Elena's POV

  The necromancer gave a mirthless laugh before going for another swoop of his cigarette. "I'm Romulus."

  "Right, I'm Elena Marshall." I cocked my head.

  "And I'm-" Cass started but was interrupted by Romulus.

  "Save it, I have heard the lady call you ass all day." He winked at Cass while I snorted.

  "Elena!" Cass crinkled his nose and stared at me in disbelief.

  "I'm sorry," I said pouting.

  "I'm not surprised you would say that, what should anyone expect from a giant man who lives with bats in a dark cave, it must feel so lonely right?" Cass had a smug look on.

  "Lonely is a bold accusation seeing that I get to interact with the dead and talk to visitors that come from other realms." Romulus gave a mirthless laugh.