Ryan slowly awoke to a combination of very curious sensations. Mostly, he felt intense, incredible pleasure coming from his crotch. He'd never woken up feeling that good and he didn't understand what could be causing it. But that wasn't all. He felt a bright glare on his eyes, causing him to shut his eyes tighter instead of opening them. Furthermore, there was a heavy pressure on his chest, as if someone was partially lying on top of him. And he was hit by a strange smell that combined femininity and perfume with raw sex. He heard some unusual slurpy noises as well.

He'd been having a fantastic and extremely arousing dream when he'd been fully asleep. Slowly but surely, his mind started functioning enough for him to remember some snippets of what had happened last night. But he was lost in confusion, thinking that those memories had to be just a great wet dream and what was happening to him right now had to be another great dream in progress.

Eventually though, the pleasure from his crotch became too much for him to believe it was just a dream. If it was, it was far more stimulating than any dream he'd ever had. As the seconds passed, he realized he could clearly sense real lips tightly wrapped around his shaft and sliding up and down it. There were fingers on his lower shaft and balls as well - seemingly too many fingers to make sense. He gasped when he concentrated on the pleasures caused by a very busy tongue lapping on his sweet spot.

It finally came to him: Holy shit! Holy SHIT! Last night was all real! It all happened! I had sex with Princess Kate! AND Erin! AND Monica! AND Jordan too, although I haven't fucked her yet! But I sure as hell will today. All of it is REAL! Which means that one of them must be sucking me off right now!

No fucking way!

He searched his feelings and tried to recall more of what had happened last night. Seriously, no fucking way! That can't be. It's totally implausible! Impossible! To score like that with FOUR girls at once?!

There's just no way! No fucking way!

And yet... someone IS giving me a blowjob! Either that, or this is the best fucking dream ever. I'm afraid to open my eyes. What if I wake up?! GAAWWWD, that feels so good!

Another minute passed. He was giddy and dizzy as he became increasingly convinced that he actually was awake, which meant last night really happened.

Then he heard a female voice from a few feet away ask, "What's the verdict?"

He wasn't sure who asked that, but he recognized the responding voice as Monica's. She spoke with a normal volume, "I think he's awake! For real, this time. His eyes kind of shut tightly and they've stayed that way for a couple of minutes now. That's new. He gasped once, and now he's breathing heavily. And there have been all kinds of emotional expressions on his face. Just look at that huge shit-eating grin he's sporting right now. Don't tell me he's dreaming. I don't see the rapid eye blinking, like before."

The other voice asked, "Hmmm, maybe so. But what if he wants to stay like that? Shouldn't we let him? I've never had a master before; I don't know how these things work."

It took him a moment to catch on, but he finally realized, A-ha! That's Jordan! She's such a babe. And she's standing a few feet away, I can tell. Plus I feel more than ten fingers on my dick and balls, so that means Kate AND Erin must be sucking me off together! Taking turns, I'll bet! Oh, for fuck's sake! This is too great! I MUST be dreaming!

The location of Monica's voice gave away that she had to be responsible for the feeling of a body pressing down on his chest. It appeared she was lying on him and staring into his face in order to detect signs of him waking. She replied to Jordan, "I've never had a master before either. None of us have,

obviously. Would he want us to wake him up? Is he going to be upset that we let him sleep past noon? Will he spank us for that? Or will he spank us if we do wake him up? Unfortunately, we just don't know enough about him to know what he wants."

Jordan said with a tinge of alarm, "It sounds like we're all going to get a good spanking, no matter what we do."

"Yeah, probably," Monica said in a nonchalant voice. "Does that bother you? Because being spanked is a big part of being a personal slut. You don't even have to do anything wrong. He OWNS us. We have no free will. We have to obey his every whim, and pleasure his big cock constantly. He can make us do literally ANYTHING!" She was trying to sound alarmed, but her tone of voice suggested she relished that prospect.

Jordan responded, "I know. You've only told me that a thousand times in the last hour alone. It seems like it, anyway. Don't act all superior just because you've gotten spanked and I haven't yet. I can't help that. I'm dying to lie naked across his lap and get my ass properly broken in, but I just have to wait. Oh, and by the way, Erin, it's time."

A muffled but loud moan of frustration came right from the mouth sucking Ryan's erection. He could feel the vibrations of the moan as well as hearing it.

Jordan chided, "EriiiIIIIIiiiin... Don't make me have to get pushy. Remember, we're a team. Weren't you the one lecturing to us just a little while ago about the virtue and importance of sharing his cock in our new lives going forward?"

There was another loud and frustrated moan, and then he felt Erin's lips slide off his cockhead with a loud popping noise.

But he didn't get any respite from the non-stop pleasure, because just a couple of seconds later he felt another pair of sliding lips envelop his cockhead. There was another muffled moan, but this one was more like a blissful sigh.

Even with Ryan still coming to full consciousness, he could figure out the mouth that had just been on him belonged to Erin and the new mouth was Kate's. Both of those facts were so incredible that he let out his own loud, lusty moan.

He had a few moments to recover while Kate took some time to adjust to having his thickness in her mouth. Kate! The great Kate! And Erin! And those definitely are Monica's big tits resting on my chest! And Jordan must be standing there watching Kate suck and wishing it was her turn! Hot damn, those sweet lips are really doing a number on me, and her tongue is fantastic! How can something this awesome really be real?!

He could feel Erin's breath on his lower shaft as she purred to Kate, "It never gets any easier, does it? We both have tears on our cheeks. But that just makes me love it even more. Don't you agree?"

Kate let out an "MMMM!" of hearty agreement. Then she started sucking in earnest.

That felt even more incredible to him, especially since he realized with delight that he could detect her personal style from her various sucking efforts the night before - she had an unusually active and dexterous tongue. And that reinforced the seemingly impossible realization that everything that happened last night was really real and not just a crazy, wonderful dream.

He was so overcome by a rush of arousal and realization that his entire body jerked, just like he'd been hit with an electric shock.

Jordan commented, "Okay, I saw that. He's awake for sure. There's no way anybody could sleep through that!"

He muttered, "I'm up." The glare of the Sun was still in his eyes, so he flopped one of his arms over his face. God damn! She's using so much tongue. And she sucks with such suction! UNH! I'm on the verge of cumming already, and my day has barely started!

He heard Monica hiss, "Yessss! Finally!" She got up off him altogether, now that her checking on his status was done. He was bummed to feel the pressure of her hefty tits lifting from his chest.

But strangely there was no other immediate reaction to his comment that he could detect, except that Kate began sucking him with even more vigor. He'd thought she was going all out already, but it turned out she could do even better. He seriously thought he might start seeing stars just like he was in the middle of a great orgasm, even though he didn't need to cum just yet.

He had to take the arm from across his face so he could clench the sides of his head with both hands, just like he was suffering from an overwhelming ice cream freeze. His hands ran though his hair, as if that would somehow help him cope with the great arousal without cumming. But he quickly realized that wasn't helping whatsoever, so he said, "Kate, my love, please take it easy on me. Way easy. What you're doing is going to make me cum in just a couple of minutes!"

He heard the other girls giggling. At the same time, he heard and felt a loud "MMMMUNMPH!" from Kate's mouth, but he didn't know what that meant. So he asked, "What's that about?"

Erin responded just as she began licking his balls. "The giggling comes from you thinking we've only been at this for 'a couple of minutes.' The truth is, we've been taking turns trying to stroke and suck you into consciousness for at least half an hour now. You missed out!"

There was more giggling from all the girls. Then Jordan commented, "Don't worry; there's a LOT more where that came from. We already have plans to basically spend all day-"

She was cut off when Erin said, "SHHHH! Don't tell him too much, or he'll get a big head. Remember what we talked about?" After a pause, it became evident she was directly addressing him again. "Anyway, as for why Kate made that big 'umph' noise, I think she's kind of flummoxed because you told her to take it easy on your cock at the exact same time you called her 'my love.' How can she not want to suck you with even more vigor after that?"

Kate immediately responded to that by making another loud and unintelligible noise. Then she apparently said a word that sounded like, "Muuum-maaaah-meeee!"

Ryan couldn't make heads or tails of it. All he could figure out was that it was three syllables long. Monica said, "If I could hazard a guess, I'll bet she just said, 'exactly.'"

"MMMM!" Kate moaned approvingly. And though Ryan couldn't see it, the others noticed her making a thumbs up signal.

Ryan thought, Man alive! Today is going to be some kind of day! A crazy, incredible, impossibly great day. But still, I really need to put my foot down, or they'll drain my balls completely dry in the first hour. So he said, "Kate, I love your reaction, but I really must insist. Please take it way, way down, more than a few notches, or I'm going to blow my load down your throat or all over your face at any moment!"

Kate let out another loud noise that was both lusty and exasperating. Her cheeks caved in and she sucked with even greater vigor.

The other girls giggled a lot more. Jordan mirthfully explained, "You just did it again. You told her to slow down and then said something guaranteed to redouble her excitement!"

He sighed. Oh, man! So good, but so bad! I'm getting way too horny! He said, "Okay, I'll make it

simple: please slow down! Please!"

That desperate plea finally got through to Kate. She almost stopped her lip and hand movement altogether, although she kept his cockhead in her mouth and her tongue kept on lapping at his sweet spot. Erin also gave up on licking his balls, though she continued gently fondling them.

He sighed with relief. He was loving the pleasure too much to have the two vixens stop altogether, so this level of stimulation was a good compromise.

With his arousal crisis passing, he finally dared to open his eyes and look around. He almost immediately regretted that, because the sexy vision he saw made his heart leap to his throat and also seemingly thump right out of his chest. His entire body twitched, several times.

Monica and Jordan were standing side by side at the foot of the bed, looking almost like twins with their identical height and bodily proportions, except for their vastly different skin and hair colors. Both of them were wearing very sexy lingerie, although his lust-addled brain couldn't figure out why, since all of it was see-through and barely covered any vital parts of their bodies.

He thought, God DAMN! So sexy! They're my sexy, slutty little twins. What sultry faces, what curvaceous hard bodies. So fucking STACKED!

He would have shamelessly gawked at them for a good while longer, except he caught the motion of Kate's bobbing blonde head out of the corner of his eye. He couldn't see much of her since he was lying flat on his back and she evidently was lying very low on the bed between his legs, but just seeing that much shook him to his core. He knew that if he lifted his head off his pillow he'd be able to see a lot more of her, and some of Erin lying next to her, but he figured he wouldn't be able to mentally handle all that just yet. Plus, he was still dangerously close to cumming.

He sighed from emotional exhaustion and closed his eyes again. Jesus Christ! What the hell did I DO last night?! How did I win them, all four of them?! Man! I must have really been at the top of my game with the whole pretending-to-be-a-dominant-stud thing. But can I fake that today, and tomorrow, and beyond? Oh, man!

He felt someone repositioning, and he couldn't resist opening his eyes again to see what was happening.

It was Erin sitting up while remaining on the bed and between his legs. She was wearing a revealing see-through nightie. Not only did it utterly fail to cover her tempting F-cups, it had a shelf underneath them that actually thrust them up and out a little bit. She looked into his eyes while she reached down and resumed fondling his balls with one hand. "Okay, now that you're up and alert-"

"In more ways than one!" Jordan happily chimed in, staring at his throbbing erection. "He's VERY up!"

"Yes," Erin said impatiently. Her tone turned prideful as she added, "But when is that not the case with our man?" She added in a breathless whisper, "Such a fucking STUD!"

She spoke boldly as her pride in his sexual prowess soared ever higher. "This is the cock that's going to rule my pussy for years to come. And it's halfway buried in the mouth of Princess Kate!" She tickled her fingers up and down his shaft with her free hand, and then moved that hand up to Kate's face to wipe away some fresh tears. "Look, girls. Look at how she's crying tears of effort even while she's taking it totally easy on him."

Monica pointed out, "Simply keeping The Beast in her mouth is a constant struggle. In fact, it's probably harder to keep it there without the distraction of moving her lips."

"True," Erin said with dreamy distraction. She noticed that Kate had just resumed her lip sliding due to Monica's comment. She licked her own lips, wishing she was choking and gagging on his thickness.

But then she regained her focus. "Anyway, Ryan, we got a lot of things to talk about. To start with, we're VERY upset with you."

Oh fuck! He felt panicky. "You are?!"

"VERY!" Erin said firmly. "First off, we want to know if you're for real."

He tried his best to hide his panic, even as his pleasure continued to soar from Kate's slow but effective oral attentions. "'For real?' What do you mean?"

Monica sat down on the bed and cut in to say, "We mean, were you sincere about all that you said last night? Claiming us as your personal sluts, possibly forever, and all the rest? Are we not good enough and tempting enough to keep your attention?" With that comment, she struck a sexy, provocative pose, with one hand behind her head. One strap to her nightie slid down a shoulder, although that didn't matter much since she was topless already.

He licked his lips like a starving dog. It took him some long moments to remember to respond, "You are! You are!" He reached out and caressed one of her muscular thighs.

Monica smiled with satisfaction, but only for a second. She pouted as she continued to pose and preen, "Or are we just the latest conquests you'll fuck and dump once we start to bore you? And were you honest when you said we really are your only personal sluts at the moment, or do you have others?! In short, are you serious about claiming us and owning us, and using us for your personal pleasure for many years to come?!"

She abruptly dropped her sexy pose and stared into his eyes with surprising emotional vulnerability. "Or was that just a lot of hot air and empty promises? We're dying to know, because you have us all... well... very emotionally worked up!" She looked away, shy from expressing herself so directly.

His brain reeled from hearing all that. "Hot air and empty promises?!" That makes it sound like she WANTS me to own her and "use her for my personal pleasure for many years to come," and she'll actually be crushed if I don't! Wow! Again, what the HELL did I do last night that led to all this?! Damn, I really do have a super power! Big dick power is AWESOME!

Jordan continued to stand, and she folded her arms under her bare rack, causing her round E-cups to swell forward enticingly. "Well? Please answer the question! Everything hinges on that!"

His head swam with amazement, because Kate unexpectedly raised her upper body by resting her weight on her elbows, revealing that she was buck naked. His cockhead never left her mouth, even as his shaft went from pointing straight forward to pointing straight up. That allowed her to continue as before, except she could look down his body just enough to make eye contact with him.

It felt like a lightning bolt when he saw her face come into view. For starters, her face was literally breathtakingly beautiful, the kind that belonged on billboards and magazine covers. He could see her lips wrapped around his remarkably thick shaft, with fresh tears of effort rolling down her cheeks. He had serious trouble breathing, and only belatedly gasped and panted when his body demanded oxygen. The other three girls were all stunners, but Kate was in a class of her own. On top of that, after repositioning she kept her lower legs tucked under her body, bringing her flawless ass into view as well. Her entire body seemed to bounce in time to her rhythmic bobbing, with her ass in particular in constant motion.

He felt like he was on the verge of a heart attack. Had he been standing or even sitting, he would have swooned to the ground due to that mind-blowing sight. And looking elsewhere wasn't any help, since Erin, Monica, and Jordan filled most of the rest of his view.

Unfortunately, this wasn't the time for gasping, gaping, or swooning, because all four girls were eagerly

awaiting his answer. He rallied his wits and said heatedly, "Of course I'm serious! What do you take me for? I've never been more serious about anything in my entire life!"

He was somewhat disappointed to see no dramatic reaction to that. Then he realized they were all still doubtful and afraid to get their hopes up.

Finally, Monica asked with extra fiery passion, "Do you really, really, really mean it? Or are you just jerking us around? Because if you're playing with our hearts, I'm going to be so fucking mad! God have mercy on your soul if that's your game! Some of us are developing really strong feelings for you, you know." Again, she turned her head out of shyness for letting her feelings show.

He was shocked all over again to see Monica not just turn her head, but also try to wipe away the tears that were suddenly leaking from her eyes. Oh God! Oh God! Monica's really fallen for me. I think maybe they ALL have! Even Jordan looks like she's about to get a bit teary-eyed, on top of her already streaky cheeks. I need to man up, to rise up and become the kind of great guy they all think I am!

He held his arms wide open while he continued to lie there. "Monica, Jordan, please come here so I can hug and kiss you. I really, really, REALLY mean it! I've developed shockingly strong feelings for all four of you too. I'm afraid you're stuck with me for the long-term, if I have any say in the matter!"

The look of joy and relief on Monica's and Jordan's faces were priceless. Both of them immediately began crawling up the bed towards him.

He turned his attention to Kate and Erin. The shocks kept on coming, because he saw fresh tears flowing freely down Kate's cheeks, even as she resumed bobbing on him with great vigor. The resulting loud slurpy sounds helped his heart thump even faster.

Unfortunately, he couldn't see Erin's face at all, because she'd suddenly dropped back flat on the bed with her face in his crotch once more. Clearly, she longed to suck his cock too, but since Kate was already busy doing that, she tried licking as much of his lower shaft as she could manage. However, after just a few seconds of doing that, she came up with an additional idea: she took one of his balls in her mouth and began sucking on it as a sort of cock substitute.

He was amazed at how good that felt, especially since Erin fondled his other one at the same time. Overall, Kate's new burst of sucking energy doubled his arousal in a flash, and what Erin was doing to his balls doubled that again. Between Erin's two hands and mouth and Kate's mouth, his cock and balls were completely covered. Once again, his heart thumped so hard that he worried he'd have a heart attack.

He was going to reassert that they take it easy on him, but he didn't get a chance because Monica and Jordan were on him like hungry lions pouncing on their prey. He found himself French kissing one and then the other, while his hands seemed to be drowning in big tits to play with. It was all too bewildering and wonderful to take. He could feel his resistance to letting go and blasting his cum load into Kate's mouth slipping away by the second.

In desperation, he forcefully broke the kiss and shouted, "STOP! Everybody stop!" He was too overcome by their combined lusty attentions to even know who he'd been kissing.

That was such a shocking surprise that the girls all complied right away. Monica and Jordan lifted their bodies partially off his chest. Kate and Erin even pulled their mouths and hands all the way off, leaving his privates completely untouched.

Kate quickly wiped her cheeks of tears and her chin of cum, then bowed her head slightly. "Master, I'm sorry! Did we displease you?"

Hearing and seeing that level of obedience even from the remarkably desirable Kate blew his mind all

over again, and very nearly caused his boner to shoot off. "Master!" She calls me "master" and she means it! Fuuuuuuck! He clenched his teeth and shut his eyes tightly as he struggled to resist the temptation to let his cum fly.

At first the girls saw the pained look on his face and grew even more worried that he was upset with them somehow. But after just a few seconds they all realized he was merely struggling mightily not to cum.

Thinking fast, Erin gripped the base of his shaft and squeezed very tightly.

That helped greatly. But still, he continued to hang on for dear life. "Master?!" Are you kidding me?! That's Princess Kate, the only girl who could make Kate Upton look plain and flat-chested in comparison! Fucking hell! She thinks I OWN her, which makes it true! And she totally loves it. If the guys on campus found out, they'd either kill me or build a giant statue in my honor. Pinch me, I'm dreaming!

Finally, the latest crisis passed. He was able to ease his breathing and open his eyes. He looked to Erin and muttered, "Thanks! That helped a lot. How'd you learn to do that?"

Erin smiled knowingly. "Hey, last night wasn't my first time with a penis. I've got a few tricks up my sleeves."

He took a heavy sigh of relief. "Thank God. Anyway, what's this about you all being 'very upset' with me? Tell me what the problem is so I can fix it." He put a hand on his forehead as he continued to recover from the close call. "And please, let's do it without any cocksucking or that sort of thing. If it's serious, let's talk without distractions. You're all so sexy and arousing that I can barely think straight."

That made all four girls smile.

Kate looked to Erin (who was still holding the base of Ryan's shaft) and got the non-verbal okay to take the lead in the discussion. She said, "We WERE very upset with you. Now, not so much, if you're really sincere about making a serious commitment to us."

"I am. I swear I am. But please continue."

She went on, hesitantly, "You see... it's like this. You obviously were very tired after being the center of a lot of affection and attention all night long. So you slept and slept the whole morning away. But we didn't. In fact, the four of us were all awake by nine."

Monica cut in, "And we were totally freaking out!" He furrowed his brow. "'Freaking out?' Why?"

Monica gesticulated wildly as she sat there on the edge of the bed near his crotch. "Why? Why?! Oh, I suppose it's an everyday occurrence in your world for a girl to wake up and realize she'd pledged her body and soul to a guy she hardly knows?! To realize that she's a 'personal slut' and she's actually owned by someone else?! And worse, that she's got to share that 'honor' with at least three others! I'll tell you, that's a real kick in the head! It's like a whole bunch of kicks!"

He looked from girl to girl, from Jordan sitting on one side, to Kate and Erin between his legs, and then finally to Monica on the other side. They all nodded with dead serious faces. He didn't know what to say.

Before he was forced to speak, Kate resumed, "It's true. We were freaking out. It wasn't long before the four of us gathered together on Monica's balcony in our nighties to sort our feelings out while we let you sleep. We ended up having a big discussion."

He was startled to realize that Monica's room had a balcony. He glanced around the room and saw that

was true.

Monica interrupted Kate again. "More like an argument. It almost came to blows a couple of times!"

Kate nodded. "That's true." She told Ryan, "If you had been up, we would have turned our anger and frustration on you. That's why it's lucky for you that you kept on sleeping through it all. Eventually, we finally came to grips with our new reality and sort of talked each other out of doing anything rash."

Ryan suddenly realized that Erin had gone from merely holding his shaft to actively stroking it. She'd even brought her hand up to rub a couple of fingers against his sweet spot. He wanted to remind her to stop. But she was taking it easy on him, relatively speaking, and he couldn't get a word in with Kate talking.

Kate said, "It was a real blessing that the six of us all live right here so we can help each other out. In the end, we kind of came to some acceptance and understanding, thanks to our new friendships."

Jordan added, "Well, that plus the fact that we all got increasingly horny. At least that was the case for me. It was a miracle we could talk at all, given the way you had morning wood pretty much all morning." She pointed a finger at him. "And with the sheet kicked off. Talk about distracting. Even being out on the balcony didn't help, knowing it was poking up in the air just a short distance away. It was a kind of torture!"

Kate sheepishly admitted, "Okay, I'll admit there was some of that going on. We did get more than a bit distracted there at the end. Anyway, we still have issues to sort out with you. Lots of issues!" She stared at him almost accusingly. "This isn't just fun and games, you know. The way we figure, being a personal slut is a major, major commitment."

Erin chimed in while staring at him intently, "And not just for us. For you too! We expect you to take full responsibility!" She put a hand on her hip to emphasize her point, while her other hand stayed busy stroking his boner.

Ryan tried to digest all that. It was a lot to take in, especially the fact that they were all taking this very seriously indeed. However, between staring at their gorgeous faces and their curvaceous bodies, it was a struggle for him to think at all. Then something occurred to him, and he asked, "Wait. Did you say all six of you are helping each other out?"

Kate had been resting a hand on his thigh, but it had somehow gradually slipped to his erection. She began subtly stroking his hot pole just below Erin's hand as she said, "Sure. Naturally, that includes Brandy and Nancy as well. Obviously, they're not sexually involved with you, nor do they want to be. But they're part of the Third Floor Club and we've got each other's backs. We wanted to consult with them and get a cautionary voice, since we realize our lusts are kind of running our brains when we think about you. They weren't entirely opposed to the four of us enslaving ourselves to you, but they wanted to be sure that we carefully thought it through first and were completely determined to follow through."

He unthinkingly blurted out, "They weren't?!" He couldn't imagine how anyone could approve of someone "enslaving" themselves to someone else, not unless they were totally overcome by lust.

She patiently continued, "Like we said, things got pretty heated at times. But they saw what happened to us last night. Even though it didn't happen to them, they could understand how we've discovered powerful new feelings and experiences we very much want to explore. In the end, they agreed to accept and support our new lifestyles provided that YOU are serious about committing to us too. Furthermore, they're going to play a kind of watchdog role, to make sure you don't take advantage of us."

Erin corrected, "Well... you are going to take advantage of us, obviously. You own us, after all. In fact,

we'll be really bummed if you don't. But what Kate means is taking advantage in a bad way, like beating us or stealing our money, or generally turning into a raging asshole."

Kate quickly corrected Erin's correction. "Of course that doesn't count getting spanked or other physical punishments you may come up with. It's hard to explain or define, but I think there's a right way to punish your sluts and a wrong way that could turn into domestic abuse. That's one thing they can help with, to make sure this doesn't turn ugly somehow, if you get mad with power or something. We want to keep the emphasis on fun and love and lots of orgasms."

He nodded, since he was in complete agreement. He noticed that Kate and Erin switched hand positions so Kate could stimulate his sweet spot for a while. But the pleasure level was just right, so he didn't try to stop them.

Instead, thinking on the fly, he said, "Understood. Trust me, I have no intention of ever hurting any of you. In fact, I'm thinking of making the spankings a reward instead of a punishment, even though we can continue to pretend they're punishments if we want to. I have other options for punishments if need be, like extended time-outs."

Jordan asked, "What does that mean?"

He explained, "It means that if you're being bad, you won't be part of the sexy fun the rest of us will be having. That'll give you time to think about the bad thing you've done."

The eyes widened on all four girls as they contemplated that. They immediately understood that would be a very big disincentive.

He went on, "Keep in mind that I plan on being a dictator of sorts, but a benevolent dictator. The way I figure, this isn't about me, it's about US. If the four of you aren't happy, then I'm not going to be happy. Yes, I'll dominate you and yes you'll submit to me and serve me, but we'll mutually enjoy that and benefit from it. We're all going to have lots of fun and love and orgasms, as you put it, Kate."

He spoke emphatically, "And yes, what I say goes. Period! This isn't a democracy at all. But I do want feedback and input. The way I figure, dominance and submission is a two-way street. There are plenty of ways for you to get your wants and needs across to me while remaining totally obedient to my every command. In fact, I said last night that you all are going to be a real handful to deal with, and I'm sure that'll be true."

He nodded to his erection. "For instance, didn't I say to leave my dick alone? But did you listen?"

Kate smirked unrepentantly. "Technically, you said 'let's do it without any cocksucking or that sort of thing.' The way I figure, this is a very different thing."

He rolled his eyes, but he couldn't stop smiling. "There you go. Case in point. The thing is, I'm just getting to know all of you, but I already treasure and respect each and every one of you. I'm sure our feelings will only grow stronger the more time we spend together. I want this to evolve into something very magical and special, something that you're damn proud to be a part of, even if you can't tell anyone else about it."

They were all unthinkingly nodding in understanding and agreement.

He continued, "Yes, technically I 'own' you now, but not exactly, not really. You're always free to walk away. There's no way I can keep you locked in chains against your will, and I wouldn't want to if I could. I want you to be a willing and enthusiastic part of this because you're enjoying it and loving it so much. If you're not, then we've got to talk and sort things out until you are."

The girls all looked and felt glad to hear him say that.

Monica said, "Thank God! I can't wait to tell Brandy and Nancy that, 'cos that should put some of their concerns to rest."

Kate spoke while she idly ran her fingers all over his cockhead, "I'm really delighted to hear that too. But what about your promise to cure me of my Princess Kate ways? Cure us, actually. We're all spoiled rotten from our beauty and wealth, though I'm probably the worst."

Jordan teased her, "'Probably?'"

Kate sighed. "Okay, definitely. But still, it's just a matter of degree." She looked intently into Ryan's eyes. "What about you helping me to reform my selfish 'princess' ways with your huge cock and firm spanking hand? I must admit, that's a big part of why I get so excited to be a part of this. I figure I'm going to have the best sex humanly imaginable AND overcome all the things that were making me miserable at the same time!"

He finally sat up, so he could reach out and take Kate's hand. "Don't worry. There will be plenty of that. I'm not going to put up with you being a spoiled and selfish bitch, that's for sure. The spanking thing is complicated; we'll have to work that out. But trust me, I have plenty of ways of keeping you in line and headed towards being a better person while keeping a smile on your face and the cum dripping down your thighs."

Kate beamed brightly as she squeezed his hand with one hand while slowly jacking him off with her other one. "Thank you! That's exactly what I needed to hear!" She added more soberly, "We're all taking a big leap into the unknown with you. It's very scary. And yet... I trust you. We all do. I don't know why, maybe we're dumb since we still hardly know you at all, but it just feels... right. Like, like... you really do care for us and you really will make good on your promises. That's why we all eventually came around after a couple of hours of hand wringing and arguing, because we have a strong gut feeling that you'll be the man we all hope you are."

He nodded, like he'd expected to hear that. In fact, he was secretly jubilant. "Good. Look, there's a fine line between being a good owner and being a bad one. I know I'm young, even younger than all of you, but I'm confident that I have what it takes and I know what I'm doing. I'm sure I'm going to make some mistakes along the way, especially as we get started, but I ask you to trust me and give me a chance to prove that this is a lifestyle we'll all come to love and want to continue down through the years. How does that sound?"

The four girls were all smiles. Those were just the kind of words they'd been hoping to hear.

However, he thought, Yikes! I sound pretty good saying all that. I could almost convince myself with the way I project supreme confidence. But I'm REALLY flying into the unknown! I've never had any relationship with one girl, and now I'm going to try four at once! I'm running on little more than porn logic and chutzpah. Oh, and my big cock "super power." Thank God for that!

Somehow though, I think I really can make this work, mostly through lots of great orgasms for everyone. I DO feel strong feelings for all of them, and they're growing stronger all the time. I really meant every word I said. Especially "If the four of you aren't happy, then I'm not going to be happy." That's key. As long as I stay true to that, and keep them all very sexually satisfied, I'm pretty sure everything will work out.

He continued with forced bravado, "Okay, so it's good to get all that clear. Are any of you still upset with me about anything? If so, let's get that sorted out too."

The girls looked back and forth between each other. Nobody had anything to say.

Finally, Kate looked back at him, and said, "I think this is going to be an evolving conversation. We're

all feeling much, much better after what you just told us. There are a lot of other issues to go over, but those can wait. Time marches on, and we have things to do. For instance, did you realize that it's after noon and you haven't had a bite to eat yet?"