Massacre (3)

Leo surveyed the scene before him with a slight frown. The players stood motionless, their eyes wide with shock and horror as they gaped at the gruesome spectacle before them. Blood splattered the ground, staining the once green field a dark red.

With a sigh, he began to make his way towards Robin, who was standing a short distance away. As he walked, the weight of the players' gazes seemed to press down on him, making each step feel heavier than the last. Even though the air was thick with the smell of blood and death, Leo could simply ignore it.

As he approached Robin, he could see the other man's face was etched with disbelief and shock. The members of the 'Cross' guild quickly moved out of Leo's way, avoiding any contact with his bloodied clothing.

Robin stood in silence for a moment, lost in his own thoughts. He couldn't even begin to fathom what had occurred within the dark dome, that brought an entire guild, full of powerful Berserker orcs, to its knees.