House (2)

The shop was half empty. It was a workday after all. Quickly walking through the endless lines of various chairs, sofas, TVs, and other furniture, I immediately knew what I wanted. I called an employee and quickly gave him a list of the items I wanted to buy and paid for a team to install all the items. Seeing the total cost made me feel like I was going to cry; it was too much money. I caught a taxi and drove back home, ordering some food for my parents. Since I had already eaten, I wasn't hungry.

Entering my old home, I put my hand on its rusty metal door and smiled.

'I'm so glad I'm not going to see you again'

I thought to myself. Taking off my shoes, I heard my parents conversing in the living room. With a smile, I greeted them and, unknowingly, a tear escaped from my eye. Unfortunately, it didn't slip past my parents' perception.

"Leo, what happened!?" My mother almost yelled, running towards me and hugging me with her frail hands. My father also didn't miss a second and walked up to me, patting my head, even though he didn't say any words. Now, tears were streaming down my eyes like a fountain, and with my crooked voice, I couldn't even say a sentence.

" you"

I managed to get out. My emotions were loose, and my face was all covered in tears, but a joyous smile was glued to it.

"We love you too,"

my mother spoke with a smirk, gesturing for my dad to take a photo. I couldn't believe it. From a person seemingly crying his eyes out, I turned into the most serious being in a second. No proof of me crying was left except for my mother's slightly wet t-shirt. Warily eyeing my mother with my now winter-cold eyes, I tried to freeze her in place, receiving another set of giggles from my parents.

Now with all jokes out of the pocket, I gestured for my parents to sit down. It was time to be serious. With a questioning gaze, my parents proceeded to sit on a nearby sofa. What followed next was a thorough explanation of how I knew about the loan, how the game I had played became worldwide, and how I had earned enough money to buy a house.

During my explanation, my mother's mouth was wide open. My father wasn't any different; with his eyes wide open, he looked at me as if I were an alien. Even after I explained everything, they were still speechless.

"Mom? Dad?"

I spoke, seeing them spaced out. With my words, they woke up from their stupor. The first thing that came out of my mother's mouth was,


Facepalming, I once again retold the story of how I earned the money, earning a stupid smile from my mother and a proud look from my dad.

"I've already paid for the house and repaid the loan. Tomorrow, there will be some things arriving at our new home, and also a truck will come to help us move some of our stuff to the new house"

I explained. After that, I spent a few hours talking to my parents. After making sure everything was alright, they retired to bed early with smiles painted across their faces.

I had already told them they were free not to work and that I would be able to pay for everything. Unfortunately, they insisted on keeping working until I gained enough wealth to live until the end of my life. You know... if something happened to the game.

At first, I opposed this decision, but after a few minutes of talking and a scolding session, because of my parents' dedication, I gave up. It would only take a month to earn enough money, so I wasn't especially worried.

Leaning on the sofa, I sighed in relief. I thought that the explanation wouldn't go as smoothly as it did. I had even planned to let my parents join the game to make sure everything was real.

Eating some pizza left from the dinner I walked to my room.

I was in need to do some important things, first being to find a group. I needed some players for an upcoming event, since solo players couldn't enter it.

I was also in need of a better item to hide my face and horns.

My robe's durability was running low and my demonic horns were slightly protruding from the hood. I already had an idea of what I needed.

Shadow Cloak - a Cloak made by a dwarven master blacksmith.

Dwarven blacksmiths are usually divided into tiers from Beginner to Grandmaster. In my previous life there were myths of another rank being above the Grandmaster, but I brushed it off as a myth. Even if there was such a rank, what could a person with this rank craft? An item with a tier above diamond?

Remembering my previous life I snickered at this joke and brushed my teeth before entering the VR pod. This time I felt no saliva on my face. Looking around I noticed Fenrir lying near my legs seemingly asking for something.

Throwing him a piece of cooked pork I watched as he swallowed it without even chewing. Well it was expected since the wolf was my height. Feeling some glares towards me I noticed many players eyeing me and Fenrir with different gazes.

Greed... Curiosity... Awe... Recognition?


I quickly ran towards the forest as papparazis started chasing after me.

Apparently the World announcement snitched about how my pet looks and other relevant things that would give my identity away.

Cursing my carelessness I entered the forest leaving a message for all the following people.

" Whoever follows me will die! "

Most of the people halted their steps, but some dare devils didn't care and ran after me. Of course I was bluffing even though I was very powerful. I couldn't take on at least a hundred players, yet...

Looking at my companion I made up my mind.

' I need to up my Relationship with him'

I thought running off in the distance, losing the chasers in a few minutes. Unlike the previous time, I wasn't tired. Looking at the map I walked towards the south.

' It's time to meet some other races! '