Buying Equipment

Leo was walking through the street trying to forget his previous exchange with Tia.

' That vixen! '

He was cursing his new comrade and didn't even see a man before him.

" Watch where you're going! "

The man shouted and Leo lowered his head apologizing to the NPC.

' I should be more aware of my surroundings... '

Putting the matters concerning Tia at the back of his mind Leo started thinking about all the equipment he'll have to buy. His wallet, as if feeling that something is wrong, was aching from the amount of money he'll have to spend.

Going through his memories Leo recalled the least expensive shop within Culg city and started going towards it. Along the way he felt some eyes gazing his way, but ignored them. They were probably only interested in his horn crown.

Entering a modern building with the sign 'Alchemy' above its entrance Leo was immediately greeted by the shopkeeper.