Scylfïng Falls

**Big thanks to Luke Karls for your support**

The journey back to his village wasn't a long one, allowing him to make it back before the sun vanished from the sky.

Wylis was escorted to his chief once he returned and asked to say what he had seen.

His report was vivid one, he observed as his chief expressions went through a variety of emotions ending on one of anger, once Wylis told him about the threat Arthor had implied.

Their chief was not one to take threats lying down, especially one coming from what he called a 'young brat who was barely survived the winter'.

As he sat before a fire he told his friends about the forest of flesh. Describing the horrors in vivid detail. His story was cut short however when he saw a few people rushing over to the village entrance.

Seeing this Wylis rushed after them as well. At the entrance was a boy standing silently with a small group of people behind him.

The white shown in his single eye made it clear to all, he was a warg but that raised more questions such as how in the hells was he warging and moving at the same time.

"Caw" the cry of a raven drew the attention of everyone, "I am Ronell son of Harwood, I am sure the messenger you sent to us has returned and told you about my brother".

"Aye told us all about him" the chief spoke up.

"Then this will be easy my brother asks you hand over the people who are hiding in your village. Once you do we will be on our merry way" Ronell continued in the tone that harboured little to no emotion.

"You come here and think you can give me orders" as the chief said this his eyes moved to scan the rest of the group. "If Arthor thinks himself worthy of giving me orders let him come before me."

There was a minute of silence before Ronell spoke once again, "are you refusing?"

In response the chief simply spat before the boy, the boys eyes moved down to look at the wad of saliva before raising them once more to look at the chief, "I see".

The cries of ravens were heard and immediately after flaming arrows streaked across the sky and headed straight for them, "Get to cover" the chief screamed out as everyone run to get to safety.

Ronell on the other hand made no attempts to move as more people began to come into view with each of them being fully armed, and led by none other than Arthor.

"How unfortunate"

With Ronell's last words Arthor and his men descended upon the village taking them all in but a few minutes. His numbers simply overwhelming.

As the were lined up like thralls before him with the escapees of the chief glared at the man responsible, Arthor.

"Do not look at me like that I offered you peace, and you spat in my brothers face. Quite literally at that" Arthor had moved to be mere inches away from the chief.

"What do you want?" hearing the question Arthor showed a confused look before turning to his brother and then Wylis. "You, I remember you. You were with that messenger... Wymar, yes his name was Wymar."

"Did you not tell your chief what you witnessed"

Wylis simply stared Arthor in the eye before he spoke, "I did".

Giving a nod at that Arthor turned back to the chief with a wide grin, "then you know what I want"

"You... take them" the Chief spoke in a resigned tone after taking another look into the eyes of the mad man. "Them?" Arthor tilted his head to the side, "did your messenger not tell you everything. You refused my offer of peace, you are one of them now. There is no them".

All who understood Arthor's words had their eyes widen in sheer horror. Ignoring them Arthor turned to his people, "prepare the stakes, today we send more to join my mother"

That night the clan of Scylfïng was no more, they were but the first tribe to fall in the coming week a total of four more tribes shared the same fate, with another one not only offering up the survivors but surrendering to Arthor once he made his appearance.

Once the other tribes realized this they began preparing themselves. They all realized that as Arthor's range if activities grew it was merely a matter of time before the wing maker was upon them.