Chapter 2: You're A Witch!

It was finally Saturday after what seemed to be forever.

'Ah, who cares you're here now,' I thought to myself out loud.

'You gonna ring the doorbell or what?' Casper, the 'dorkiest' kid in school (at least that what the cool kids thought) asked. However, in this guy's world he was a king. Well things were gonna change for me, for the both of us hopefully.

'Sure,' I rang the doorbell and the door opened slowly, making the music from inside sound even louder. I still couldn't see the people inside even though the door was open, because this guy, Jonathan was at the door. Jonathan's height was pretty intimidating, but since he wasn't hosting the party, I didn't really care.

'Excuse me Jonathan,' I said as I tried walking in but the jerk wouldn't let me.

'Who invited you,' he scoffed.

'We did,' Meghan said. I mean I couldn't see her but I could tell it was her voice. Casper and I walked in and we were offered a drink.

'Here's a bit too crowded. Let's go to the back,' Meghan suggested as she walked towards the backyard. 'Classic Meghan,' I thought. Even when she sounded like she was suggesting, she was actually ordering me to follow her.

I admired everything I saw, from the living room to the back door in the kitchen. The quality furniture, paintings and the overall décor was beautiful. It was like a tour even though Meghan didn't say anything. Meghan's parents were super rich. I've never seen them but everyone at school including me assumed that they were wealthy. I mean how else could Meghan live in a mansion like this. When we finally got to the back, we met the other girls, including Sadie and the 'cool guys', Ernest and Bryan. Those two were cousins. We all sat on plastic chairs, which were placed to form a circle.

'Let's play Spin the Bottle,' Ashley said before sipping the drink in the party cup she held in her left hand.

'That's not a bad idea. I'll spin,' Brett said enthusiastically. Brett emptied a champagne bottle in the lawn and placed the bottle down.

'You know you should have just poured it into a cup,' Ashley said looking at the lawn.

'My bad,' Brett spun the bottle.

'So who is it…'Brett was saying before the bottled stopped, facing Bryan.

'Truth or dare?' Brett asked him.


'Um…do you have a crush on Sadie?' Brett asked with a cheeky grin on her face.

'Yeah,' Bryan answered a bit nervous.

Brett spun the bottle a lot of times and I was lucky. It mouth of the bottle never pointed at me, until the last time that is.

'Time to spin,' Brett said and spun the bottle. My heart was racing and I was trying to act calm. Finally, the bottle stopped, facing Meghan.

'Truth or dare birthday girl?' Brett asked her.


'Uh… you already chose 'truth' before and the rules of the game…' Brett was saying before Meghan interrupted her.

'I know the rules of the game…' Meghan said almost sounding pissed.

She had a lot of turns and Ash or Brett kept making her do silly stuff. It was funny actually but I didn't get why she wouldn't just stop playing.

'I dare you to…'Ashley was saying when she smiled at me deviously. My palms became really sweaty and I felt my heart sink into my stomach. I began to wish I could read her mind, but like every other human being, I couldn't.

'Kiss Mike,' she said eventually.

It was so awkward. Meghan didn't look surprised at all, but I'm sure I was. As I prepared myself for the rejection I assumed was coming, Meghan slowly walked towards me and crouched. Before I knew it, her face was really close to mine. She blushed and I'm sure I did too. She closed her eyes and...

Author's Note:

Hello. I'm gonna leave you to imagine the moment. Good luck!

_Sona Camille.

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It was over so quickly and I wished it would happen again. It felt like magic. Destroying the moment was a crash from inside the house. 'What the...' I said inaudibly as we all ran in to see what was going on.

Apparently, Meghan's dad was back from his journey two days early and the kids inside all scrambled, causing a messy scene. I too was about to run away when Ernest, who was right in front of me ran out and jammed the door behind him. I tried my best to pull it open but it wouldn't budge.


I bent down and crawled towards the big couch near the window and hid behind it. While I was stuck in the parlor, Meghan and her dad were at the dining room.

'You have a lot of explaining to do young lady,' Meghan's dad said angrily. 'I just wanted to have fun. It's my birthday!' 'Fun? For crying out loud you are sixteen not stupid!' he yelled at her. '....You should have followed us back home. I knew leaving you back here was a bad idea. I should've known better,' he continued. 'I like it here with my friends. I don't wanna go back,' she said and I could hear the sadness in her tone. 'You're a witch! Witches don't have humans as friends. They are weak and foolish. Am I hallucinating? Did he just say witch?

I sat dazed, wondering if I heard correctly. There was a red party cup filled with alcohol beside me. For some reason, I remembered a flash card the Social Studies teacher shared during class with a "Say No To Alcohol" clearly written of both sides of the cards. Anyway, I had just one cup of beer. Right?

It was then I realized how messy this place was. There was bubble gum on the wall, alcohol spilled on the floor and a piece of paper soaked in it. 'It's not my fault I'm a witch. I don't even want to be one!' she said with obvious rage in her voice. I was reminded of my current misfortune when I heard Meghan's voice. She almost didn't even sound like herself. At this point I was curious, I leaned a bit higher, I wanted to see this, you know… make sure I wasn't losing it. I then had a perfect view of Meghan crying but I couldn't see her dad. 'You're going to be dubbed leader of the nine covens, so you better stop this foolishness. We don't even know who the archenemy is, for all we know, it could be one of your friends…' he said with disgust. '…we brought you here to keep you safe and you my dear, are being reckless.' He added and walked into the parlor before he disappeared.