
  “What did you say?” I look across the desk at Wyatt. I can’t believe what he is telling me. He thinks that I can find these people with only those vague clues. I don’t even know what those riddles are supposed to mean let alone how I’m going to use it to find them.

  Yes, the Supreme Elder has been working with me to try and improve my ability to see all werewolves. However, it is going along very slowly, and when I mean very slowly, I mean that is going along at a snail pace. I still don’t have a clue about what I’m doing.

  How am I going to find these people if I can’t use my ability?

  Wyatt sighs and looks at me. “I said for us to try and find the one girl on the list first. The Supreme Elder said that she is a wolf in disguise. I’m thinking that is code for she can hide well or something like that.”

  I blankly stare at him.

  He isn’t talking like what I think he is, right.