I don't want war

**Big thanks to Luke Karls for your support**

"Now you have eaten, so now we speak". As he said those words Arthor walked towards them until there was little space between them.

With a genial smile on his face his lips parted to speak, "You know my name, Yet I have to hear yours. What is your name?."

"Wy.. Wymar" Wymar managed to spit after loosing his composure for a second. This was not how he foresaw this conversation going, he had partaken in the bread and salt but he still had yet to feel truly safe.

"Calm down, loosen up, I can't be that terrifying" Arthor had began patting Wymar's shoulders, "hmm maybe you need a drink, yes a drink".

Arthor let Wymar go and moved to fill a wooden Flagon with with Unicorn milk before returning with said flagon.

"Go ahead have a drink"

Wymar stared at the Flagon before turning his eyes to Arthor. Still confused but not wanting to piss of the high Chief took the Flagon and took a long sip.

The other messengers at the back watched the whole interaction wondering just what it was they were witnessing.

"Good you're not as stiff as before. So tell me Wymar why have you and your fellows come to pay my clan and I a visit?"

Wymar and the others shared looks before he spoke, " My chief would like to know why you are here".

"Why I am here?" Arthor tilted his head to the side with his arms crossed before himself. Arthor turned to look at his people with the same confused look before turning back to Wymar.

"I lived here before the winter and now me and my people are here to reclaim our homes".

"And the bodies out there... the ones you have..."

"Oh those, they were Intruders living in my land, people I had certain personal issues with is all. Nothing for you to be concerned about."

"Oh yes" Arthor clapped his hands as he leaned closer to Wymar. "I almost forgot, it seems your people have some of the people I'm looking for".

"It is forbidden to raid during the early spring"

"These are not raids. Did we raid anyone brother?" Arthor turned to Benjen, who simply shook his head "No Arthor".

"See we did not raid anyone"

"You would lie even when the evidence is propped up not far from here."

"No, no, no, no. You are mistaken, to raid is to take from others. How then could I raid them when they all belonged to me. Now as I said earlier you have what belongs to me"

The smile was gone as a hard look overcame his features, as Wymar stared into those eyes he lost the confusion he had felt since his arrival and regained the fear he felt as he made his way through the forest of flesh.

Wymar however was not one to cower and met Arthor's eyes. "We have no such thing"

*sigh* "I don't war. It is a tiring and needles thing, just return them so as they can face their proper fate."

"And if we refuse to comply"

"Then you are one of them" those words contained not a hint of emotion.

"We are grateful for your hospitality high chief Arthor, but I must take my leave."

"sure, have a safe trip and do send my regards to your chief." Arthor regained the same tone and emotion from earlier as he waved Wymar and the others who were quick to rush out of the building.

"What now Arthor?" Lagertha asked Arthor who was still watching the entrance where Wymar and the others had left.

"It would seem our new neighbors have yet to see reason. It will be our duty to open their eyes to said reason"

" Ronell what is the closest clan to us which is holding the scum"

"The Scylfïng" came Ronnell's reply.

"Gather a sufficient amount of men, we will pay the Scylfïng chief a visit tonight, Let us hope he has his wits about him I would hate to bring and end to such a long lived tribe ".

With all that said Arthor walked out whistling a tune to himself, leaving the others to stare at their leader's back.


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