Ember's POV
I had been sore and more than a little stiff when I woke up, but it was nothing that a soak in the warm waters of a bath couldn't fix.
"You have to eat a decent breakfast Ember, you're going to need the energy," Nate advised as I grimaced up at him whilst I hurriedly got dressed.
"I'm not really sure that I could eat a big meal, Nate, I'm a little nervous honestly."
Nate frowned at me in disapproval, clearly not impressed with my lack of enthusiasm at the idea of a hearty breakfast.
"Ember, don't fight me on this, okay? I don't want to risk anything to chance in this fight. You're going to burn through so much energy in this challenge, at least let me do what I can as your husband and mate, and make sure that you are provided for in this respect." He paused as his frown deepened, "Just, let me feel useful. I hate not being able to do anything about this." he pleaded.