One against an Army

Feeling as if someone was drilling a hole in my skull I lifted my eyes to see the Grim Reaper use his skill < Fear of Death >.

Looking at my teammates I noticed them frantically trying to move their stunned bodies.

From experience I knew it wasn't possible, hence just calmly assessed the situation.

Since Boss used his skill that far away he won't be able to reach us in time.

After a few seconds we were freed from the Stun Status Effect and glancing at my party members I noticed all of them were still focused.

" Eli, Eric, since both of you are close range fighters, take the front line. Don't you dare get hit by the Reaper or else you'll die immediately! "

Quickly instructing how to proceed I walked closer to Ava while Eric and Eli rushed to the frontlines.

" Since you will not be able to kill that being by just endlessly casting spells, use them only from time to time to intercept its attack that might hit us. I trust you to keep us safe "