Leo's Heart

"No way!"

Leo exclaimed loudly, catching Ava's attention, who turned to look at him with a questioning expression.

"Is everything okay?"

As she approached him, a hint of concern flickered in her piercing blue eyes. Her gaze shifted towards Leo, whose usually steady purple eyes were now quivering with an unsteady tremble, as if he was deeply unsettled.

Leo's body gave way, and he leaned heavily against the wall, his trembling hand covering his face. He appeared on the brink of collapse, as if he could crumble to the ground at any moment.


Ava tentatively reached out and placed her hand on Leo's shoulder, her fingers lightly brushing against his cloak. She wanted to ensure that he wasn't about to relapse into his frenzied state, but as soon as she made contact, Leo flinched, and his piercing purple eyes snapped to meet hers.