81. Royal Banquet (7)

"Hush. Calm down."

That voice belongs to someone Mona is most familiar with.

She wrapped her arms around the Grand Duke and silently calmed herself down. But it took several minutes before her tears ran out.

During those times, Kyden was just patting her back silently, not asking anything at all. Even though his eyes were pained from the sight of his woman crying, he held his rage and glared in the direction where the former Marchioness Vandross went.

They were outside the banquet hall now, standing on the narrow pathway beneath the cantilevered balconies. And based on the direction of where the older woman went, she was headed to where the entrance gate of the Sea Palace was.

The party hadn't been that long, but it seemed that the latter wanted to go home already. Kyden wondered if the Marquess was aware of his mother's disappearance.

In the first place, he thought why would the man bring his mother? There was no way Marquess Vandross did not know of his plan. He didn't tell him, but he was certain the younger man already had an idea.

"I-I need to go."

Kyden looked down on Mona's tear-stained face. Her eyes are puffy, and her cheeks are wet. He cupped her face and gently wiped it.

"Why are you crying?" In the end, he can't help but ask.

"I don't know."

"Where do you need to go then?"

Mona blinked and the haziness of her vision finally became so clear. The worried eyes of the Grand Duke were focused on her.


That's right. Mona wanted to go home. She wanted to analyze why she felt like that. The strong feelings towards the older woman, it was like for a moment she became Luna.

She shuddered at the thought.

For the first time, she learned how much of a hypocrite she was.

She wanted Luna to remain living and not be forgotten, she wanted her name to be cleared of any accusations. But she realized how afraid she was at the thought of her claiming back her body.

She was actually scared of how people would perceive her if they kept looking at her as Luna, so instead of clearing her name, she proclaimed a new one.

"Yes. Let's go back home."

The soft whisper of the Grand Duke intercepted her ugly thoughts. She let him guide her to where the carriage was.

Holding his warm hands and looking at his wide back sent relief to her.

It was this man that's making her more afraid and greedier.

If her suspicion was possible or worse, correct; then what would happen to Monarki? If the reason why she felt that way was because of Luna slowly coming back, then what is she? What will she be? And what will happen to the Grand Duke?

Her grip on his hand tightened.

And it seems Kyden felt her emotions and squeezed back.

Kyden just held her throughout the travel, and they reached the mansion in silence. Failing to say their goodbyes to the emperor doesn't faze them. And they didn't even wait for the Ferrer siblings to catch up.

All Kyden wanted was to take her home and comfort her. Erase the anxiousness on her face and replace it with warm kisses. And above all, learn what's making her feel like that. In his eyes, she looks afraid of something unknown and inevitable.

And oddly enough, it pains him more.

He had never felt the feeling of helplessness before, especially having them because of someone. It was frustrating, unable to help or do anything to erase her worries which he had no idea about. And it was saddening that Mona didn't tell him anything.



Elizabeth looked over in the direction of the voice.

Standing upright behind the door, was the second highest priest looking at her. After meeting his eyes, she returned her gaze beneath the balcony where a beautiful garden was properly maintained.

"Is it possible to extend our stay here? There's also the matter of the missing ancient relic. I wanted to talk to Mona about that." Eli answered while observing the two shadows on the fountain.

"I will send a notice for that."

She heard footsteps coming closer and found the priest leaning on the balustrade as well. He, like her, stayed to watch over the two people from afar.

"Mona left the banquet with the Grand Duke already." Second Highest Priest Deuxen informed her. He sighed in relief as he remembered how her face darkened after the ceremony.

"I saw the mother." Eli replied, "I am amazed how the children are exactly the spitting images of their parents."

"It's supposed to be like that."

"It bothers me though, Your Eminence. I thought Mona's eyes were from her father, but he is different."

From her peripheral, she could see the priest giving her a side glance. But she pretended to be nonchalant about her question. She knew well how scandalous her words might be, so she made sure no one was around except the two of them.

"It can be from her grandparents."

That can be possible.

Or perhaps it is because of the owner's original magic element.

So, does that mean that her dark mana came from her ancestors as well?

Dark magic users are not entirely nonexistent. They were just seen negatively, so they hid themselves; some were persecuted and murdered. Because of the decline in their numbers, the God of Darkness and Destruction weakened and gradually forgotten.

Eli knew the existence of God's abandoned temple in the Holy Nation. Even the high priests knew it. After all, the God of Darkness and Destruction is still a god, considered the second most powerful god after Light and Creation.

But because of his nature, no one worships him. Slowly, his devotees decreased until his temple became deserted.

The lady of the Vandross Marquessate was the first dark magic user Eli knew the existence of. She was never given the chance to meet her alive, so her curiosity about the dark mana wasn't satiated. She always wondered what was the difference between the two except for their color.

'Darkness is black and scary, but does it really also signify evil? It can also be cold and lonely.'

The words Mona murmured the first time they met echoed in her memory.

It is true. Black doesn't mean evil; darkness doesn't equate to witchcraft and demonic. She had never heard someone call the night demonic, or seen someone who wears black dress a witch.

Mona's argument has a point. And it left an impact on her.

A subtle smile broke on her lips when she recalled how Mona looked so nervous in the ceremony earlier. Most of the time, during her stay at the holy land, Mona always spouts nonsensical and trivial things.

Her randomness is quite entertaining but often irritating, but Eli also knows how wise and smart she is. Her words have depth in times of necessity, and it always shocks her how broad and open her perspective is.

'If Mona was of this world, she could have been a strong candidate as the Saintess…' Eli thought.

"I hope the Saintess won't bring this kind of topic to anyone again."

Eli blinked as her thought was cut by the priest's words.

That's a given.

"Of course. I was just saying random things, anyway."

She turned around and left, after all, the shadows of the father and son from beneath had already left. She felt the high priest followed her from behind, and it annoyed her a bit.

Walking down the stairs, plenty of curious and admiring gazes fell on her. She ignored them all and headed towards the exit.

But before she could do it, a polite voice made her stop.

"Your Holiness," Eli turned her head to not humiliate the man, "May I ask for a dance with you?"

Her index finger twitched. She hated dancing, and this man standing before her knew it. Yet he still dared to ask her.

Hiding her indignation from his inconsiderate action, she answered, "You may, Your Majesty."