the statue of love


They danced standing on their hind legs to the beat of the drum and the sounds of the curls tied to their feet drowned out the dull sound of the violin and made the atmosphere dance to the tune of the open air fair. the excitement was at its peak, people were engaged in happy conversations, laughing and smiling as if they were free from all sorrows and worries.The fragrance of roses, cataracts and different color flawer stalls mixed with the arooma of coocking food and colord the atmosphere in a unique beautiful and attractive color . Skinder felt the coldness of the cold breezee and looked at the sky above. Jaan sher (addressed the soldier standing next to him)

Yes,sir, the soldier replied,

I think it will rain.

Jaan Sher raised his head and looked at the sky and replied, "Yes sir, the signs look like this." He had not even finished his sentence when the first drop of rain touched him.

Sir, it started raining

There was a ruckus in the fair. The management had already planned to protect against rain water according to the weather.