Chapter SIX


  Her second class was Chemical science so she went to the Chemistry lab with the aid of her map. She congratulated herself as she was finally getting the hang of using the map.

  As she walked into the class she was surprised at how big and spacious it was. Different diagrams and charts of various

  elements and compounds were hung on the walls for informative purposes.

  At the back of the class was a large cabinet where all the chemical apparatus and compounds were kept.

  She saw a lot of unfamiliar faces as she walked inside which made her become scared all of a sudden but she mustered all the courage she could and tried not to show how shy she was but kept on walking.

  She looked for an available chair to sit on but all the chairs were already occupied. The only seat available was at the back of the class so she went to sit there.

  After sitting down and arranging her books on her table she tried making friends with the girl sitting beside her as the teacher had not yet arrived.

  “Hi!” Becca told the girl cheerfully. She had lovely black hair that complemented her green eyes.

  “Uhm...Hi” she answered not looking at her. She was so engrossed in the book she was reading.

  “It seems you're a fan of reading just like me. What are you reading?” she asked her but she seemed engrossed in her own thoughts and didn't reply her so Becca let her be.

  The Chemistry teacher arrived few minutes later and they began learning and Becca gave her full attention to the lecture as Chemistry was one of her best subjects.

  “Who can tell me how to set up a simple acid base titration experiment?”

  The teacher Mr Victor asked. He was a not so tall middle aged man with curly blond hair that looked like noodles. The students were always teasing him due to that.

  He repeated the question again when no one was answering him. That was his usual method of teaching. He would teach for a while and then start asking questions in the middle of his lecture to see if the students were really following.

  The girl beside Becca wanted to raise her hands up to answer the question but something seemed to be holding her back so she dropped her hands.

  “If you know the answer to the question why not stand up and tell the teacher” Becca whispered to her.

  “I'll rather not” she said quietly still looking up at the board.

  “Why?” Becca asked confused. If she knew the answer herself she would have confidently answered it.

  “I just don't want to, leave it like that. By the way are you new to this school?” she asked Becca.

  “Yes I actually got here yesterday”. Becca replied not knowing how that question was important.

  “I thought as much. Your behavior definitely shows that your new to this place” she said in a matter of fact way.

  “That's funny if you ask me. How would me trying to be friendly towards you show I'm new to this school?”.

  “It does, because there's still a lot of things you don't understand about here” she told her.

  “Seriously just tell me because I'm still trying to get the hang of this place so I don't understand all that's going on”

  “I'm not in the position to tell you that. Just ask your friend okay. Let's just try and concentrate in class for now” she told Becca signalling that it was the end of the conversation.

  The class was a little boring. The teacher wasn't really lively so most of the students were just making noise and generally causing a distraction and it was irritating to Becca.

  “Can you guys please shut up and let me concentrate!” Becca shouted causing all eyes to turn to her.

  “Sorry I didn't mean to say that out loud” she apologized and sank back into her chair embarrassed at her outburst.

  The class ended minutes later and Becca was grateful for that. She arranged her books in other to leave the class. The girl beside her whose name she still did not know was also doing the same.

  “I'm Becca and you?” Becca asked politely.

  “I'm Emily”. She told her.

  “Its nice to meet you Emily. By the way I love your hair and how shiny it looks” she told honestly admiring her shiny shoulder length black hair.

  “Thanks! Well I have to go now”.

  “Wait! Why does feel like you're running away from me or are you?” she enquired.

  “Not really I just don't want to be seen with you talk more of talking to you" Emily told Becca bluntly.

  “Did I do something wrong?” Becca asked slightly hurt.

  “Honestly you did nothing wrong. Your a nice person just that your Stephanie's friend and your a rich kid so we can't be friends.

  I don't want to get into more trouble and complicate things, my life here is already hard as it is”. She said and left the classroom quickly leaving Becca shocked.

  She packed her own books and left for her locker. She was lost in thought on her way there. She still hadn't seen Stephanie that morning and she was worried.

  They were supposed to be learning the same subjects since their schedules were exactly the same so it couldn't be that she was having another class.

  During her third class of the day which was Physical science her eyes roamed around the class looking for Steph but she didn't see her and she became more worried.

  She had missed two classes in a row. It just didn't seem normal to her.

  She hoped that nothing has happened to Steph and that she was alright. She didn't really concentrate during the class her thoughts were on Steph and why she was absent.

  The teacher noticed her mind being absent and she called her to order and Becca quickly apologized and tried to concentrate.

  “Miss Jacob can you please pay attention to the class we are having and stop whatever you are thinking about”.

  The Physics teacher Mr Martin told her who was a strict man told her causing the class to erupt in laughter and Becca became embarrassed.

  “Sorry sir” she said quietly and raised her head to look at the teacher though that didn't help much as she was still finding it hard to concentrate.

  After the class had ended Becca went to the library to cool off from all the stress she was feeling.

  She just felt like she would break down any second if care was not taken. It was just her second day in the school and she was already getting this stressed.

  She sighed and walked to the library.

  The library was quiet and not much students were around when she arrived which was just the way she wanted it.

  She quickly went to her favourite sitting spot and sat down comfortably on the chair.

  She wanted to relax and unwind from all the stress she was. feeling by the method she knew best which was by reading.

  The school bell rang indicating that free period was over and Becca closed the book and put it in her bag. She was already at the climax but she decided that she could still wait a little while before knowing what would happen next.

  She walked sluggishly to her locker to retrieve her textbooks for the next class which was History.

  Becca hated History she saw the subject as irrelevant. Why would anybody care about people who were dead long ago and what they did or what happened to them?

  She found it annoying but the subject was compulsory for their grade so she had to keep learning it.

  A shadow emerged beside her locker and she closed it to see who it was. Her face broke into smiles on seeing it was Steph

  “Seriously where have you been. I've been looking everywhere for you. I was so worried”. She told Steph happy to see her.

  “You didn't have to get worried. I'm not a baby I can take care of myself.

  I went out for shopping this morning and I just got back that's why I'm late" she told her nonchalantly.

  “Like seriously who goes out for shopping when they have school to attend? You could have gone yesterday or better still wait till

  after school” Becca said rolling her eyes at her.

  “It doesn't matter anyways come with me” Steph said holding Becca by the hand and leading her to the roof of the school building.

  “We're going to be late for our next class” Becca complained.

  “Who cares. I have something important to show you” Steph told her.

  “It better be good and worth my time”. Becca told her not happy to be late for her next class.

  “Trust me it is. You're going to love it” Steph assured her.