Ava's Senses

Leo returned to his home late at night, when the moon was already high in the sky, casting a bright glow over the entire street. The lunar light illuminated the pavement and the surrounding buildings, creating a peaceful and serene atmosphere.

As Leo walked down the street, he could see his own shadow stretching out before him, cast by the bright moon above. It felt as if the shadow was staring back at him, but Leo just shook his head, it was only a shadow.

Leo carefully and quietly unlocked the door to his house, taking care not to make any noise as he entered. Once inside, he removed his shoes and tiptoed across the floor, trying to avoid any creaky boards that might wake his parents up.

Feeling hot and sticky from the heat and sweat, Leo headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower. He turned on the water, letting it run until it reached the perfect temperature before stepping into the stream of warm water.