"You were right." Alex starts. Once again, I'm in Alistair's office wishing to be anywhere else. Immediately we returned, Alex and I came to give our report to Alistair. "Aren't I always?" Alistair says. "The activities near Rose definitely have something to do with The Rebellion and perhaps someone bigger." Alex says ignoring Alistair's comment. I shift my gaze to the ground remembering Ren's words. It's all a diversion. What position is he in to know that? If I mention it, no one will believe me.
Alistair will be suspicious of me and that's the last thing I want. Besides, is it really any of my business? "That changes a lot," Alistair says standing. He moves to the large glass window overlooking the training grounds. "But what isn't clear to me is why they chose Camp Rose." He says looking back at us.
"Either way, we can't let them attack." Alex says.
"How much time do we have?" Alistair inquires.
"About three months," I say. "This is gonna be such a pain." Alex sighs. Alistair remains silent for a while. "Three months, huh?" He says lowly, "That will be all. You can go rest now." We nod in response and leave the room.
Before I can say anything, Alex suffocates me in a huge bear hug. "Congrats Cora! You just completed your first mission!"
"Okay, do you mind letting go of me…I…can't breathe." I gasp. "Oh, sorry." He says loosening his grip. "I didn't do much anyway," I shrug. "Are you kidding me?" Alex moves in front of me. "You dominated this whole thing, like how you got information from that waitress…." Alex continues talking using exaggerated hand gestures. But in the end, it was Alex who got the rest of the information. Despite his cute act and demeanor; Alex isn't one to be underestimated. Just as Nico once mentioned.
Alex yawns, "I'm so exhausted. I think I'll sleep for the rest of the day." Because we wanted to arrive quickly, Alex and I ended up travelling in the night. We avoided places roaming with metamorphoses. Alex explained to me there were specific places devoid of them; Camp Blaze made sure of that. Apparently, they were the ones in charge of warfare and were second only to Central.
"How come you don't look drained at all, Cora?" Alex asks while stretching. "I can go for a few more hours." I say. My body isn't as drained as I thought it would be, in fact, I don't feel fatigued at all. "That's a whole other level now," he claps. I roll my eyes. "Let's go see the others. I don't think they know that we're back."
"Right." Alex replies opening the door as I shield my eyes from the sunlight. "Ugh, my eyes." "What are you? A vampire?" Alex laughs. "Don't even start," I threaten as I begin walking. Today seems to be an active day. I see people talking and laughing as we approach the common area. Like the training ground, it's bare except for the benches arranged in a circular manner. I figured it was a space people came to interact and relax. Central already had a few people and most were between the ages of fifteen and thirty, so everyone knew everyone else and their business.
Blair mentioned it was because Central had the most highly trained people who had through series of tests or had some sort of special potential. I hate that we have to pass through the common area to get to my house which had somehow become the 'usual hangout' as Alex described it. As expected, everyone turned to Alex and I as we walked.
"Alexander!" A boy with dyed blue hair shouted raising his hand. Alex smiles in response and turns to me. "He's my friend, let's go say hi." I don't say a word as he drags me to his friends. I'm not ready to talk to other people yet. "Jeez Alex, back already?" The blue haired guy laughs. "That almost sounds like you wanted me gone. Cora and I will both take offense." Alex scoffs.
"Hm, Cora? The new girl?" Everyone's attention suddenly turns to me and they stare at me with blunt curiosity. "Ah, Cora Aetós right?" The girl with blonde hair smirks. She doesn't like me, I can tell from the look in her eyes. "Yes." I say confidently. "Oh, so you do speak. I thought you seemed perfectly content hiding behind Alex." She laughs. "What?" Alex says.
"Cut it out, Calypso." The guy with freckles says before turning to me. "Don't mind her, Cora. She's just salty she's never been picked for a field mission." The blue haired guy burst out in laughter as Calypso's face turns red. "Benjamin!"
"By the way, I'm Benjamin, he's Kian and you've met Calypso." Benjamin says ignoring Calypso. I introduce myself again for the sake of being polite."I'm Cora."
"We know, everybody knows." Kian says. That makes me shuffle uncomfortably, everyone knows me? I hear Alex sigh dramatically. "Do you people know how to make friends, especially you Calypso? That's a zero for social skills." Kian covers his mouth to hide his laughter and I resist the urge to join him. "What the hell, Alex? Why are you giving her special treatment?" Calypso says raising a brow. Why does it feel like I'm being ignored? Maybe I should say something…
"Um- I'm cut off by Alex's laugh. "That main character complex of yours must have finally affected your cerebrum. Missions are granted according to capability, love." Or maybe I'll just keep quiet. Damn, now that was harsh, that was the last thing I expected from a sweetheart like Alex. "Ouch." Kian says in a low voice suddenly appearing next to me.
"I didn't know Central's standards of 'capability' had dropped so low." Calypso says snarky. I put my hand to my chin, I think I get it now. "Calypso, if you doubt my abilities, why don't I show you what I'm capable of? Besides from the looks of it, you've been here for a while but I can tell you can barely put a scratch on a metamorphosis." I shrug. I was picked for a mission a week after my arrival, which must mean something. I don't want to argue with her but I also don't want to look like a pushover.
I can see Calypso's lips tremble as she glares at me, so she's furious huh? "Okay, time out. Calypso, to the corner." Benjamin says putting his hands on her shoulders. "See you later, Cora." Kian says before whispering in my ear, "That's the first time somebody's shut her up like that, I approve."
"Sorry for the trouble Cora. Goodbye." Benjamin says leading Calypso away with Kian following close behind. Whoa, people here are so weird. "Well that was amusing." Alex smirks. Looks like he's back to the usual playful Alex. I sigh, "Can we just go see the others already?"
"Yeah, let's go!" Alex exclaims throwing his arm around my shoulder. Oh brother….
We find Nico, Blair and Sebastian seated by the couch. Nico and Sebastian made themselves quite comfortable without any reserve. They've probably forgotten it's not even their house but whatever. The moment they see us walk through the door, I smile to myself. Nico stands and Sebastian raises his eyebrow at Alex's arm. "You're back!" Blair shouts as she pushes Alex out of the way to hug me. "I missed you."
"Blair, it's been barely two days." I laugh and hug her back. "An eternity." She whines. Nico smiles at us looking relieved. A rare sight. "What? You're not going to run and hug your only brother, Nico?" Alex smirks. Nico scoffs, "I see you're alive."
"Ouch. Is this how deep our love for each other is? I'm offended, just imagine if I died." Everyone laughs as Nico rolls his eyes at his brother's theatrics. "What do you want me to do? Give you an award? It was so peaceful and quiet before…"
"I missed you too brother." Alex says. "How on earth are you the older twin?" They continue bickering back and forth with Blair as their main audience. Sebastian stands next to me and sighs, "Some things never change."
"Hey, nobody asked you Seb." Alex says before continuing his argument with Nico. Sebastian shakes his head and looks at me, "So, how was it?"
"Hm…educational for the most part…a little uncomfortable though." I reply. "You'll get used to it," he chuckles, "I didn't expect the Underground City to be your first mission though."
"Why?" I ask. "People aren't sent there until they gain some experience." I remember what Benjamin was saying. "Is that so?"
"Yeah, things like searching for survivors and sending them to Camps if they want, patrol, you know, easy stuff." I'm offended by the last part and narrow my eyes. He puts his hands up in defense, "Not that you're not qualified, it's just…you're not qualified." I guess he does have a small point.
"Okay, I'll accept that," I say yawning. My eyes begin to feel heavy; the fatigue must have finally caught up to me. "Oh, you still have to get some rest. Sorry if we've held you out too long." Sebastian says. "It's okay." I smile. I'm glad I got to spend some time with everyone. I slip away to my room before anyone else notices. As expected, the moment my face touches the pillow, I find myself falling asleep.