80. Royal Banquet (6)


She shifted her gaze from the seal to the one who called her.

"Bless the imperial seal," Eli said.

"How? I am not accustomed to giving blessings." She answered. Looking forward to the emperor who was kneeling.

"Just bless it with divine mana after me," Eli replied before standing on the emperor's right side a meter away.

She did the same. Although nervous, she walked to his left and stood there as well. In her background, she could see the astonished expressions of every attendee. They all could not believe that an accursed lady like her was standing beside the emperor and helping the Saintess.

Her gaze stopped on the far side of the hall, opposite to her. The Grand Duke was standing there with her brother, the Marquess. They were both looking at her and wearing a reassuring smile.

"As the second highest rank in command within the Holy Nation, I bless this crown with divinity, so that whoever wears this crown will bask in the guidance of the heaven and therefore rule with honor, dignity, benevolence, and compassion. May the king who put this on walk in the path of righteousness and wise governance." Second Highest Priest Deuxen said and the crown began to shine in his hand.

The crown lifted in the air and slowly descended on the emperor's head, and then a golden circle emerged on the floor. It shone brightly beneath him. Emperor Renvillon stood proudly and turned to the Saintess.

After that, Saintess Elizabeth stepped forward and spoke, "As the chosen disciple of the God of Light and Creation, I cleanse this scepter of any impurity and negative energy. May the king who will hold this scepter rule his empire without violence and cruelty, without discrimination and avarice; and govern with pure intention and clean hands."

When Eli handed the scepter with both hands, it shone brightly as well before the emperor took it; only then did Mona feel the sweat trickle at her back and temple. She doesn't know what to say. The speech of the other two pressured her more.

What the hell did she need to say anyway?

But when the emperor took a half turn and faced her, she knew she needed to say something. Whatever bullshit it may be.

"A-As…an individual that descends in this empire, I bless this seal with utmost protection from any malicious intent. May the king who will own this seal not be blinded with power and greed, and only use it for the welfare and improvement of his empire."

She imbued divine mana on the box. Like the other two things, the seal shone brightly. She bowed and handed the box to the emperor with both hands. She lowered her head, embarrassed to look ahead since she was certain that the three people close to her noticed her shaking hands.

But then, the emperor whispered to her, "You did well."

She can't help but sigh in relief. She straightened her back and saw Eli looking at her with sparks in her usual somber eyes. The Saintess was teasing her. If they weren't in front of many people, she was sure she'd be grinning at her already.

But she wasn't like her at all, so she pouted at her and rolled her eyes.

"Did you hear that? An individual that descends in the empire?"

"But did you see that also? She wields divine mana!"

"And earlier, the Saintess protected her. It also appears that they have a close relationship."

"How could that be? Who might she be if not that 'evil woman'?"

Mona ignored those whispers, but it changed her demeanor. She felt Eli come closer to her, as well as the second high priest. They stood in front of the emperor.

"I am truly grateful for the Second High Priest and the Great Saintess who personally came to bless the imperial family tonight. I also would like to give my gratitude to Lady Mona Young, who had helped in making the High Priest and the Saintess' attendance here possible."

He looked at her, sending signals for her to speak.

"It is my greatest honor to be able to help, your Majesty." She said and curtsied before him.

"Now that you are here, we should conduct a proper introduction." He gestured for his attendant, Gideon, to come closer. He handed the things in his hand and spoke in a loud voice, enough to be heard by the entire audience.

"Two years ago, I announced the death of Luna Evangeline Vandross, the eldest child of the Vandross Marquessate, and that her body was occupied by another. One that the Oracle had prophesied to come. Today, that person stands before you all. She spent two years in the Holy Nation and attended the Saintess as her aide, so I do hope that you will no longer mistake who she really is."

The audience was silent. It was as if their thoughts were keeping them mum, each of them weighing the words of the emperor.

But Mona's attention was no longer on them. It was caught by a woman, wearing a black dress and holding up a fan. She wasn't paying attention or looking at them at all. Behind the circular columns on the side part of the hall, she was walking fast as if being chased by something.

Her long black hair was tied in a bun, her movement was rushed yet refined. It was the face of the woman whom she had never met, yet unpleasantly familiar to her.

Deep inside, Mona felt a terrible feeling yet there was an undeniable longing. Her pupils followed the woman until she disappeared from her sight. Only then did she realize that she'd been holding her breath.

From her peripheral, she could see Eli looking at her. Perhaps her friend felt the turmoil inside her.

Reaching for her hand, Saintess Eli introduces her, "This lady learned the use of divine mana under me. And for two years, she had become a reliable assistant. Even the First Highest Priest recognized her."

Glancing over the audience, she bowed and introduced herself in the dullest voice she could make. There was no need to butter up to those nobles. All she wanted was to clear her name and live peacefully without hiding her face for fear of being hunted.

And it was lucky that the Grand Duke wasn't on good terms with the capital's nobility. She could live in his territory without engaging herself with them.

After the introduction, she ignored everyone and went in the direction where the woman went.

It has nothing to do with her. Mona kept telling herself.

That was Luna's affair. She was Luna's mother.

And Mona already decided to live as herself, and not bound by her landlady.

So, she was conflicted.

Why does she find herself running to her? Who does she think she is? She was not her mother! She doesn't even deserve to be called 'mother'!

Her feelings were clashing. The hatred she felt towards her was overflowing, yet the heaviness in her heart remained. It was frustrating. She could only hate her, for what she did to Luna, yet her emotions are like that. It is as if she sees her as her mother.

There is no way that woman was her mother. She is Mona. She has a mother who truly loves her, unlike that cruel woman!

Her rapid steps were stopped by something. A warm embrace enveloped her. She heard someone's panting, and it was accompanied by the sounds of sobbing. Mona wondered who it was, so she struggled and lifted her head.

But the face is unrecognizable.

It was blurry.