James POV

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  ”He did that to you?” I asked the man after the shock had settled. He nodded his head and never removed his eyes from mine. I felt as though he was waiting for something. Like he was waiting for me to believe him.

  ”What’s your name?” I asked him and his right eye twitched. All eyes in the room were at him and you could tell he knew that. He was uncomfortable but didn't want it to show. Amber gave me a quick look, showing she noticed the same thing as I did.

  ”Well?” I asked him again with a raised brow. So many red flags.

  ”My name is Carlson.” He said.

  Blade, what do you think?

  ’I don’t trust him.’

  Good. Neither do I.

  ’Let’s play along and see where it leads.’

  ”Well Carlson, you wanted to speak to me, it was urgent you said. Yet here we are and I have to pull the words out of your mouth.” I leaned forward and met his gaze with my own. Who is this man? And what the fuck is he doing in my pack?