"Vexon, I want to drive the car," Ruby said when we neared the vehicle. We had just left the party the Gladiolus had thrown for her.
The Gladiolus couldn't wait for a week, so they threw the party right after the doctor released Ruby from the hospital.
I arched an eyebrow. "Sure?"
She rolled her eyes. "I can drive and I have a license."
"I know, I just want you to be careful, and you have Tachophobia," I said, concerned for her.
"It lessened, believe me." She extended her hand and I handed her the keys. I sat on the passenger side.
I knew she could drive perfectly, Mrs. Gerund had assured me she could, but it was slow. So I had nothing to worry about.
"Where are we going, by the way?" I asked curiously.
"If I wanted to tell you, I would have let you drive, Vexon," she deadpanned.
I sighed. "It's midnight. I want to know where my wife is taking me so late at night. What if she hands me over to one of my enemies?"