Buried Secrets PRT. 1

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The Orleans Cemetery

A black Bugatti Chiron pulled by the side of the cemetery. Hopping out was Jeffrey. His face was dead serious and lacked the positive emotions.

The sound of crows and Raven thundered the dark skies of the cemetery. He had come to further his investigation about Dorothy's death.

The area it was was highly isolated. No one comes here to begin with due to the rumors of a demon that hunts the cemetery like the dark wood— but I wonder whether this rumors are true or not.

With the situation of the place, you can believe anything.

I crouched down when I noticed something that was very peculiar. It was a earring, it looked brand new.

I looked ahead realizing someone was definitely present around the area. I pulled out my Beretta M9 and motioned my steps into the cemetery.

I advanced much further with my eyes keen on sight, aiming my gun in a direction. My trampled upon broken woods. Snapping loudly, causing the birds in the woods to make alarming noises for whoever was in the cemetery.

"Dammit!.", I muttered dropping my hands down. Biting my lips with the thought that whoever was around had ran away.

I kept looking around, my instincts weren't letting me leave, the feeling of someone being present made me continue my search.

Whoever, they could be hiding. Besides, the only entrance out of here is the one right behind so how could they have possibly escape so fast, that alone coupled with my enhances hearing and vision

It won't be that easy for a runner.

The constant hoots of the creeping owls were inconsiderate to the thought of being haunted by a demon.

Peering into the grey fog that illuminated the cemetery, I hunted the invader with my Beretta M9. Locked and loaded.

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The Daniels Mansion

It was getting late over here. I had a meeting with Jeffrey which I hope doesn't get thwarted for nothing.

Tonight is Nancy's fu!cking party, I promised Helene I would come, but now; I have better things to attend to.

I thought of how I was going to tell her, nowadays the aura around Helene is flaring up. She's becoming more beautiful. She had this new spicy scent that was mixed wine, it's so strong that I called it a vortex.

It like a Strom pulling stuffs into it. The scent can drive one mad. I have already stumbled upon that scent before to have know.

Standing up to my dad wasn't by my will neither was it any courage. It was the strong scent of a spicy wine that tampered with my brainwaves.


About 3–hours more before the party will commence. I need to see Jeffrey before she realizes it because I don't know what she will do if I ditch her for Jeffrey.

Sigh, the sense of knowing you are being held hostage by someone is absurd is so hard to comprehend how ones life will be in return.

I laid back on my bed, trying to rest my head and planned my departure. Immediately it 18:30PM, I will be on a one way ticket out of here.

Bur then, my mind began to repeat one name. 'Helene' slowly, I was falling asleep. But it felt like I was been pulled into darkness.

I struggled to fight it of but the force was overwhelming, it compelled me to sleep of, having the spicy scent with wine mixture all over it.

Abruptly, darkness descended.

My eyes were probably close.


I found myself in my bedroom, nothing change but there was difference, everywhere was flourished with that same spicy wine scent.

Helene... I muttered. I tried standing up, moving towards the door. As I got closer, my head banged with fury, pain traveled across it momentarily.

And there came a sound from the bathroom. Someone was taking a bath. But who? I made sure this was my room before I began thinking of what was happening.

Who is in my bathroom? I threw myself forward at the bathroom, curious and at the same time, freaked out.

I placed my hand on the door knob and pulled it open. I caught my mom, I mean ...my step sister having a bath. My eyes burned looking at her.

She abruptly opened her eyes in the shower, looking at me with her slit eyes that held crimson irises. Her cunt lips that were too red to be true. I noticed the dragon tattoo on her body, this was the first time I saw it. I never knew she had it on.

Her region part held a sleeping rod that was yet to awaken if Helene were to get aroused.

She said nothing and gestured me to join her.

I resisted the call. Everything felt weird, the spicy wine scent was doing everything to mess with head again but I wasn't ready to give in.

"What wrong baby girl? join me.", her voice. They weren't human, it wasn't even akin to my mother's voice anymore.

I backed away from the bathroom. And attempted to run but I was dumbstruck, I found her standing at the door. Her slit crimson irises peered into my eyes , corroding my soul.

Shutting me of the controls of my own body, closing my strongly willed mind, turning on my sensual gauge.

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At The Orleans Cemetery

Jeff was in plain sight, looking around, he got to a point that he was far from the gates. He observed it for a while but he saw nothing but his car parked outside.

He sighed and turned back, he was beside Dorothy's grave. Jeff's heart thumped when he saw it. Crouching to give his condolence once more.

[ Dorothy Angela Daniels. Late Wife Of Jerald Daniels. Daughter Of Mr. And Mrs. Yathat. — 1990 - 2022 —, A loving mother. A caring wife and overall ...a wonderful daughter ]

"Your death won't go on rest... I will make you get justice. That my promise to you, vengeance will be served, red... hot."
