Averys POV

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  Trees were swaying, dancing with the wind. The wind was humming through the tree branches, beautiful, soft green grass was tickling my toes.

  If I could only use one way to describe the feeling of being here, it would be peace, I feel at peace.

  The moon was big and bright and it looked like I could touch it if I just reached out my hand, it looked like I could grace the surface, admire the beauty of the moon with a single touch if only I stretched out my hand.

  My hand reached up, I closed my eyes, and I let my senses take control, I let my hand show me the way and sure enough, I touched the moon. A powerful surge of energy, of light and warmth, speared through me, a feeling of home and love. I opened my eyes slowly, savoring the moment and feeling, and see that it isn't the moon that my hand is touching, it’s her, it’s the woman from my dream.