The statue of love


"Yes, I know who the traitor is. I know everyone."

Then tell us the name of the tribe of this unfortunate, said the king of the sun.

Yes, but before that, I want to know from all the army chiefs that if you all know who the traitor is, what punishment would you recommend for him? Tell all of you what punishment a traitor deserves. (He was addressing all the generals).

Sir should hang his head. One said

Absolutely, the punishment should not be less than death, said the other.

Sir, should put him in front of hungry dogs, said the third.

Sir, will punish him in such a way that it becomes a lesson for others, said the fourth army chief. But I think the government should forgive him, maybe this is his first mistake, he should get a second chance, said the army chief of the Rose tribe. was

Sikandar looked at his with ravenous eyes and he was shocked.

Not at all, the head of the person who betrays the trust of vally 'secrets should be cut off, another shouted

Sikandar raised his hand and silenced everyone. He stood up from his place.

Arrest the commander of the Roz clan, he is a traitor, he betrayed us and tried to stab us in the back. skinder ordered loudly.