
< Congratulation to [ Unnamed Player ] for Getting The Hidden Subclass!  >

A world announcement appeared before the eyes of every player, causing an uproar in the gaming community.

Another unnamed player has gotten an incredible achievement.

'Now, guilds will be trying to locate both, even though it's the same person - me.'

I chuckled, aware of what the situation would be like.

While the world was in chaos, I was doing my own thing, lying peacefully on the old wooden floor of some random house in the middle of the Demon starting village.

Suddenly, another hologram projected in front of me, making a smile appear on my face.

< Unique Subclass Chosen! >

< LOOT >

1️⃣  ⭕ Dark Energy → ⭕ Shadow Energy

2️⃣  📖 Darkness Blast → 📖 Shadow Blast

3️⃣  Unique Active Skill Book x1

4️⃣  +50 SP


My eyes shone with anticipation while observing the System window.

The first step of my big plan was now completed.

I've got a secret subclass.

Now the next step was to escape the village and complete many quests to gain levels and power.

Without hesitation, I pulled a unique book and immediately used it.

< New Active Skill Learned! >

Instantly, I opened my Status screen and scrolled to see what skill I received.

1️⃣ Shadow Realm < Lv. 1 >

-- As a Shadow, you must know how to fight against Light

-- Absorb all light in the area creating a perfect domain for you Fight

~ Cost 100 MP / 20 Shadow Energy

~ 24 hour cooldown


Reading the description, I frowned.

"What is Shadow Energy?"

Even in my past life, I had never heard of such energy before. The guy in the video probably didn't mention it for reasons unknown.

Scratching my cheek, I glanced at my upgraded Dark Energy passive skill.

1️⃣ Shadow Energy < Lv. 1 >

-- You've learned a stronger type of Mana; Shadow Energy.

-- Shadow energy can be absorbed by staying in the Shadows

~ 1 shadow energy per minute

~ No cost

~ No cooldown


" Wha... "

As I read through the description of my newly acquired skill, my mouth gaped in awe and excitement.

Now it all started to make sense.

Wasn't it a bit powerful?

No shit, the dude in the video didn't mention this.

He would be placing a target on his back for every guild and player in the game.

Pinching my nose bridge, I continued to scan my new abilities.

2️⃣ Shadow Blast < Lv. 1 >

-- An orb full of Shadows that has a chance to inflict fear and confusion

~ True Damage

~ AoE Damage

~ Cost 5 MP / 1 SE

~ 3 sec cooldown


The Darkness Blast also received some good upgrades.

Now, it even has the property to inflict Confusion and Fear.

I smirked, glancing at my whole Status screen and seeing some changes in my attributes.


Name: Leo

Level: 3 < 990/30,000 EXP >

Race: Demon

Class: Mage

Subclass: Shadow Mage



HP: 63 [+53]

MP: 127 [+87]

( Shadow Energy ) SE: 25

STR: 5

AGL: 40 [+3]

PDEF: 9 [+4]

MDEF: 53 [+43]

INT: 77 [+17]

SP: 50


Active Skills:

1️⃣ Shadow Realm < Lv. 1 >

-- As a Shadow, you must know how to fight against Light

-- Absorb all light in the area creating a perfect domain for you Fight

~ Cost 100 MP / 20 Shadow Energy

~ 24 hour cooldown


Passive Skills:

1️⃣ Mana Regen < Lv. 3 > ⭕

~ +15 MP per minute

~ No cost

~ No cooldown


2️⃣ Shadow Energy < Lv. 1 > ⭕

~ 1 shadow energy per minute

~ No cost

~ No cooldown



1️⃣ Shadow Blast < Lv. 1 > 📖

~ True Damage

~ AoE Damage

~ Cost 5 MP / 1 SE

~ 3 sec cooldown


2️⃣ Lightning Spear < Lv. 2 > 📖

~ Cost 14 MP

~ 18 second CD

~ +5% Damage

~ +2% To Inflict Status Effect


3️⃣ Demonic Flame < Lv. 1 >

~ True Damage

~ AoE Damage

~ Cost 20 MP

~ 10 second cooldown

~ 54 Souls consumed



1️⃣ < Healing Potion > x1

2️⃣ < Mana Potion > x4

3️⃣ < 305 Gold Coins >

4️⃣ < Salamander Scale > x6

5️⃣ < Fiery meat > x8



1️⃣ < Darkling Robe > { Copper }

~ MP +2

~ MDEF +3

~ HP +1


2️⃣ < Salamander Scale Boots > { Bronze }

~ AGL +3

~ PDEF +4

~ HP +2


3️⃣ < Salamander Ring > { Platinum }

~ +2% Magical Damage


4️⃣ < Eerie Staff > { Gold }

~ MP +30

~ INT +15


5️⃣ < Demon Prince's Crown  > { Platinum }

~ MP +50

~ MDEF +40

~ HP +50

~ { ??? } Sealed


< Map >

< Friend List >

< Guild >

< Pet >



I've gotten a new Attribute, Shadow Energy!

For a moment, I was tempted to pump all of my SP into it but I somehow managed to control my impulse and put only half of it into Shadow Energy.

I was tempted to put all the SP into it, but I somehow controlled the inner Demon and assigned only half of them.

Usually, when upgrading MP a player would feel a sense of clarity and empowerment as their magical reservoir expands.

However, as soon as I upgraded my Shadow Energy attribute, I felt a different kind of power surging within me.

It was as if a shroud of shadows had enveloped me, bringing unnatural calmness and heightened focus to my every move.

It almost felt as if my body's shadow grew in size and became... deeper?

Just to make sure I took a peek at my shadow I noticed its shape was constantly changing.

It looked like it was absorbing light from the surrounding area.

After upgrading the Shadow Energy I also felt a strange hunch that my upgraded Skills and Spells can become stronger if cast while using SE.

I wanted to try if my hunch was right and conjured a Shadow Blast while using the Shadow Energy.


An Orb of grey and dark color appeared in my palm, it seemed to attract and devour light.

Noticing its strange appearance I didn't want to hold onto it for too long, so I extended my hand forward and threw the Blast at the closest wall.


The Spell hit the wall and completely demolished it.

A street view opened revealing a lot of players and NPCs walking in the street.

The very next moment, all the eyes turned towards me.

I felt my neck and cheeks redden.

The crowd was in total silence, I was about to say something when I heard some murmurs spread through the crowd.

'He's hiding his face like the player that defeated the Dark Prince'

'... Power to Demolish a wall with a single spell'

'Contact the Guild!'

Suddenly I felt like I was eyed by a group of predators.

I needed to leave.

Not wanting to act suspicious I turned around and started walking like I didn't care, when I heard somebody shouting from the crowd.

"He's Lv. 10! I've used my special item to identify his level! He must be the player that defeated The Dark Prince!"


I cursed in my mind.

How unfortunate that such an item would be dropped from the monster.

In the later stages of the game, much more powerful Items and equipment will allow one to even see other players' Attributes and Skills, however, now this is very rare.

No face mask will help you to hide your identity from these items.

Unless you have equipment of a similar or higher Tier specifically made to hide your Status.

'I have to leave...'

As soon as I was exposed, I darted through the house and jumped out from the second-floor window.

Landing on the ground, I heard some shouts coming from the street and quickened my pace, running into the forest.

"Catch Him!"

"Quick, film him!"

"Has anyone seen his face?"

"He's Running!"

"Join our Guild!"

I ran as fast as I could and the sounds became further and further when finally, they disappeared.

I leaned on the nearby tree and took a deep breath.

"Do they have nothing to do?"

I even had a slight suspicion that those people were NPCs.

To chase a player for an hour is crazy, even obsessive.


Opening the map, I shifted my body to the North and stretched my back.

It's going to be a long journey to the big city.

My next Goal is to collect some materials and sell them at an auction that is happening next week.

I'll need to accept a lot of quests to kill Golems that drop rare ores that should sell for a lot of money.

"Time to grind..."