Fighting an Alpha Drake

Leo faced the Alpha female drake, who was twice his size and possessed great strength. He knew he had to use all his skills to defeat her.

He drew out his bone blades, knowing they may not be strong enough to inflict significant damage but still hoping to use them to his advantage. As the Alpha female drake charged at him, Leo quickly raised his hands, activating his Shadow Protection.

The drake's sharp claws collided with Leo's shield, causing a loud clang. As the drake recoiled, Leo seized the opportunity to strike her with his Shadow Blast. The blast caught the drake off-guard, momentarily blinding her and giving Leo a chance to plan his next move.

He quickly recharged his Mana and cast his Lightning Bolt at the drake. The lightning bolt hit the drake square in the chest, causing her to stumble back in pain. But she recovered quickly, lunging at Leo again.