The Third Trial


The following day, Ava eagerly opened the file that Leo had sent to her. She quickly scanned through the document, taking in all the important information that was written within it. As she read, she made sure to pay close attention to the details, making sure she understood everything fully.

'He really does know how to sort out information...'

Looking at the way Leo prepared the document, Ava couldn't help, but praise his diligence and skill.

Within the document it was written that the third trial will occur underground or rather in hell, on a huge tower. Ava will have to defeat a Lv. 115 Fallen Angel, who was banished from heaven, due to the sins he committed.

Ava instantly became aware that there were other realms like Hell and Heaven. Leo had also written a rough description of the angel's skills and spells. The creature would be stronger than the Undead Poseidon, but Ava could use her Lightning to damage it.