Nate's POV

  I left Ulfric standing in the Entrance Hall as I rushed into one of the side rooms and grabbed a change of clothes from the cloakroom before racing out of the front door and toward the infirmary.

  Without a doubt, Ulfric would denounce both myself and Ember as enemies of the Kingdom and exile us from his lands. Whether or not he extended that exile to my pack members would depend entirely on his mood.

  He may just choose to send a new Alpha to take over, but they would turn out half of the pack just for being hybrids or other species. It seemed like a poor investment for Ulfric to make if he planned on taking over the Wandering Hearts.

  None of that mattered right now though. He wouldn't move against us while Rae and his entourage were here. Acting in a hostile manner whilst the Consort himself was here would only serve to enrage the Weyr and it didn't matter how powerful you were as a wolf, nothing could withstand the inferno that was Dragonfire.