Averys POV

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  I was staring at the man sitting across from me. His eyes didn't falter, the corner of his mouth was jigged up and made out an uncomfortable smile.

  ”I’m visiting.” I stated simply. Not making room for further conversation. Or so I thought.

  ”Visiting family?” He asked me.

  ”I guess you could that.” I said.

  ”You know, being out here all alone can be dangerous for such a young girl. Nobody to protect her, to save her from harm. To watch out for her. Or perhaps your man is around here somewhere?” The last was more of a statement from his side. He wanted to know if I was completely alone.

  ”No, I'm here alone,” I said and leaned forward as I continued.

  ”And I'm perfectly fine protecting myself. Whatever the danger might be, I'm as easy to get to as it may seem.” I said. Trying to sound as confident as possible. His smile faltered and he leaned back.