He is now close enough that I feel his breath on my face and our lips nearly touch, his face Is tense and not once does he break eye contact with me, and me being the stubborn ass I am, I wasn't about to look away, letting him dominate the situation… even though there was a power in his glare making me want to look away and submit.

  ”My family and I are having dinner tonight, I would like it if you would join us.” His invitation seemed so formal, but I was in no mood to meet his family also I didn't know him so this all seemed wicked to me. Just as I was about to decline his offer he grips my waist with his hand and pulls me in, my face is now by his shoulder and I can feel him hardening his grip around my waist as his other hand gets a grip around my neck.

  He tilts my head to the side and I close my eyes falling completely and utterly under his control. Every part of my body tingling and a burst of fire igniting were his hands met my body.

  I let out a quiet moan after which he pulled even tighter, my hand grasping his chest. He leaned in and nibbled my ear causing fireworks to burst in my chest.

  ”You will come, won't you?”

  Without thinking, unable to focus on anything but the feel of his touch I answer him in a moan.

  ”Yes…” He kisses me gently on my neck, much more gentle than I thought he would considering his rough grip. He pulls away slowly and leans his forehead against mine.

  ”I thought you might.” He said with a serious look on his face, and his lips pressed together forming a line, his eyes gazing into mine, I felt like he could read every thought in my mind, though it wouldn’t be that hard right now seeing as he was all that was on my mind since the second he touched me. A chilling sensation once again broke out in my body and I felt weak. James turns around and walks out of the room.

  After I recover from what had just happened I find myself wondering why I agreed. I was ready to reject his request, how come I said yes? I didn't want this?

  At the same time, panic strikes as I'm looking for my phone, I find it on the table beside the bathroom. A big antique desk with a mirror in the middle, it was massive and the same engraved details as the pillars of the bed.

  I take my phone and see I have no missed calls nor text messages from anybody, how can this be? Lydia must have told my parents, and they should be worried, shouldn't they? or at least call or send me a 'get better' text or something? ANYTHING?!

  I call Lydia to see how she's doing and get some more insight into what happened last night.

  ”Hey Aves! What's up?”

  What's up?


  ” What the hell is going on Lydia? Why am I in a hotel room with a stranger? And WHAT happened last night?”

  I had so many questions and I did my best not to project any anger onto Lydia since I didn't know her side of the story.

  ”You don't remember? I came to you're house and picked out the dress you wore, then I drove us to the party. Once we were there you talked to someone and James came up and defended you, practically breaking the guy's hand, then someone sent you a glass of wine and after drinking from it you collapsed, you fell to the ground, your eyes rolled back into your head and no one got a reaction from you. James said he knew your parents, I called them to check and it was true, and…” Lydia stopped for a moment only adding my already agitated mind.

  ”And what Lydia!?”

  ”They told me it was true, that they did know him and his family, that he was a decent man and that I should let him take you, Avery.” Is it okay for him to take me? Even if that is true if he knows my parents how come I've never heard of him?

  "Why haven't they called Lil?" My voice sounded as broken as my soul felt.

  "Who Aves?"

  "My parents." The line went quiet. How would she know...I just wanted someone to tell me that I'm not crazy for wanting my parents to be a little worried about my well being, but maybe I am.

  And then there is James. The mystery stranger whom I know the name of and nothing else, inviting me to dinner with his family who apparently knows my parents.

  My gut told me to trust him, that he was a good man and I guess it seems like he is. He hasn't done anything to prove otherwise, except maybe being a little handsy, but who am I kidding, I liked it.

  A knock on the door breaks me from my thoughts and lets me return o reality. I shake my head to get a clear vision again as I yell for whoever knocked to come in.

  "Lil I gotta go, I'll call you later. love ya."

  "Okey babe, love you too, and hey! be careful okay?"

  "Always, bye." With that being said I hung up the phone and laid it aside, shaking off the self-pity party I was having and focusing on whoever knocked.

  In the room walks a tall gorgeous young woman, not much older than myself, 20 maybe? Blonde hair that goes all the way down to her belly button and shifts halfway down to lovely curls that fall perfectly, big blue eyes that captivate you immediately, she had long lean legs and was wearing a purple tight turtleneck dress with a slit at the bottom showing off her legs perfectly, around her waist was a belt with what looked like a thousand tiny diamonds on it.

  ”Hi, I'm Amber, James’s sister.”

  She said holding out her hand with a big smile on her face showing her naturally white teeth. How the hell can a woman be this beautiful and kind at the same time? Seemed a bit unfair to this blobbing, tired, hungover sack of potatoes standing in front of her.

  I shook her hand and told her my name.

  ”Well Avery it's nice to meet you, I heard you're coming to dinner? Well, we will just get you fixed up, why don't you take a shower while I find a dress for you to wear?”



  I had completely forgotten that I accepted James' invitation. I started putting my hand through my hair and pacing back and forth through the room when I feel a hand on my shoulder.

  ”Are you okay sweetheart?” Amber looked at me with concern and pity written all over her face.

  ”I-I am so sorry, I don't know why I said yes to this whole dinner thing, you seem really nice but I'm in no mood or any type of decent shape to meet your family, I should just go home.”

  I started picking up all my things when Amber places her hands on my shoulders forcing me to look at her.

  ”Breath Avery, it's going to be alright, get in the shower and wash up, leave the rest to me, I'll fix you up real good, it's gonna look like yesterday never happened, and you will enjoy yourself, I promise.”

  Her gaze gave me a sense of comfort and I nodded, turning my head down and walking into the bathroom.

  ”I’ll just go back to my room and find a nice dress and I’ll send someone over to do your makeup, sounds good?”

  I turned where I stood, by the bathroom door, and threw her a smile and a quick nod before I went in and closed the door behind me.

  I went over to the sink that had a big mirror over it and dragged my hand over my face, I am so tired, so so tired. Who are these people and why can't I just say no, its one fucking word, NO.

  I had just gotten out of the shower and was wrapping myself in a towel. The water had felt so good against my skin I must have been in here for at least 30 minutes, at one point I had to hold on to the wall so that I wouldn't fall asleep.

  Once I got out of the bathroom I was greeted by a woman in her 40’s. She had a big smile on her face and a long black dress, she pointed to a chair and I assumed she wanted me to sit.

  I sat down on the chair and looked in the mirror placed in front of me.

  ”I'm Avery, what's your name?” I asked with a smile as I looked at her through the mirror.

  Seeing as the women didn't seem to make an effort to start a conversation, I took it upon myself, instead of sitting in dead silence which was too awkward and not an option.

  ”I'm Marlene, it's nice to meet you Avery I’ve heard so much ab—”

  She went quiet and looked down and around as if she was about to say something she shouldn't have. I heard what she was about to say, however. As she was drying my hair with a dryer and brushing it I licked my lips and carefully asked ”You’ve heard about me?”

  She froze and looked me into the eye for about 3 seconds before shaking her head and forcing a smile before saying ”Oh dear, I'm sorry I shouldn't speak out of place, I've only heard about the vents of last night but please do tell me some more about yourself.”

  I realized that she changed the subject but first I was too tired to care, secondly, it was none of my business and thirdly, it looked on her like she was scared of something happening if she miss spoke.

  ”Well I'm 18 years old, I live with my parents and my younger sister, I was at a party last night where I met James and now I am meeting his entire family…” I bowed my head not wanting to tell her about my miserable love life or the fact that this was pretty much all that my life was. She looked at me with a small smile forming on her face and pity in her eyes as she started to stroke through my hair using her hands.

  ”Not too excited about dinner huh?” She asked, I looked up at her in shock as I huffed and grinned at her.

  ” I don’t know why I agreed, it was like the moment his ha—” I stopped myself realizing what I was about to say to someone who works for him, I pursed my lips together and bit my inner cheek, cursing myself.

  ” He is quite charming, it isn't often he gets turned down, but he sure is happy about having you here Avery, he has been smiling all day.” She said while giving me a big smile.

  Hearing that made me smile as well and we mostly chatted about our lives after that while Marlene fixed my hair, she curled and took the upper half of my hair and pinned it back. She then went ahead and started my makeup, I told her that I like it natural and she smiled as she continued.

  I learned that Marlene was 43 years old and she had a 20-year-old son who was in the army, she wouldn't get specific and I didn't prey. She had joined James' family when she was 23 after running away, they took her in and gave her job as their go-to. She fixed things for the whole family, why she ran away was also a mystery, much about this woman was in fact a mystery, but I didn't mind, she was sweet and caring and I liked her.

  By the time we were done Marlene pointed to the bed where there laid a beautiful short white dress with an open back and lace around the belly, on the floor laid a pair of white and black high heeled stilettos and I turned to Marlene in shock with my mouth wide opened as I pointed to the shoes

  ”I can't walk in those ?! I’m gonna fall and break my face!”

  She started giggling as she went to pick them up and held them out in front of me, I just looked at her and shook my head with a pout on my face, like a stubborn kid.

  ”Sweetheart listen to me, you're going to be fine. The secret to walking in heels is to walk like you own the place, you walk with a straight back, shoulders back and head up, this way you won't walk like you have a stick up your ass and also you won't wobble, I promise you.”

  My disapproving look made Marlene laugh loud as he told me to get ready.

  ”I will be back in 15 and take you to the dining hall.”

  ”Thank you.” I said with a forced smile as I waited for her to exit the room and close the door before I slid off the towel and placed it on the bed. I picked up the dress and slid it on, a little pull was needed seeing as I had a bit more curves than Amber, but still being careful so I didn't rip it.

  Lastly, I put on the high heel stilettos and made my way to the mirror. I stood there in awe as I saw myself, my dark brown hair perfectly pulled back and flowing beautifully down my back, framing my face well. The makeup making my hazelnut eyes stand out and the dress showing my curves like no other dress ever had.

  After 15 minutes Marlene came back as promised and told me I looked beautiful as she took my hand and led me out of the room towards a staircase, as I walked down I saw James and his entire family watching me from the floor beneath me, my eyes locked with James and I could've worn my heart stopped for a second. I felt my cheeks getting warm and flustered, I tried to look away but to no use, I couldn't take my eyes off him.

  He was wearing a grey suit with a white shirt underneath and his hands clasped together in his front. His muscular body showed through the suit and I thought the suit was about to be ripped off. His face, his body, his stance, it was as if he was created by the gods themselves. I couldn't help but feel the tingles again as I reached closer to the final step.

  As I was about to take my final step, to no surprise, my heel got caught in the carpeting on the stairs and I flew forward.

  I closed my eyes and prepared myself for the impact, already wincing from the pain before it had been distributed.

  But before I could wallow in pain, I felt two strong arms hold me up and I was certain that I was going to die of embarrassment, I looked up to see a grin on James face as he leaned in and whispered in my ear

  ”If you want, I can lie and tell you that no one saw?”

  I quickly took back my arms and shook my head, I pulled down my dress and looked around at James family's worried faces. Amber quickly spoke up, saving me from more humiliating stares and the need to explain that I was fine.

  ”Perhaps we should just get to the dining hall and have dinner?” She said and everyone agreed so we started walking towards the dining hall, me and James walking behind everyone, he still had that grin on his face and I just rolled my eyes at him.

  Well, what is it they say about first impressions? I think I made mine pretty memorable.