Averys POV

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  Lydia and I were sitting on my bed and reminiscing about the past. Everything we had done, everything we planned to do and all of the craziness in-between.

  ”Did you know?” I asked her quietly as I chewed on a Dorito. Lydia knew what I was getting at seeing as we had talked about my so called family for the past thirty minutes.

  ”Did I know what?” Lydia asked me. I looked at her with a raised brow and waited for her to answer my question. She sighed and shook her head.

  ”Yeah, I knew. I'm sorry Aves. There were so many times that I wanted to take you and run, take you away from that misery. You never realized their lack of love for you because in your head it was normal. You saw how they treated Jasmin, yet you refused to believe that there was a divided love between you,” It was true. There were so many different occasions that their true colors would show, but I refused to acknowledge it.