The statue of love


Oh ruler of the Moon tribe, do you think that traitors are now born in the Swati valley.

The queen of Sazang clan. The greed inside a person can create traitors anytime anywhere. And if traitors are born in any nation, then there is no need for enemies to eliminate them. Skinder is right, It is very worrying that our own people want to destroy us. Another ruler also supported skinder. If there is a traitor among us, it is very important to find him and punish him. The rulers of different tribes agreed with skinder.

"Oh, If you think that a traitors is present among us. So tell us how to catch him," Queen Amber said sarcastically.

I know who the traitor is. Skinder said while looking deeply at all the military commanders and rulers sitting in front of him.

Oh, tell me quickly who he is, we will behead him, the ruler of the Rose tribe said excitedly.