[Bonus chapter]Insanity...

Leo felt as though his consciousness was being ripped away from its anchor and cast adrift in a sea of confusion. He struggled to regain his bearings, but the sensation was overwhelming. One thing he didn't like about this 'game' was its ability to mess with the players' brains.

The surroundings were hazy and indistinct, as if viewed through a thick fog. He tried to focus on something, anything, but it was no use. His mind felt like it was being pulled in a dozen different directions at once. He could feel the cold sweat beading on his forehead and the rapid thudding of his heart in his chest.

He wanted to let out a cry of frustration, but knew that it would be more beneficial to accept the power of the item and move on.


The darkness enveloped Leo as he was plunged into an abyssal void. Suddenly he noticed a silhouette looming in the distance.