Averys POV

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  I had been to the grocery store, to the post office, and was now heading to the small cafe down the road of where I was staying. I had walked past it for the past three days now when I took my evening strolls. The only thing that kept me from losing my mind.

  Nature always had this way of calming me down. Of bringing me comfort and slowing my thoughts. Something I was in much need of at this point.

  It had been a week since I left James and the others. Since I left my home. I was doing fairly okay, everybody a the B&B was welcoming and nice.

  For some reason, even though the thought of war scared me to my core, I wanted it to come. Nothing can end if it hasn't yet started. I wanted this war to be over so that our lives could resume as they had. Only this time, it would be honest, real, and genuine. I wouldn't have a wizard in my head controlling me.