James POV

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  As we sat around the table, everyone started talking to Avery, they showed great interest in her and her family but all I could think of was the sight of her walking down those stairs.

  Her beautiful hair waving as she walked down, her body in that dress making my mind go crazy as Images of everything I wanted to do with her and to her started playing in my mind. Her mesmerizing eyes that held mine captive, I also noticed how hers were held captive by mine, her innocence sowing through her facade she had put up, there is not a doubt in my mind that she is fierce and strong willed, I realized that when she wouldn't submit to me in the room earlier.

  She looked happy, smiling, thats good, everything is going according to plan, but the thought of how she will feel when she finds out the truth, truly make me sorry for her, and it was also making my stomach revolt, wanting to throw back up everything I just ate.

  ”So Avery, how did you and James meet?” I looked over to see Alice looking at both Avery and I with a gentle smile on her face, her name was Alice. She was always good at making people feel comfortable but she wasn't my mother. She was the pack chef.

  ”Well Alice I was at a party with a friend and… I… there was a man getting a little too handsy and James swooped in and saved me.” Avery said looking at me with a smile on her face, she didn't mention the whole ”getting drugged” part, but everyone seated here already knew, we had all talked the night before.

  ”Sounds like my son acted like a true gentleman.” Alice said while trowing me a wink

  ”Yeah but don't worry hun, he’s just a gentleman until you get to know him.” I glared at my sister and she had a devious smile working itself up on her face.

  ”Oh shut up Amber, not everyone likes when random strangers get handsy, thats just you.” I slapped back at my sister as she rolled her eyes and started to giggle.

  As we were all about finished with our meals my so called parents looked at each other and then looked at Avery.

  ”So Avery we where thinking, perhaps this all seems strange and a bit fast coming, But were are heading home tomorrow and would love it if you would joins us for a few days, we will of course make all the arrangements and make sure you get home safe as well. We've already talked to your parents and they gave us their consent.” I could see the shock on Avery’s face as I felt an elbow dig in to my side and I knew what I had to do

  1 dont th—” Averys body stiffened upon feeling my hand on her thigh, I tightened my grip and made round circles with my thumb. I carefully caressed her as I made my way to her inner thigh and softly caressed her right were the dress ends. I could feel the heat coming from between her legs as I gripped hard making her almost jump in her seat and she swallowed a big gulp.

  ” Well, Avery? What do you say?” I asked in a low menacing voice with a smile on my face.

  ” Yes… I mean, I would love to join you and your family.” Avery answered looking at Alice, everyone around the table first seemed relieved and happy that she said yes and then some serious faces were starting to show, I could tell Avery noticed that something was off. I kicked my sisters leg making her realize what they were all doing, just like that, she started cheering in happiness as everyone else soon joined in, and Avery sat there startled. All I wanted now was to get the hell out of here before she caught on.

  I slowly pulled my hand from her thigh and as we were all done "my parents" were the first to excuse themselves from the table.

  ” Well children, were gonna head to our room for a good night sleep before the travels tomorrow, I suggest you do the same.” She said smiling at all of us.

  ”Im glad you chose to come with us tomorrow Avery, I promise it will be a blast.” George, my "father" spoke. George is the packs gardener. But buy the looks of it both of them could have impressive careers as actors.

  ” Thank you Alice and you too George, I'm sure it will be great, sleep well both of you, it was pleasure meeting you both.” Avery said with such a diligent voice, so pure and so genuine. She sure was sweet.

  Alex was next to leave and every chance he got he would try and get under my skin.

  ”Well goodnight guys, I'm headed for the sack, see you tomorrow… unless.. Avery if you'd like I could accompany you to your room?” He stood there with a smirk one his face as he held out his hand for her to take, he was on my right and Avery was on my left.

  At his words my eyes went black and next thing I knew I was standing in front of his face crushing his hand with my fist.

  ” Get. Out.” he wasn't bothered by the pain, he was a wolf and a very strong one at that, he smiled and hustled as he turned around walked away.

  ” Alex is like the irritating bother that we never wanted but love that we got.” Amber said looking at every, giggling.

  ” He seems nice, harmless.” She ganlced at me, her lips barley parted and she looked at me seductively and I could feel my eyes turning pitch black again.

  ” James, perhaps its time for you two to get some sleep, I know I need some. Sleep tight” At ambers warning I shook my head and saw her hug Avery, she then patted my shoulder as she went past me and up to her room. Now it was just me and Avery left.

  Averys POV

  * * * * * * * * *

  What was that? I could tell Alex was trying to irritate James by flirting with me the way he did, but how come James so quickly rose up to my protection, it wasn't even protective, it was more like, possessive.

  However I did notice how when he put his hand on my thigh, I once again became immobile, unable to speak my mind, and he knew that, he knew what his touch did to me, I didn't know why but I knew that he did. So if he was going to play with me by making me do as he pleases then I will have my fun too. Seeing how jealous and possessive he became at my words I realized that I had something on him too.

  This was a man I barley knew and yet he had this way of making me feel like I was melting in to a pile of goo. His mere touch alone made me feel like my insides were dancing and my heart was running a marathon. Although my heart races as soon as I am near him.

  ” Amber is right, we should get some sleep.” He looked at me, staring in to my eyes as if he was seeing my soul.

  ” I agree, I'm exhausted.” I said before walking past James and up the staircase.

  ” I'll walk behind you…you know…just in case” I stoped were I was standing and turned around to meet him only to be faced with a big ass smile showing his perfect white teeth. I rolled my eyes at him and turned around steeping carefully on every step.

  As we came to my room I opened the door and as I was about to close it James let him self in and then closed it behind him. I went to get some pj’s that amber had laid out for me, it was more like a night gown and I hissed at the sight, not really what I was used to wearing. I placed the gown back on drawer.

  I quickly got caught up in my own thoughts and the questions were starting to give me a headache.

  Why did he want me to meet his family?

  Who was he?

  How could he make me feel all of these weird feelings?

  How could his touch have such power over me?

  I quickly spun around and looked over to James who was leaning towards the bed pillar, I had a questioning expression on my face, I could feel it and he could see it as one of his eyebrow raised and he crossed his arm over his chest.

  ”James, uhm, how come that every time you touch me, I can't speak? I can't say what I want to say, I can barley think… I just say what you want me to say. Why is that?”

  He took a few steps towards me and I slowly turned my head down as he was approaching with a serious look in his eyes, a bit frightening if I'm being honest, but I wasn’t moving my eyes from his.

  ” Avery whatever you say, is what you truly feel, the words you speak are your own, I have no power to control nor manipulate your words, me touching you is merely a way for me to help you on your way when your about to say the wrong thing.” The grin came back on his face and I knew there was more to it.

  ” Fine if you won't tell me the truth then I have nothing more to do here, I will pack up my stuff and head home tonight, you can see yourself out.” I wasn't about to play any games, not about a matter as serious as this one, at least to me it was serious.

  ”What did you just say to me?” His voice became much darker and dominant and for some reason I couldn't look him in the eyes anymore as I tried to look anywhere but at him, I looked down at the floor as he stepped closer

  ” Look at me.” He demanded, I gently lifted my head and stared in to his gaze, his eyes were as black as the night but that quickly changed when hew saw the fear in mine, his face softened and he got a more caring expression on his face.

  ” Im sorry Avery, its just.. when I touch you, you feel what I feel, an ecstatic sensation through your body, which leaves you under my control, its not as bad as it sounds, it just means that you say what you know I want you to say. I'm not sure as to why that is yet either and I don't have all the answers but when I do, I'll let you know.”