An Unknown Factor (1)

She was known as Drusilla and she was the ancestor of the Sanguise House.

In all her time as the original caretaker of the Sanguise House–she had never once encountered someone like Lukas. By all means, he seemed to fulfill the criteria of what it meant to be a Vampire.

However, there was something innately so different about him that made it difficult for her to get an accurate reading on his aura.

Not that she would ever admit that out loud to him.

She was the prime of her people and to even reveal that there was something that she was unfamiliar about was a smack to her pride. She had lived long enough to be betrayed by her kin and for herself to be entrapped in the dagger.

She had lived long enough to have known enemies that made the world tremble, and was even passed down from one progeny to the next, that even as she tried to read him, and she was connected to him at this point–it was impossible.

The woman stood alone in her world of solitude.