Buried Secrets PRT. 2

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Something struck his head badly. He held his head giving a low groan before he collapsed.

Out of the shadow, ignites a bald headed old man, who walked out with a long plank that was used to struck the head of Jeffrey.

He had no sense of emotions running through him. But in all of that, Jeffrey laid unconscious.

Blink... Blink... Blink....

Finally, Jeffrey regained consciousness. He groaned, while his blurry vision became clearer.

"Ugh! where am I?", He coughed. Suddenly, he couldn't free himself. He was tied up. In a chair. "Argh!.", he struggled. "...what the hell?!", He beamed furiously.

"I had stop struggling if I were you.", The voice of an old man stopped his movement. "It really tight, so stay still."

"You must be the demon... ", Jeff barked.

"Demon? you must be drunk.", The old man laid down his plank , retorting. "Am no demon, mortal. "

"What are you then? an immortal?"

"Am thousand years old, son.", the old man responded. "

"Thousand? are you playing with me?" Jeff chuckled.

"Do I look like am playing lad?"

"Well...you have to untie me."

The old Man then brought a chair forward and sat in front of Jeff. "What are you doing in my cemetery?"

"Your cemetery? Someone get this guy a Doctor. " Jeff said being sarcastic. "You need help, just untie me already. Am here for something else."

The old man's face became dead serious. "... what do you seek... in my cemetery? "

"I want to check if a dead body is in it grave or it the one roaming free, doing unfathomable stuffs around town."

The old man's right brow raised. "Oh... so the rumors are true. Or should I say my predictions were true. "

"Are you playing Old Man? what are you mumbling about that? you know nothing about what going on."

The Old Man smirked. Stomping his plank on the ground. "Ever heard of a life sucking demon? "

Jeff frowned. "Enough with the demons. "

The old man chuckled, then reversed back to his absolute seriousness. "Fine..."

The old man got up, despite him be a thousand years old with the aged features, he appeared to be in more better condition.

He untied Jeff.

The police man groaned, getting up. He adjusted his clothing and nursed his back head. "For a old man, you hit like you are Superman... what the hell are you!"

"...You can't understand. Now, whose dead body are you lookin' for?"

"Dorothy Yayath Daniels ..."

"Her?!", The Old Man jerked away from him. "Why would you be looking for her?"

"She's my....", He paused and exhaled a deep breath. "...she's my friends mom. And my friend is in grave danger."

"She's dead, her body is obviously still there.", The old man said assertively. "I don't sleep like you humans so my senses are quite highly functional enough to know what going on in my cemetery.

Jeff exploded. "It ... not... your... cemetery! "

"Look lad, your friend's mom still lays in her grave at rest. No one has dug in abandoned corpses... at least, since the last time Dorothy was visited by an unknown guest. "


The old man voice deepened. "...A hoodie came to visit Dorothy days after she was buried." The individuals were residing in a small haunted bungalow. Gray fogs illuminated the exterior parts of the house. The horrifying sounds of howl scrapes the skies with the hooting sound of dreadful owls.

"...I wasn't able to the person's face clearly but surely it was a demon... one that I couldn't mess with, I just watched it as it unraveled Dorothy's corpses without doing anything and suddenly, he vanished."

Jeff heart pulsated. Now he was damn sure, demons were walking the land of New Orleans. And Helene for sure was the demon. "I should have known..."

"Known what?"

"There's a demon at my friends house...", his heart pulsed again as he said it. "Ah! I forgot too phone Erica."

The Old man hummed and faced his mug that encapsulated a fountain of nourishing beer. "... trouble in paradise?"

Jeff brought out his phone quickly and ran his fingers on the phone's screen. He searched for Erica's phone number and dialed it.

He waited for some minutes , the phone rang and rang and then;

*No network*


He cursed. "... no network in your fucking cemetery. "

"Yeah, I know. ", The old man scorned and continue drinking his beer. "What do you expect? "

Jeffrey squeezed his phone. "... I have to go home."

"Goodluck with that. "

Jeffrey ran out of the bungalow immediately. His legs takes to the hills as he speeds of to where his car was located. Reaching there he sorts to get in but he stopped.

Jeffrey eyes were locked on his car tyre, they were lessened. All four of 'em.

Shit! how do I get back now?... He wondered kicking the front tyre with less force. He tried Erica's number but there was still no network.

Then, it struck him.

What punctured his tyres? they were all normal when he arrived. So what hapend to them all of the sudden?

He thought back to the old man at the bungalow but he refused to further the thought. Why would the old man puncture his tyres? it could be he was wrong or even right.

Jeffrey looked around and all he could see were pestering phantom winds and the eerie fogs that never seem to fade.

"You haven't gone yet? thought as much? ", the voice of the old man tore his eardrums. He looked back to see the old man, smoking shamelessly. "What the matter now? flattened tyres? I can fix that. "

Jeffrey face exploded. "You! you did this didn't you? "

"I hate trespassers so don't blame me."

"Now how do I get back?", he beamed, furious. "My friend's life is in danger and am trapped here and you think this is funny?"

"...Come with me, I have an old ride. I will drive you back to your destination and we can pretend we never met."

Again, Jeffrey's eyes lits with flames but you can't see them. His rage tempted him to take his gun... "Where the hell Is my gun?!", he beamed has he didn't feel his gun resting in his pocket.

The old man sighed and brought Jeffrey's Berretta M9 from his deep pocket. "I don't want to take any chances either with mortals, you never know who is working with eerie weapons? "

"I am just a police man!", Jeffrey snatched it and placed it back in his pocket, still dead mad at the old man who gestures him to come along.

† †

Back At The Daniels Mansion:


Erica gasped abruptly, she was still buried in her bed. Sweating profusely, she sat up trying to catch her breath.

What the hell just happened?... she held her forehead getting up from the bed. She headed to the bathroom. Opening up the tap water to rinse her face.

Argh, that won't be enough... she groaned removing the white singlet she had on, her ɮʀɛast dropped from their hung spot while she took of her black panties revealing her finely shaved քʊssʏ. She dropped them on basin and turned on the shower.

A sponge and a soap, she took them as well. Her head flashed with the images of Helene trying to seduce her but she couldn't understand how she was still in her bed? also sweating like she was trapped in a hot room for too long a time.

Erica took a deep breath trying to flush out everything from her mind. She turned of the shower and took her towel and tied it around her Greek goddess body. She sighed walking back into her room.

An extra towel was in her hand, drying her hair while walking around. Her eyes bounces from one point to the other and soon, her bed. She spotted a wrapped package on her bed, with a note attached to it.

She took the note, opening up the package; revealing a beautiful red gown. She paused for a moment examining it, then she dropped it and read the note silently.

"... Get ready, we will be leaving for Nancy's party in ten minutes. Your loving step sister, Helene. "
