60. Night at the fort

Once they arrived at the castle, the Knights of Adri stationed at the fort welcomed the Grand Duke with enthusiasm and excitement. It seems that it's been too long since the Grand Duke personally visited their fort, but when they learned the reason behind their master's sudden visit, all their stares fell on her.

Mona felt nostalgic. It felt like their silent gazes filled with animosity and indifference brought her back to the time she first set foot in the north. But due to her weary mind and tired body, she just ignored them and followed her maid.

"My lady, the Grand Duke asked you to wait for him inside." Said Sandra who led her to a room. "My quarter's just next room. I'll keep your luggage with me." She added and went towards the next door a few meters away from her.

She stood frozen in front of the door. When footsteps reverberated in the stony hall of the castle, she looked back and found Kyden pushing a food trolley. Surprised at the Grand Duke's appearance, she immediately went to him and took the trolley.

"Let me do it, your grace." She said and grabbed the handle.

"Just open the door." He answered without looking at her.

Mona bit her lips and hurriedly went to open the door. She stood quietly behind it after the Grand Duke entered and silently placed the plates on the table. His solemn expression scared her a bit, but she only gulped the uneasiness and waited for him to speak first.

Once the Grand Duke was done, he lifted his head and spoke, "Eat with me."

Though his voice returned to being cold, she still remembered the softness it had when he complimented the moon.

Mona carefully walked towards the opposite seat and obediently sat across from him. But when the smell of the roasted meat wafted in her nose, she couldn't help but salivate and focus on her share. Throughout their travel, she only ate light meals to avoid upsetting her stomach from riding again right after their rest.

"Dig in."

She lifted her eyes and met the Grand Duke's, seemingly looking amused at her all of a sudden. She avoided his gaze and grabbed the fork and knife, then started eating.

First bite and she had already forgotten the fierce man looking at her intensely.

"This time you're ignoring me over food now, huh."

Mona choked on her food as soon as she understood his words. She threw him a look full of disbelief.

After coughing a few times, she answered incredulously, "Are you...sulking?"

The Grand Duke raised his eyebrow at her but didn't answer. Instead, he stood and took something inside his coat hanging by the door. She continued eating while waiting. When the Grand Duke returned, she drank her water and focused on him, since he seemed to have something important to say.

She wiped her lips and asked, "What is that?"

Kyden sat beside her, which made her conscious for a bit, but when he put down an envelope in her front, her attention shifted to it.

"It is something I should have given you, but you started avoiding me then." He answered and leaned on the backrest.

Mona lowered her head and mumbled, "I'm sorry."

"Don't pull something like that again." Said he in a stern voice full of authority.

She nodded and answered obediently, "I won't."

Thinking that the reason for her past behavior wasn't really because of the head mage, she thought that avoiding the Grand Duke wouldn't happen, since she was already determined to overcome her shyness and ask the Grand Duke directly if something like 'that' happened again.

"It's settled, then. Next time you avoid me again, I'll pick you up and tie with me." Said the Grand Duke while playing with a few locks of her hair. His action made her heart race again, but she tried to be calm and let him. "The letter was addressed to you. Open it."

Mona took the envelope and lifted the lid. It was already opened which means that the Grand Duke might have opened it beforehand and seen the content, but seeing the seal on its front tells her it wasn't a personal letter.

"I… got approved?" She asked with uncertainty even after reading the content.

Kyden nodded and smiled at her, "Yes. You are now an official citizen of Semaria, Miss Young."

Seeing him flash his subtle smile with gentleness and fondness in his eyes, Mona thought that everything would finally start to fall into place. She will finally be able to step outside the shell of the past and start building her own image.

"And I'm thinking of having your debut on high society in the capital."

Her head whipped back at him in astonishment. But her bewildered face and aghast expression were ignored by him.

Instead, he continued to speak, "Two years ago, the king announced Lady Vandross's death and the emergence of your existence. They may have been informed, but it's uncertain if everyone believed it."

He's right. Mona wondered.

She remembered those group of people who chased them before, and the other group of citizens who stopped them on their way to the Lost Pier. They were all the families of Luna's victims.

Once again, her heart throbbed in pain. Something she kept feeling whenever she remembered how Luna's image was painted black and evil despite her gentle and innocent nature.

She still felt a heavy burden in her heart. Something that kept gnawing the wrapped bandage in her wounded part. It terrifies her as if it's telling her that some part of her landlady is still alive.

When she was already determined to live a new life.

"You need to give them proof for them to believe," Kyden added, pulling her back to the present. "You know there should be an oral evaluation during the registration process, right? The evaluation will be done in public."

She stared at him and answered, "I have to show them my divine magic?"

When the Grand Duke nodded, she immediately averted her eyes and smiled bitterly.

To live a new life peacefully, she must clear any suspicions about her identity and eliminate any possibilities that Luna might still be alive. By showing them that she is a pure divine mana user.

But what would happen if people found out about her dark ability? Will she live the same life Luna experienced? Not all people can understand that being a dark mana user doesn't mean being a villain or an evil person.

She felt her hand enveloped by large and warm hands. She lowered her eyes and saw his, holding hers gently and giving her warmth, as if the man could understand the turmoil in her mind and the fear of her future.

"I can assure you that no one in my people will tell anyone about your dark magic. For now, we have to hide it since people don't understand yet." His hand tightened around hers, "So for the meantime, Mona, don't use it no matter what happens."

She will trouble the Grand Duke, or even bring down his image if people find out. She told herself long ago that hiding herself would never occur again, but now, some people's lives are at stake if she insists on her self-proclaimed principle.

She answered the Grand Duke with only a nod.

When her sight lingered on the table still filled with plates of untouched food, she realized she already lost her appetite. But also noticed that the Grand Duke has not even taken a bite yet.

"You should eat first." Said her and reached for a plate of roasted meat, taking her hands back from him.

But Kyden only put the plate down again and stared at her with accusing eyes. After realizing why he appeared like that, she yelled embarrassingly, "I'm not avoiding you, okay?!"

Kyden chuckled and responded, "Why so defensive?" He then looked at her and smirked, "I think I'm craving for some tomatoes."

His smirking face looked so handsome that Mona's heart fluttered rapidly. She avoided his gaze and stood abruptly, "I'll go get you some then."

She bolted through the door and walked towards the next room where Sandra was. The maid opened the door just after a few knocks and then stared at her with wonder.

"Tomatoes." She uttered. Wanting to laugh at the ambiguity of her own speech.

But still, Sandra replied, "Right, my lady. Your face is as red as a tomato."