128. The king's magic stones

Mona hit the count's face and kicked her legs, but the strength of the wind magic user was greater than her, thus, all her struggles were futile. She tried to bite his arms but even that was pointless, as the man's arms were as hard as rock.

"Let go of me!"

She grabbed his collar and did her best to choke him, but his left hand caught her wrists and pinned them against his chest, while his right clutched her shoulders, impeding her movement. She used her legs to kick him again.

With her unrelenting struggles, she slightly slid off from his grasp. She looked down and gave all her strength to that one kick she planned to attack.

She kneeled his manhood without hesitation. 

He groaned and bent down without letting her shoulders go. She took the opportunity to hammer her head at the back of his, which ruined his balance and they both fell on the floor. She felt blood trickled down her nose.