The Highest Contributor

Rose gazed into the distance, her eyes fixed upon the sprawling battlefield before her. The ground was littered with the yellow bones of the undead skeletons, their bony fingers clutching at the earth as they advanced towards the players. The players themselves were a kaleidoscope of color, their armor and weapons reflecting the light of the sun. Spells of every hue flew through the air, striking the skeletons and sending them tumbling to the ground. Despite the ferocity of the players' attacks, the skeletons seemed relentless, their bony fingers always reaching for their next prey.

Rose's grip was tight around the massive longbow that she held. The bow was half her size, made from a dark, rich wood that grew only in the elven forest. To a simple onlooker, it appeared to be nothing more than a simple Silver Tier equipment, but the bow was far from ordinary.