Ruined City

Leo glanced up at the System Window hovering before his eyes. The display showed a map with grey shading surrounding him on all sides, with only four cardinal directions and the names of the territories he was passing through visible.

He was currently traveling through a ruined village, where many buildings were overgrown with vines and the pathways were broken. The treacherous terrain almost caused him to twist his ankles several times, but Leo persevered through the obstacles.

He kept a keen eye on his surroundings, aware that monsters could be lurking in the shadows of the buildings. Leo was especially cautious of the dark alleyways, shrouded in complete darkness and impossible to see into.

It was ironic that he was a Shadow Mage and yet was afraid of the dangers lurking within the shadows.

A part of him even whispered that he could conquer anything within the shadows, since it was his element.