Ryan smiled at her latest ebullient scream as well at the way her body trembled and shook. All right! That's more like it! He remembered that she'd said she liked the missionary position so they could look into each other's eyes, and sure enough, she was staring intently at him. He felt a thrill race through his body from the lusty, passionate look on her face.

Then he started to pull his erection back.

To his surprise, sliding out was difficult, but not as bad as he'd feared. She was still tighter than Kate or Erin had ever been, but he could make way and she wasn't loudly screaming in distress anymore.

He kept withdrawing until just his cockhead remained in her. Then he immediately pushed back in. He was careful to go slowly, but his cock steadily progressed all the way.

Monica grunted lustily, and she clenched her teeth. "UGH! YES!" Her arousal suddenly surged as soon as he started steadily thrusting. She dearly wished he would have started earlier, but she also realized her body had needed the time to adjust first.

Encouraged, he kept on going. He pushed all the way in and then pulled out just as much as last time. Monica moaned, "So deep! So deep! No one's ever been that deep inside me before!"

Nancy breathed a sigh of relief and visibly relaxed. Despite the sweat rolling down Monica's face and the seemingly pained expression there, she no longer had any doubt that Monica was enjoying herself. She kept on holding Monica's hand, since she still wanted to be supportive.

Brandy also relaxed. She wasn't that worried about Monica's physical issues, at least not anymore. However, she had major concerns about Monica and the others declaring themselves to be Ryan's "personal sluts" and even freely referring to him as their owner. She couldn't understand how anyone could feel that way about someone else, no matter their sexual orientation. This concerned her much more than when she'd been in the room earlier, because she'd gotten extremely aroused then and wasn't thinking too clearly. But she was willing to stay quiet about it... for now.

Kate, Erin, and Jordan were left at loose ends. They no longer could hold his boner or even his balls, since he was starting to move a lot and they knew he'd be moving even more. They also didn't need to help him push since he was doing fine on his own. They could see that Nancy and Brandy were taking care of comforting Monica.

So mostly they just knelt on either side of him and watched, with Kate and Erin on the same side so they could touch and comfort each other. They all kept at least a hand on him, usually on a thigh or the back, to help them feel connected to him and thus symbolically to the fucking. However, now that his thrusting was starting to pick up speed, their concerns went away and their arousal soared, causing all three of them to begin masturbating.

Ryan had been so worried about Monica's well-being that he hadn't been paying attention to much else. Even though he was surrounded by five other beautiful women, three of them naked, he had hardly looked at any of them for a while. He hadn't been able to enjoy this fucking much so far, because he'd been so worried that this would end badly, for instance Monica getting hurt or deciding he was just too big to ever fuck her.

Now that those worries were rapidly fading, he felt a weight lift from his shoulders. God, it's all too great! I'm able to fuck Monica after all, and it's awesome! He looked to either side, where Kate, Erin, and Jordan were kneeling. And I get to fuck these three beauties too! It's unreal! Too good to be true!

Oh God! I'm tripping balls! I'm so high on lust and love and all-around awesomeness that it... oh shit!

He suddenly went from feeling like king of the world to panicky because he was overwhelmed by the urge to cum. He'd been dangerously close to an orgasm for a long time, well before he even started to enter Monica. All of his difficulties fitting in her had given him a mental respite of sorts, but it wasn't much of a physical respite because her pussy walls had been squeezing his shaft tightly all the while. So now that he was starting to thrust to his heart's content, the pleasure soared out of control, taking him by surprise.

This was very distressing for him, because he felt pressure to impress all the girls. For the last hour or more, that hadn't been concerning him much since everything was coming up roses. He'd almost forgotten how much of a liar and an imposter he was because his new role seemed to fit him comfortably. But he remained keenly aware of the fact that he not only was trying to wow Monica with his sexual skills, but wow the five other watching girls as well. He'd only really started fucking Monica for the last minute or two, so he figured that cumming at this point would be a real embarrassment.

He struggled with all his might to resist. He froze his thrusting and clenched his groin muscles, but he'd already passed the point of return. He knew he could delay shooting his load for a few seconds, but that was all.

With a loud, frustrated growl, he gave up and began blasting his cum into her. Once it started, he decided that there was no point in continuing to resist, so he resumed his thrusting and tried to enjoy the moment to its fullest.

But then another distressing thought hit him: he'd resolved to pull out before cumming since he was fucking her bareback and didn't know how effective her birth control methods would be. But obviously it was too late to do anything about that now. By the time that dawned on him, he'd already squirted at least half of his load into her.

He wasn't able to dwell on that line of thought though, because Monica started screaming and cumming like she'd been possessed by an angry demon. It hadn't been long since the sensation of his boner in her had gone from mostly painful to mostly pleasurable, and she normally would have had a ways to go before she even got close to another climax. But although he didn't give any sort of verbal warning about what was happening, she most definitely felt it when he started to blast his cum deep inside her. That was so thrilling for her that her arousal level shot to the stratosphere, and she found herself cumming hard before she could even process what was happening.

In all honesty, the physical sensation of the moment didn't do that much to her. Like nearly all women, the vast majority of her nerve endings were at the entrance to her vagina, not in the far depths of it. It was the mental realization that he was cumming in her that really got to her. She'd been fucked by other guys, and some of them had been lucky enough to (eventually) fuck her bareback. But she had made a profound emotional connection and commitment to Ryan in just the past couple of hours, and this moment was full of meaning for her. If there was any lingering doubt that she had fully committed herself to being one of his personal sluts, it was gone. Yet, as her orgasm ripped through her and practically blew her brain to bits, she didn't have a doubt in her mind about that commitment.

Ryan decided to put aside worries about making a bad impression or the effectiveness of Monica's birth control and just focus on fucking Monica hard and fast in order to give her the greatest orgasm he possibly could. The seconds passed, and he kept on vigorously thrusting in and out while Monica screamed and writhed on the bed. The longer it went on the more carried away she felt. At first she practically crushed Nancy's and Brandy's hands with her fierce grip, but eventually she had to let go of them due to her wild flailing about.

She had been wailing incoherently for well over a minute when she unexpectedly switched to Spanish:

"¡Oh, Dios mío! ¡Me encanta! ¡Dame toda tu leche!" ("Oh, my God! I love it! Give me all your cum!")

Kate, Erin, and Jordan were still on their knees, watching and masturbating to the inspiring sight. It was easy for them to imagine they were in Monica's place. Even Jordan felt like she was getting royally fucked, despite not having been fucked by Ryan yet.

As Monica's huge climax finally began to trail off to grunts and heavy breathing, Erin said, "Okay, so my Spanish isn't exactly the best. But still, let me translate that for you: 'Holy fucking SHIT! Too fucking huge! This huge cock has stolen my soul!"

Kate reached over and gave Erin a slap. "Liar!" But she was smiling from ear to ear. She still enjoyed Erin's "translations," even though she knew they were completely made up.

Monica thought, "Stolen my soul?" An exaggeration, but not by much. Good fucking GOD! What's happened tonight has changed me, permanently! I think I'm in love! It is possible to get fucked so good that you can't help but fall in love? I think it is!

Ryan had been half out of his mind due to his own climax and then the sheer excitement of seeing and hearing Monica cum so hard. As things started to calm down, he was able to take stock of the situation, and he thought, I did that to her! Me! I was the one who made her thrash all over the bed like she'd lost control of her body. I swear, a big dick really is a super power, and it's the best one ever!

Then, after some more moments, he realized, I'm proud that I was able to keep on pounding her all the way through that. The build-up didn't last long, but the payoff was still pretty cool. But here's the thing: I'm still thrusting in and out! My dick is still stiff! Shouldn't it have gone soft by now? What if I can keep going like this? I'll redeem myself from embarrassment!

A new resolve filled him as he kept on thrusting. Okay, I'm going to stay stiff and keep on fucking her. Period, end of story! It's true that I'm tired and getting sleepy, but when have I ever been more sexually aroused and inspired? Never, that's when!

He looked to his left and right, to check out Kate, Erin, and Jordan. My hot pepper is as hot as erupting lava, but it's not just her. Gaawwwd, just look at my beauties! MINE! Forever! AAAARGH! What a heady thought! How could I not stay stiff as a board from seeing them and thinking about them?! I swear, so fucking great! I'm going to fuck all four of them into oblivion from now until the end of time!

Those thoughts revived him even more, until he realized that his dick had definitely "survived" his orgasm and he was in no danger of going flaccid any time soon. Yee-haw! So great! I swear, what a night!

It finally dawned on Monica that he wasn't going to stop fucking her because he wasn't going to go flaccid. This totally floored her, because she'd had such a great climax and she was ready for a rest. She cried out, "¡Que alguien me pellizque! ¡Esto no puede ser real! ¡¿MAS?! ¡Imposible!" ("Somebody pinch me! This can't be real! MORE?! Impossible!")

Then she was silent for a while, aside from her heavy breathing, because she concentrated all her thoughts and energies on "surviving" Ryan's continued pounding. She gritted her teeth and clutched at the sheets, and her face was filled with a kind of high-spirited determination.

Even Nancy, who was watching everything with great curiosity, couldn't find any reason to get worried again. Clearly, Monica's pain had turned to great pleasure, just as the others had predicted.

Kate turned to Erin. Even as both of them continued to finger themselves, Kate asked, "Okay, Señorita Erin, what do you think she said this time?"

Erin started by working back from the two words she thought she recognized. "Hmmm. Im-poh-see- blay. Sounds like 'impossible' to me. And 'más' is more. Ergo, the rest must mean, 'What, they're having

a huge sale down at the mall? Everything fifty percent off? Or more? Impossible!"

Everyone else heard that and had a good laugh, even Ryan and Monica. But Monica was panting and so distracted by Ryan's pounding hard-on that she was unable to make a correction. She figured her tone of voice carried the gist of her feelings anyway.

Jordan leaned in closer to where Ryan's cock was sliding in and out. She said, "Erin was right about those two words though. Just look! 'More?! Impossible!' I'd be screaming the same thing! Just a few minutes ago, he could hardly move The Beast in her at all, but now it's sliding in and out with ease!"

Monica was nearly delirious with lust. When she heard "The Beast" mentioned, she cried out without thinking, "¡La Bestia! ¡Oh, La Bestia! ¡Señor, protégeme de La Bestia!" (The Beast! The Beast! Dear Lord, spare me from the Beast!")

Kate said in wide-eyed wonder, "All I know is she's going on about The Beast. Whatever it is, I agree!" She briefly closed her eyes and gritted her teeth as another wave of extreme pleasure washed over her.

She turned to Erin kneeling right next to her and tapped her shoulder. She urgently whispered, "Erin! Erin! I don't know if I can stand it! Everything is TOO HOT! I look at The Beast plunging deep in and out of her tight cunt and all I can think about is how much I want him to fuck me, like five minutes ago already! I neeeeeed it!"

Erin looked up and down Kate's fabulous nude body. She particularly loved the way Kate's hands were running all over her curvaceous form and wished those were her hands instead. Then she got an idea and whispered back, "Don't look too long or you'll go crazy! You need to distract yourself with something else. Here, let me help you."

With that, Erin repositioned somewhat to better orient herself towards Kate. Then she put her hands on the backside of Kate's head and pulled her in for a kiss.

Kate was emotionally overcome. She was about as lusty as she could get before the kiss even began. Then not only did she feel Erin's sweet lips on hers, their tremendous racks also rubbed together. She kept on fingering her slit with one hand, but used the other hand to explore Erin's incredible body.

As she did so, she thought, I don't know how helpful this is. It's like out of the frying pan and into the fire. But so what? I'm so overjoyed that I could just die! I mean literally die! And it's not just the pure pleasure of it all either. I used to be so lonely. The most wanted and desired girl in the entire university, and I basically had no friends, no real boyfriend, no love at all. Tonight I've found my man, my master! My love! I could die of joy from just that. But I've also found a whole bunch of new friends... especially Erin! She's really nice AND she's really sexy!

Kate shivered all over as she realized, I want her! Carnally, sexually! I do! Oh my God! She's too hot to resist! This is not helping me cool down AT ALL, but I don't care!

While it was true that Kate's sexual desire just kept on soaring to the skies, Erin at least had been right that such kissing was distracting. The two of them practically forgot about everything else and focused on caressing and kissing each other, although the sound of Monica's panting and grunting was always in their ears.

If anything, Erin was even more aroused and excited than Kate was. It's happening again! I'm making out with Kate! The great Princess Kate! No, make that Goddess Kate! And not only did she not resist in the slightest, I can tell she loves it! Such passion! We'll be doing this ALL THE TIME from now on! I can't even believe how happy I am. I could cry!

Since Jordan was kneeling on the other side of Ryan, she didn't even notice what Kate and Erin were doing to each other. But she was happy as a clam masturbating while watching Ryan fuck Monica. Due

to her remarkable physical similarity to the Latina sexpot, it was almost like having an out-of-body experience watching herself get fucked. If she avoided looking up towards Monica's head, about the only thing to give away the fact that it wasn't actually her lying there was the significantly darker skin tone.

She was confident that since Ryan's cock managed to fit into Monica, he would be able to fit into her too. In fact, it looked like an ideal fit, with just the right amount of pressure. All in all, she was happy as a clam.

That left Nancy and Brandy without anything to do except watch. They weren't even able to stroke Monica's hair or hold her hand anymore, since she was writhing and clutching at the sheets.

Brandy had remained relatively unaffected by the intense fucking going on within arm's reach of her. But when she noticed Kate and Erin kissing and fondling each other, that changed dramatically. She became acutely aware of the fact that she was wearing nothing but a borrowed robe.

She felt a great urge to reach inside the robe and start fondling herself. But she thought, I can't do that! I have to be mindful of where I am and who I'm with. If I let myself get carried away, there's no telling what could happen. I've seen what's happened to these others, Nancy excepted. There's a kind of group insanity going on, like a feeding frenzy. Sure, I'd love to get intimate with everyone here... if only that didn't include him! If I don't watch out, even I could end up getting fucked by The Beast!

She looked to Nancy. Since Nancy was so engrossed watching Monica get fucked, she had to reach over Monica's body and touch one of Nancy's arms to get her attention. "Hey."

Nancy looked up and around, startled. "Um, yeah?"

Brandy whispered, "I'm thinking we should get going. I mean, what are we doing here in the first place? Sure, we had reason to worry about Monica's agonized screams, but that's all over. She's doing fine now."

Nancy looked back down at Monica's body. Her gaze roamed from Monica's lusty face to her bouncing breasts and finally to where Ryan's oversized erection was sliding in and out of her. She muttered, "Um... yes." Then she seemed to forget about Brandy altogether as she kept on staring.

Brandy thought, Sheesh, now Nancy's getting infected. She's totally horny too! If she wasn't still emotionally damaged from her rape, she'd probably be raising her hand to get fucked next. Good grief!

Brandy snapped her fingers. "Nancy, you hear me? Don't you think it's time for us to go?"

Nancy resumed eye contact with Brandy and considered that. She was very aroused, and yet she knew she wasn't psychologically ready to act on it yet, even if Ryan wasn't occupied. That was extremely frustrating. She reluctantly replied, "That... would probably be a good idea... but..."

"But what?" Brandy asked impatiently. She wanted to get out of there before the urge to masturbate was too strong to resist, and she was near her breaking point.

Nancy shyly admitted, "But I worry I'll have the same problem as before. As long as I see Monica with my own eyes, I can easily tell that she's enjoying herself. But if I'm alone in my room in the dark, trying to get to sleep, her screams will sound more life suffering. Then I'll toss and turn all night and have more nightmares."

Brandy quietly sighed, feeling sorry for Nancy's damaged psyche. She pointed out, "Monica is hardly making a peep right now, other than the usual gasping and moaning."

"True. But this isn't like normal sex between normal people. Do you really think this is going to end without building up to another great scream-fest? I don't."

Brandy couldn't deny that. But she was determined to leave right away before she got caught up in the "feeding frenzy," so she said, "I can see your point. I've got an idea though. What if you and I just hang out and talk for a while, until things calm down here? We could go to your room, or my room, or even back down to the party if you'd like."

She turned her head to look at Ryan's face, and then commented, "Besides, look at him. Look at how he's straining and struggling. I don't think he'll be able to last much longer in any case. It's good to leave now before things get awkward and cover-your-ears-loud anyway."

Nancy nodded. Then she and Brandy got up off the bed.

Brandy clapped her hands a couple of times, which only partially got the attention of some of the others. "Hey there, if you're listening... Nancy and I think everything is hunky dory now. We're going to leave now. Don't worry, like before, we won't say a word. Oh, and I hope you don't mind, but I'm gonna borrow this robe until tomorrow."

Kate and Erin were engaged in a passionate lip-lock and they weren't stopping for anything, but Kate managed to give a thumbs up towards the general direction she thought Brandy's voice was coming from.

Jordan was the one paying the most attention to Brandy, since she was on her own. She smiled and responded, "Don't worry, it's cool I'm sure. We'll see you both tomorrow, right?" She raised a fist up. "The Third Floor Club!"

Nancy and Brandy both smiled at that and somewhat reluctantly raised their fists too. Then they walked to the door and let themselves out.

Once the front door was closed behind them, Jordan cheered, "Woo-hoo! They're gone, which means we can let our hair down and REALLY go wild!"

Ryan looked down at where he and Monica were joined with vigorous thrusting, and then to Kate and Erin necking, and then to Jordan masturbating. He commented, "Um, I don't know how things could get much more wild than this."

Jordan chuckled. "I know. I'm just kind of joking. Actually, there's more I could think of, but I don't think you'd be up for it at the moment. To be honest, I don't know how you lasted all this time without cumming. It's amaaaazing!"

He slowly brought his thrusting to a halt, because he'd been going at it for a while and he was getting tired. He noted, "The truth is, I did cum a while back, inside my hot pepper. But she's such an inspiration that I stayed hard." He figured he could be honest about that, since the fact that he remained erect cancelled out the fact that he'd climaxed so soon.

Indeed, that answer only impressed Jordan more. Seeing that the fucking action had temporarily halted, she crawled up onto the bed and laid face down next to Monica. "That's so cool! Mon, his cum has flooded your insides. How does it feel to be thoroughly spermed by your man?"

Monica didn't mind him wanting to take a break, because she needed it too. In fact, she was far too winded to answer and had to hold up a hand indicating she was going to get to it.

Jordan repositioned so her hands and upper body were on top of Monica's upper body, allowing her to look down at her from only a few inches away. She gently brushed the bangs off Monica's forehead. Some of them were matted down with sweat.

Finally, Monica calmed down enough to smile and respond, "So great!"

Jordan smiled almost wolfishly. "I'll bet!" Then, figuring that if Monica had recovered her breathing

enough to talk that she could kiss as well, Jordan planted her lips on Monica's.

Monica was still having trouble getting enough air, but she couldn't resist kissing back. Luckily, it wasn't a raging kiss, and she was still able to recover.

Although the kiss was a mellow one, it was full of meaning. With it, both girls were acknowledging the intimacy that had transpired between them by the front door wasn't some kind of fluke. Clearly, they were going to be sexually intimate with each other a lot from now on.

The kiss also gave Monica a renewed burst of energy. She suddenly broke the lip-lock and exclaimed, "Ryan, what are you waiting for?! Don't let this hot pepper turn cold!"

He smiled at that. Then he realized non-verbal gestures were useless since Jordan's body was draped over much of Monica's. So he said, "That's never going to happen, I'm sure. You'd be hot at the North Pole. The problem is me. Your pussy is such a fiery, tight inferno that I'm already in danger of cumming again. And worse than that, I'm tired. Really tired. This is way past my usual bedtime and I've had a LOT of energetic fun tonight. It's all catching up to me. I'm gonna need another five minutes, at least."

"No, you don't," Monica replied. She gently but firmly pushed Jordan off her, and then sat up on her elbows so she could make full eye contact with him. "I say it's time for a change of positions. In fact, I insist! I can't wait to ride The Beast cowgirl-style!"

Jordan pointed out, "I don't think that's possible, not unless he pulls out for the repositioning. And we all know how tough it is to get him back in again."

"True," Monica replied, "but I'm ready for the challenge. It's amazing how much my pussy has adjusted. I'll bet we can do it without any screaming."

Jordan very much doubted that, but Monica was insistent.

For the next minute or two, a lot of repositioning took place. Ryan laid on the bed where Monica had been. Monica wasted no time straddling him and lining his cock up for reinsertion. It was like she was counting each second until he was fully sheathed inside her again.

Kate and Erin had been listening, and they were very interested in the cowgirl idea. They were curious to see how well that would work, in hopes that they'd be trying that soon as well. As a result, once the others started moving, they broke their embrace and sat up on the bed. However, it was notable that they both sat on the same side of where Ryan lay, opposite where Jordan was sitting, so they could continue to touch each other.

Monica was all set to resume, with her hand holding his shaft and his cockhead lined up with her pussy lips directly above, but she was taking a few moments to psych herself up for the coming struggle.

As a result, Ryan had a moment of calm, and as he looked all around he noticed the way Kate and Erin were sitting next to each other with their hands casually caressing the other's body here and there. He commented, "You two sure seem to have gotten friendly with each other."

They could tell he meant that in a positive, non-judgmental way, so they didn't feel abashed. Kate bravely replied, "Yeah, well, a lot of things are changing tonight... for the better. It's like the floodgates have opened." She already had an arm around Erin's back, and she gave her a visible squeeze.

Erin looked like she'd died and gone to Heaven. She gushed, "Up until this evening, I tried to be guarded with my feelings. But now I'm letting it all hang out. I hope all of us in this room, we'll all come to love each other in every possible way!"

Jordan cheered from the other side, 'Hear, hear! If I was over there, I'd kiss you both!"

Erin was nearly dizzy with delight, and she had a great idea to make her even happier. She gave Jordan a come-hither look, and said, "We're not so far. Why don't we meet halfway?" With that, she leaned forward over Ryan's chest.

Jordan loved that idea and leaned forward too. Within seconds, she and Erin were French kissing with passion.

Kate's restraint was gone, even for lesbian activity. She practically swooned at the kiss, knowing that she'd get to kiss Jordan soon too. She exclaimed excitedly, "Lord, have mercy!"

Jordan had placed a hand on Ryan's chest to brace herself for the kiss, but with Erin firmly holding her that hand wasn't needed. So she slid it down to his crotch and worked her way up to his shaft. Within seconds, she was stroking it, despite the fact that Monica seemed primed to sit down on it at any moment.

Kate noticed that, and practically burst at the seams, she was so thrilled. "What a great idea!" She immediately dropped down and brought her head in close to his shaft.

Monica hadn't been waiting that long to psych herself up, but events were moving fast. She realized that she needed to act right away or else Kate was liable to start stroking and licking as well, blocking her own fun.

So, picking up on Kate's last comment, she muttered, "¡Por favor, Señor, ten piedad de mí!" ("Dear Lord, please have mercy on me!") Then she began forcefully pushing herself down on his thickness.

Jordan's fingers were busy sliding up and down his shaft, and when she felt Monica starting to move down, she let go. She was still mostly preoccupied necking with Erin anyway.

However, Kate's hand quickly replaced hers. Since Kate was lying on Ryan with her chin almost in his pubic hair, she figured she could simply keep an eye on Monica's movement and pull her hand away when there wasn't enough cock left to stroke.

Monica had promised herself that she wasn't going to scream this time, and she kept to that. However, it wasn't easy. She clenched her teeth and her entire body tensed with the strain of feeling his massive phallus entering her again. It helped greatly that she had gravity on her side. She kept on pressing down, slowly impaling herself on him.

After less than half a minute, she managed to get all of his cockhead inside her again. She knew that was a big accomplishment, and cried out, "UNNNGH! ¡Santa Madre de Dios! ¡Tan jodidamente grueso!" ("Holy Mother of God! So fucking THICK!")

Once she managed that much, she knew the rest would be a piece of cake, relatively speaking. Sure enough, it took another half a minute and she was completely impaled on him. She yelled, "¡Serás bruto! ¡Menudo esfuerzo! ¡Pero lo conseguí! ¡Síííííí!" ("You brute! What a struggle! But I did it!

Yessss!" She raised her fists high in the air, like a triumphant boxer.

Kate pulled her hand away in the nick of time, but she remained where she was, staring from very close up (while Erin and Jordan kissed directly above her). She was in awe, and only managed to mutter, "God!"

Monica had made sure to face Ryan when she straddled him. She looked down at his face with a lusty face that looked angry from so much passion. She spoke challengingly, "Okay, mi hombre. Mi salvaje semental ¡Mi dueño! ¡Sí, sí, incluso eso! ¡Mi dueño! HNNNG!" (Okay, my man. My wild stallion. My owner! Yes, yes, even that! My owner!")

She looked like she was ready to cum on the spot, and that's exactly what she did, although she was relatively quiet about it this time. She let out a long, satisfied groan through her clenched teeth.

Ryan hadn't bothered to ask what Monica meant with her last couple of Spanish outbursts, since the context made the general gist clear enough. But this time he couldn't resist saying, "My hot pepper, I'm not sure what you mean there."

She grunted even louder, because hearing him call her "my hot pepper" was a rush in and of itself. She remained fully impaled on him as she tried to gather her wits.

Finally, after more heavy breathing, she managed to explain, "I was calling you, 'My man. My wild stallion. My owner!' And you've fucked my mind as well as my body so thoroughly that hearing those words from my lips - mi dueño, my owner - set me off on yet another lusty frenzy. So fuck you! You ARE the devil!"

She was venting some genuine frustration, because she was humiliated at submitting to him. She didn't think of herself as submissive and never would have imagined such a thing happening to her. But even though she followed that by shaking her fist at him, she did it in a playful way, showing that she wasn't really that upset.

That fist shaking caused her big boobs to shake as well. That had been inadvertent, but once she felt it happening she decided to highlight it, since she needed a few more moments to readjust to him thoroughly filling her.

Erin and Jordan had just broken their kiss and pulled back to their respective sides, making it easy for Ryan and Monica to see each other. Monica cupped her hands under her round E-cups and pushed them up and out. She sneered, as if really pissed off, "Look at me, you fucking bastard! ¡Bastardo! This proud and defiant body belongs to you now! You've won me with your motherfucking cock and made me one of your willing personal sluts! Does that make you happy?"

He couldn't resist replying with a big smile, "Actually, yes. Yes, it does."

"GRRR! ¡Bastardo!" But she continued to enticingly clutch and even caress her huge tits, knowing how much he enjoyed that. And at the same time, she began experimentally clenching her muscles around his shaft. She prided herself on her Kegel clenching power, but that had been with normal-sized erections. She was having to adjust her style to deal with his larger size.

The effect was immediate, and took him by complete surprise. His eyes bugged out and his head even briefly lurched forward off his pillow. "Whoa! What was THAT?!"

She smirked in triumph. "You like that, do you? Well, there's a lot more where that came from, mi hombre. ¡Mi dueño!" Just like before, calling him "my man" inspired her to call him "my owner," and then the reminder that he owned her caused her arousal to suddenly spike. But she recovered quickly after a brief yelp, and then squeezed his cock several times in quick succession.

He grunted and moaned like he'd been punched in the stomach, but it was just another surge of pleasure overwhelming him.

That response delighted her. "Ha! I've got you now! You may have made me a slave to your cock, but I'm going to make you a slave to my cunt!" With that, she started lifting herself up, as if she wanted to pull all the way off him. But she only went as far as the ridge of his cockhead and then she pushed back down.

Both of them greatly enjoyed that, and it showed in their lusty sighs. Naturally, Monica immediately did it again. And then again and again. It seemed that each time she managed to impale herself a little faster than the last time, even though the fit between them remained almost painfully tight.

Kate pulled back and then resumed sitting next to Erin so she should have a full view of everything happening. She and Erin embraced each other again, but did so in a way to make sure they were both

facing Monica.

Kate muttered to Erin, "I want that! I want a lot of that! I can already tell that impaling myself on The Beast is going to be one of my very favorite things!"

Erin chuckled. "Me too. It looks amaaaazing! Check out that rapturous look on her face!"

Kate nodded in wonder. "Gaawwwd! I'm gonna do so much of that! Tomorrow morning, I'm gonna ride him cowgirl style until my pussy can't take it anymore!"

Erin's chuckled turned to full throated laughter. She pointed out, "Need I remind you that you were a virgin until, oh, about an hour ago?"

Kate smiled almost wickedly. "That just means I have a lot of lost time to make up." She suddenly pointed. "Oh! And look! She's starting to churn on him at the same time. Look at how her hips are gyrating even as she goes up and down on him like riding a merry-go-round. I want that too! I want to ride my master just like that!"

Erin's hands were roaming all over Kate's flawless body while the two of them stared at Monica's bouncing and churning. So far, she'd mostly avoided touching Kate's pussy for fear of taking things too far too fast. But she couldn't resist bringing a hand down and sliding her fingers up and down Kate's soaked pussy lips as she said, "Don't worry, you will. Your naughty little pussy is going to be split wide open on a daily basis. This is what you do now. You live to serve that cock!"

As Erin said the word "cock," she pinched Kate's engorged clit.

That set Kate off, and she began cumming and screaming incoherently. The thought of serving his cock rocketed around her brain as she nearly swooned from an orgasmic overload.

Jordan was dividing her attention between watching Monica's gyrations and what Kate and Erin were saying and doing. She felt left out all alone on the other side of Ryan's body and decided it didn't need to be that way. She got on all fours and crawled her way just to the top of Ryan's head until she was sitting on Kate's other side.

With Kate still reeling from the tail end of her big orgasm, Jordan wrapped her arms around her. She licked Kate's nearest ear while Kate tried to recover her breath, and then whispered, "Erin's right!

You're going to get really, really good at that! We all will. We're his personal sluts now. And that's not just sexy talk; it's the truth! Look at Monica, because that's you tomorrow, and next year, and the rest of your life!"

That was such an intoxicating thought for Kate that she actually did swoon. Luckily, both Jordan and Erin were holding and fondling her, so all she did was slump in place a little bit. She thought, It's all too much! I'm so happy, I'm going to cry even more tears of joy!

As aroused and euphoric as Kate was, Monica was feeling even better. She was having the time of her life churning and riding Ryan's oversized erection. She could definitely understand why they called this "cowgirl-style," because she felt the thrill of riding a bucking bronco. Technically, she wasn't cumming

- she wanted to hold out for the great finale to come. But it hardly mattered because it felt like an endless orgasm to her.

The only problem with such fantastic fucking was that Ryan didn't know how to handle it. He thought he'd built up stamina through his frequent masturbation, but this felt a thousand times better than his best masturbation session. Plus, he was worn out and sleepy. As a result, he could only cope with a few minutes of Monica's exquisite churning and grinding. It was all he could do to give her a little warning. "Oh no! Gonna cum soon!"

Surprisingly, Kate suddenly shouted, "Monica, please! Pull out so he can share it with all of us!


Even more surprisingly, Monica decided that was a good idea. He'd already blown one load into her vagina, and although she'd loved that, she wanted to try something different this time. Besides, she figured that if she pulled off she'd get a lot of points with the other girls. Since she was practically pulling off him each time she bounced her body back up, after her next thrust down she simply pulled all the way up and off him.

The other girls couldn't believe their luck. A mad scramble ensued, as Kate, Erin, and Jordan, positioned themselves across the middle of his chest.

There was no time for Monica to get in range, since she was on one side of his cock and the other girls were on the other side. So instead she held his shaft and had fun aiming it.

She was just in time, too, because he yelled in ecstasy as he passed the point of no return right as she firmly grasped his shaft. His first rope of cum shot just over the heads of the other girls. But his second rope splattered right down the middle of Kate's face. (Since Kate had acted first, she'd gotten the prized spot between Jordan and Erin.) Kate tilted her head slightly back in delirious rapture as his hot seed blasted all over her beautiful facial features. Her eyes were shut tight, but her mouth was opened wide.

Luckily, Monica figured that since Ryan had climaxed way more than normal, he probably didn't have much cum left. So she was quick to aim some of his cum towards Jordan's face, and then towards Erin's face. It was a good thing too, because his cum load was well less than half of the loads earlier in the evening. It helped that their three faces were pressed up close cheek to cheek, so there was no cum lost after that first errant rope.

Happily, the symbolism was more important than the actual amount of cum. Each girl got at least some cum on their face, and that made them happy. Kate actually got twice as much as either Jordan or Erin did, since Monica had to swing her aim across Kate's face to get from Jordan's to Erin's. But the three girls were far too overjoyed to quibble. And even though Monica didn't get any of the cum on her face, she figured she was the real winner since she got thoroughly fucked and a full cum load in her to boot.

She hadn't had her "big finale" climax yet, because of the need to act upon Kate's request. But she'd been right on the cusp, and once her aiming task was done, she simply stopped resisting, and had a great screaming orgasm. It would have been even better if she'd still been bouncing and churning on his cock at the time, but she was glad to spread the pleasure. There was more than enough to go around.

With Ryan's climax over, his will to stay awake and alert collapsed. He closed his eyes and started to drift off to sleep right away, not caring that there were four bodies draped over him.

However, before he completely lost consciousness, the girls wanted to revel in the visual splendor of their cummy faces.

Kate said, "Monica, THANK YOU for that! So much! Best friends forever, after that!"

Monica was delighted, but bashful. "Awww, it was nothing. You should see how you three look. So sexy! It was worth it, just to see your spermy faces!"

That excited Kate even more. "Oh my God! Did we record all this?! We did, didn't we?!"

Jordan pulled her head away from the other two and said, "Don't worry, I've got it covered. With two cameras. Monica, you're right. That is a super sexy sight!"

It dawned on Erin, "But our man can't see it. All he can see is the back of our heads!"

With that, the three cummy girls turned around in place to get Ryan's reaction. They were upset to see that his eyes were closed and he wasn't paying attention.

Although Kate was loving her new sexually submissive lifestyle, she still was used to getting her way. So she began shaking his shoulders without even thinking if that was what he wanted. "Ryan! Master! You can't go to sleep yet. You need to see this!"

He blearily opened his eyes. He was startled to see Kate staring down at him from only about a foot away, with Jordan's face on one side and Erin's on the other. Seeing their three gorgeous faces lined up like that, and with his cum splattered here and there, was simply too much. He muttered, "Sweet Jesus!" and then passed out together.