered, even nodding at his own answer.

Mona sighed and bit her bread hard her teeth clashed and created a sound. She chewed it like she was putting all her ill feelings toward herself on the bread and gulped it down. Took another bite and chewed it with all her force, then gulped it down again.

"Are you famished? You eat like a beggar." Shelly looked at her incredulously and added, "Only these times make me more aware that you aren't truly a noble lady."

The three men watched her as she continued to eat without minding their stares. She had no energy to squabble with the headmage about proper dining etiquette or whatever. Her mind is already full of what to do to talk with the Grand Duke again.

Unfortunately, the latter is always with his captain, sending and receiving letters through a reddish messenger bird, which amazed Mona the first time she saw it since it looks like an immortal bird she saw in some illustrations. A phoenix.

"How can you say she's not a noble? Did she tell you?" Pierre asked the head mage, but then turned towards her and inquired with his eyes filled with curiosity and anticipation. "What are you, anyway, Miss Mona? Rather, what were you before?"

His question garnered the attention of the other knights silently eating their lunches during their hour-long rest. Moreover, her brother was keenly listening and waiting for her answer as well. It made her remember their previous conversation.

She gulped down her food and drank, then after wiping her lips with the hem of her sleeves, she answered seriously, "I was a princess."

Sandra choked on her food, while the knights gasped at her revelation. While the marquess gaped at her with shock, which she answered with a smile.

"No way!" Only the headmage reacted in words and shouted at her. Looking at her with utter disbelief on her face, she added, "You can't be a princess!"

"And why is that?" She answered with her brow raised, and looking at her with challenge.

"You don't even look noble enough! What's more a royal?!"

She frowned and answered without thinking further of her words, "You can ask his grace if you don't believe me."

"About what?"

His deep voice startled her, surprised at the sudden appearance of the Grand Duke in their circle. But when she realized her already spoken words, her hands wanted to smack her lips so badly.

Shelly answered him, "Is it true that she used to be a princess, my lord?"

All ears and eyes are on him. Even Mona gathered her courage to meet his eyes and look at him straight without avoiding his gaze. She wanted to show him that she regretted avoiding him and hoped that he realized it.

The Grand Duke smirked and answered, "She was. She even had her own monarch."

"So, it's true?" A knight whispered to another, but due to the silence within them, it was heard by all.

"The Grand Duke confirmed it already, I guess it's true." Another knight answered quietly.

She felt embarrassed when the Grand Duke kept staring at her even after a while, so she averted her gaze and it landed on the marquess. Luven was looking at her, more shocked than before, which made her feel a bit guilty.

She pursed her lips and looked back at the Grand Duke. But the man was already turning his back on her.

"Finish your meals. We will depart in fifteen minutes." He said and whirled away towards his horse.

"Do we need to call you 'Your Highness' now?" Pierre asked innocently.

She hurriedly shook her head repeatedly, "No way! I'm not a princess here, so...." Now she felt even more guilty, having them deceived by her. But she was a princess on her own, only not the kind of princess they had in mind.

Pierre sighed in relief, "Thank goodness! I thought I was going to need to act so prim and proper now."

"You'll look funny, if ever," Lucaz commented and stood already.

"Well, I bet you'll make yourself vomit if you ever talk politely, too." Pierre retorted and followed Lucaz to stand.

Other knights started to tidy up their things as well. When the Grand Duke mounts his Frost, they all follow and walk their horses. The fifteen minutes he gave was used to let the food down while riding their horses slowly. But after the time had passed, they began to ride faster.

They had already traveling from the inn for almost three days now, and by nightfall, they would surely arrive at the fort.

Luven rode beside her, and while they were on the move, he started to talk to her. But his words caught her off guard, not because of what they meant, but because of the emotions laced in his voice.

"Were you loved as a princess?"

She almost hauled Nyx to stop, lucky her horse was smart enough not to halt even when her grip on his rein tightened and slightly pulled.

".... Yes." Answered her while fond memories of her family flashed back in her mind. And she felt glad that those moments of reminiscing no longer made her heart heavier and lonely.

Smiling at him with sincerity and kindness, she added, "I was loved even more than I deserved, and those sincere affections from the people I left behind are my keepsakes, to make me continue going forward."

Luven stared at her and returned her smile, only with a bit of sadness in them, "I'm glad you were."

She smiled again and looked forward. Behind her were the friends she made in that world, and at the front was the man she wanted to stay with. In a faraway land, some people knew her first as Mona and became her second family.

Funny how she always felt she didn't belong in that world, but now she believes there's no other place she belongs to besides those people she mentioned.

The day was almost dusk.

The relieved sigh and overjoyed cheers of her companions reached her ears as they saw the silhouette of the tall and massive castle of the fort. All of them were dead tired and wanted to lie on a comfy bed as soon as possible, so they poured their energies into making the horses run even faster.

But Mona only looked at them with fondness and let herself get left behind. She looked above and saw the sky painted purple and pink, mixed splendidly in blue and white along with some grey clouds.

The sun was still setting down on the west, but the moon was already peeking at them. It was full and so bright. The moon's scars were clearly visible and some tiny stars began twinkling beside it.

She always had a habit of gazing at the moon whenever it was in its full phase. It was like that rounded glowing celestial rock that always enchants her.

"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"

The voice startled her, but she did not run away. She simply smiled tenderly and answered, "Indeed."