An Unknown Factor (2)

There was a reason why the blood supply lasted for months–before Lukas knew it, the bright alarming light of the sun turned into darkness once more. It became night once more.

It made Lukas a little curious of what magic or technology actually allowed the city of Lux to be bathed in eternal night. However, there was a visible amount of relief on the faces of the others with him.

"Thank goodness the sun finally disappeared. My skin was so itchy the entire time–is this what it's like outside." Alexei pulled down his cloak and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Careful now." Theodore warned as he slowed down the van and eventually came into a halt. "Keep the cloak on, because if you think you can relax and sleep–you might just wake up to your own skin scorching you because you neglected the time."

"Wait, the sun comes back again?" Alexei groaned.

"After some time, yes." Theodore intoned.