A loud howl was heard from within the woods and through my tears, I started laughing, because I understood her, she was just as excited as I was.

  I looked back at the moon goddess but my eyes diverted to what was happening behind her. The moon, the black flecks they were growing, almost half of the moon was now covered.

  ”What is that?” I asked and she turned around looking at the moon.

  ”That is like an hourglass,” She turned back to me before she continued.

  ”Of your soul. Avery, this is not only about defeating a wizard and reaching your full potential, it is about doing these things while still keeping your soul intact, there will be many situations where a decision could blemish your soul. The price of this war isn't land or money, it is you. The wizard wants you, he needs you to accomplish what it is that he is planning, and if he gets what he wants, you will lose your self completely and all you know will be lost.”