We wear grey in order to fit in with the city. Alex guides me through various tunnels as I try to keep up with him. The fact that there's barely any light right now only adds to my struggles. Alex suddenly stops walking and turns to me, "Cora, you okay?" I'm taken aback but still nod my head in response. "Why do you ask?"

"I forgot you're new to this so if you need a break, just let me know." He laughs as he runs his hand through his hair. "You don't have to worry about me, I'm fine." I smile. "Anyway we're here; let's stop by one of the taverns," he pauses, "Sorry you had to come here for your first mission."

"It's not your fault." Besides this will just help me find some clues. So at this point, this is probably for the better. We subtly enter an open space and blend in with the masses. So this is the Underground City. We break away from the crowd and take a less congested route. I try my best to avoid eye contact but in spite of that, it's hard to ignore the condition of the place. The streets are littered with all sorts of trash and the apartments are compressed and broken down. Many beggars sit by corners with little to no luggage, the lucky ones have worn-out blankets by their sides.

They stare at us as we pass by, some pleading, others glaring. It's either Alex doesn't notice or he chooses to ignore it. The most bold of the group hang in bands like thieves waiting to strike. I sub consciously grab Alex's hand and he gives it a squeeze. Despite wearing a hood, I can't help but feel self conscious. We enter a lit up tavern and sit by a table in the back. I get a sudden sense of déjà vu as I look out the window. I think this is the same place from my dream. Back then, what was I doing here?

A waitress comes over and asks for our orders. "Hm, what would you recommend?" Alex smiles. The waitress blushes, which confuses me since he just asked for her opinion. But then again, I'm sure Alex is popular for his looks and personality. "Um….I suggest tonight's special." She says in a small voice.

I clear my throat looking at Alex. "What?" He says looking all innocent. "Alex," I tilt my head towards the waitress. I hope he hasn't forgotten what we're here for. Unfortunately, he doesn't get the message at all. "You're making a really constipated facial right," he whispers. I want to punch him. I'm starting to doubt Alistair's words about this guy.

"Are you two together?" The waitress asks. "Ew, no." Alex and I say at the same time. I roll my eyes and decide to speak up. "You seem to be good at your job, have you worked here for long?" The waitress finally acknowledges my presence and turns to me. From her name tag, I see that her name is Lucy. "I grew up here actually so I guess I know how to work in places like this." She replies.

No kidding, I can't imagine how hard it must be to attend to the different kinds of people here. Looking around, there are drunkards (who I can easily tell are regulars). Among others are gangsters who keep catcalling the waitresses. The person who catches my attention though, is a hooded man to our left. "But you know, I meet a lot of people here and your voice sounds familiar." Lucy says.

"W-what do you mean?" I ask surprised. "Yeah, we've never been here before." Alex laughs. My heart beats fast and I pull on my hood. Is she right? "Well, I could have just mistaken you for someone else. There have been a lot of people here with what's going on with The Rebellion." Lucy shrugs. Perfect. Alex finally catches up and doesn't waste time. "Really? That's the first I've heard of it."

"You two aren't from around here, huh?" She says.

"You can think of us as one of those people who've been coming here a lot these days." I say.

"I guess I can tell you about it… a price."Lucy smirks. "We wouldn't have it any other way." Alex says pointing at the seat across the table. 

"It hasn't gotten far, but apparently there might be someone bigger behind The Rebellion. They never used to bother us who aren't connected to the camps but these days, they've been confident enough to attack other affiliated groups. They suddenly have weapons and are more organized." The hooded man abruptly stands up which almost gives Lucy a heart attack. "Sorry," he mumbles and for a moment, as he passes our table, we make eye contact.

He has sea green eyes, not like Alex's though. They hold a slight glow to them that pulls you in. It's only for a second, but so many emotions pass through those eyes and I see it all. Anger, regret, curiosity and sadness. "Cora?" I realize how pale I must look and cover it up with a smile. "I just need some fresh air." I stand up. "Do you want me to come with you?" Alex asks. "Oh no, finish speaking with Lucy, I'll be right back." 

I walk out and immediately spot him leaning by the wall. He looks at me and walks to a more secluded area, he doesn't want anyone to see us. I decide to follow him and stop when he stops. "Ren?" I ask feeling nervous. I didn't think it through incase it ended up being someone else. "It's nice to know that you remember me." I don't remember much but seeing Ren here reminds me of one thing, I definitely trusted this guy. Seeing him face to face makes me realize that he isn't that much older than me. He removes his hood, "Long time no see, Cora."

"In my dream, no, in the forest, was it you?" His voice sounds too familiar to come from a dream. Was it also him who warned me earlier? "I can tell that you still have a long way." I hate how he's basically not answering my questions directly.

"What happened to me?" I ask. "You lost your memories."

"Thank you for stating the obvious." I roll my eyes. He laughs, "I'm glad that part of you hasn't changed. But I can't help you."

"What do you mean you can't help me? Aren't you supposed to be someone I know?" I snap. Ren shakes his head. "Not anymore. Not since you joined Central. That alone is enough to question where your loyalties lie." Loyalties? How was I supposed to know that when I lost my memories? He's starting to piss me off now. "Was I not supposed to join them?" I ask sighing. I'm tired of asking questions that will only lead to more questions.

"Nevermind that. Your...friend will be worried about you." I look over my shoulder at the tavern; he probably can't see me from here. Ren said that I shouldn't trust anyone, but why should I listen to him? I mean, he knows what happened to him but refuses to tell me. It's not like I can kidnap him either. Thinking about it makes me furious.

"Then, bye." I say turning to walk away. This was a waste of my time. Ren suddenly grabs my arm, pulling me to him. "Hey. Don't trust that guy. He may have saved you but you know nothing about his intentions." He must be talking about Sebastian, I wonder how much Ren knows. I forcefully pull my hand back.

"And neither do you. You who is supposed to be my friend didn't bat an eye when I needed you, but him who is a stranger, helped me." I can see the pain in his eyes which almost makes me feel bad. Still, it's not like I plan on trusting anyone fully until I know what happened to me.

"Goodbye Ren." I begin to walk away but stop when Ren speaks. "It wasn't my decision to make though that doesn't mean anything. About Camp Rose, it's all a diversion. "What?" 

"What do you- Ren is already gone when I turn back. Great, just great. Another person who just has to have the last word. I sigh in defeat, Alex might come look for me soon. Even as Ren's words go through my mind, I know I can't tell anyone yet with no proof and at the moment, is there anyone I can trust?


Ren's POV

We've always preferred being in the shadows. A hidden community nobody pays any heed to. We are shadows and ghosts of the past. No one remembers us, all records were destroyed during The Great Incident and all records are destroyed when you join the Fifth Order.

Maybe that's why they abandoned her, her abilities made a mess of everything. I expected them to do something but not wipe her memories. All I wanted to do was to protect but now she's in the hands of the enemy, Central. I regret it now, was this seriously the only way? The moment Central finds out about Cora, that's it, it'll be over for us. I have no idea what the higher ups are thinking. But we, no, I need to get her back. Especially away from that Sebastian guy. Just thinking about him pisses me off. 

With that determination, I go through my home of twenty years. Althea will want to hear of this, that is, if she hasn't already. I'm met by two hooded people, the typical attire of most people here. "Patricia, Sylias." I nod. "Welcome back," they say in sync. "It's good to be back," I say.

"Is there a reason you came back so abruptly?" Patricia inquires. "I thought you had an important task," Sylias contributes. "Something came up. Something Althea needs to know." They share a look and make way for me. The Fifth Order isn't all that different from Central. In one sense or the other, we're all scientists. Our motives though, couldn't be more different.  They rely on measly weapons while we focus more on 'human potential'. Walking through the door to the labs, I realize again why the walls were sound-proofed. 

It's louder than the usual screams and sobs. None of the scientists look up when I pass, they are all focused on their subjects. I guess they're about to reach a breakthrough, the project just might be revived. The test subjects are draped in white, all exerting a zombie-like aura. I cringe and look away. Hopefully they prove to be useful, after all, they're the ones who wanted this. I quicken my pace until I stand before the room.

Althea's room is on the highest level of the building, explaining her position in our organization. I honestly don't know how she sleeps knowing what goes on in the labs below her. The lights are slightly dim when I knock. "Enter."

Althea is sitting behind bamboo blinds when I enter and only her silhouette is cast. "My lady." I say kneeling down. The bamboo blinds are lifted and she nods in approval, "Ren. Let's skip the formalities and get straight to the point. Why are you back so quickly?"

I stand up. "It's an emergency. They've got Cora." Althea stands up, she is wearing a red floral yukata dress and her long black hair flows down her shoulders. She lifts her fan to her face.

"Oh, Central? I know." What? Is she telling me that this entire time she knew, she knew and didn't do anything. I can't bring myself to understand, how can she such a thing with a blank stare? I don't want to believe Althea would let her fall into the hands of the enemy after everything we've been through. But, it might be for the best.

"Alistair is smart. It won't be long before he figures it out but that's okay. It'll be too late," She says looking out the window. "More importantly, you visited her." 

I flinch back and put my hands behind my back. She doesn't know, she can't.  I'm the only one who can infiltrate Central, not even her spies can do that. "Yes, I was observing her." I say carefully, "But I'm sure you would have done the same." A smile plays on her lips. "You're too smart your own good. Anyway, I haven't got the time for that these days." That helps me confirm one thing, she doesn't trust me.

"It seems Cora remembers me," I say looking at the ceiling. Althea doesn't know about the box, I was careful to make sure of it. I'm sure it will make things more interesting in the coming battle. "You were her only friend though, you care far too much about her. It makes me wonder…" Althea smiles at me. "What? I-it's not like that!" I exclaim knowing full well that my face must resemble a tomato. "I didn't say anything." Althea laughs.

"I-I just want to protect her." I mumble. "But do don't get too attached, Renji." Her voice is soft; she hasn't said my full name since I was little. It's almost enough to make me rethink my choices but I came to terms with my resolution long ago. 

"I suggest we begin preparing, my lady. We have three months at most." So I'll play along a little while longer. "You have a point." She replies. I turn to leave but stop. "This is the last time we're doing something like this, right?" Althea smiles and closes her fan. "Of course, I did promise you that."