the statue of love

16.A roof thirty feet wide was built above the wall on all four sides of the round field, and from the middle circle the blue sky was freed from any point by the dripping drops, like a feast of Sazang. Sikender and his companions stood on the roof. rain view. Crowds of people were enjoying themselves standing in a circle under the roof engaged in their own activities. Some expert dances under the open sky. People who were fond of dancing had joined this group, the music makers had started catchy tunes, every artist from this army of artists was presenting their catchy style of dance.Dawood painting will get wet At a loud voice, skinder unconsciously turned his head and looked back, a fifteen-six-year-old boy whose name might have been Dawood had run away, now he was pushing an object like wide frame covered by a black cloth to a protact place under the roof .